Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

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May 4, 2020
Honestly, I would just love to play a big, large scope RPG world to get lost in. There hasn't really been a western AAA RPG focused on storytelling for a while, right? Andromeda wasn't very good, Fallout 76 is Fallout 76, and while games like AC: Odyssey are moving in an RPG direction, but aren't quite there (yet - maybe Valhalla will get there?). And while I've been loving some of the smaller scale stuff - Tyranny and Disco Elysium especially, I can't wait for a huge, story-dense world to get lost in.
May 4, 2020
The answer to this question, if done right, would probably not fit in this small little text box. So, in no particular sequence:
1. Romance all those who can be romanced.
2. Kill all those who can/should be killed.
3. After doing the above, reload and side with the bad guys (Hey, we all have to satisfy the dark side itch, once in a while!)
4. Hack into anything that can be hacked (AI AND human/humanoid!)
5. Walk, ride, take the train, fly to all possible destinations.
6. Lie, cheat, steal to become the richest SOB in the game . Then reload an earlier save, don my halo and attempt to be a cyberpunk-ian role model (if that's even possible)
7. Finally, become the world's meanest, weapon-trodding, hacking, drugged up son of a gun that causes NPC's to tremble in awe and their AI's to defrag as I walk by them (the question never said one has to be realistic OR reasonable, right?)
May 4, 2020
Climb to the tallest building in Night City and admire the Epic views and sounds developed by CD Projekt RED with #RTX ON!!!
May 4, 2020
I honestly want to see what CD Projekt Red did with Cyberpunk, since The Witcher 3 was such a masterpiece. I wanna feel it in its entirety and I really just love the idea of futuristic witcher-like action. Yes.
Apr 10, 2020
I really liked to explore witcher 3 world and generally go places where i shouldnt be yet, usually ended up fighting a strong monster and getting rolled, but still exploring and seeing the scenery was one of my favorite things to do and will be doing that in cyberpunk 2077. also good luck to everyone :>
May 1, 2020
Been waiting to see the whole story on this game! I love Cyberpunk theme and I can't wait to get my hands on it to try it out, having a New Graphics card would surely help build the new PC i'm gonna build for it
May 4, 2020
All I want to do, since I don't own a car, is get into a nice tuned up sports car (convertible preferably) and drive off into the sunset while listening to some trance music after a tough day of doing "legal" work and making cash with my military-grade cybernetic enhancements...
Apr 1, 2020
Wow, I am so looking forwards to this game! I have preordered and I rarely do this, in the dark times playing games and chatting to my on0-line freinds has helped greatly. A nice new graphics card would go great too... ;)
May 4, 2020
I truly can't wait to just get lost in this world. The immersion looks deep in Night City and I've had it as my desktop wallpaper for months now getting psyched for it. CDProjektRed's ability to immerse yourself in games with a mix of music, NPC chatter and dialogue, decision making and world design is like none other. I spent about 100 hours in the Witcher 3 and cant wait to put more into this.
May 4, 2020
What I'd like to do most in CP'77? Explore the world. CDP has made an amazing world in the WItcher games, and I'm looking forward to seeing their take on Dystopian Future, after spending hours exploring Fantasy Past.
May 4, 2020
I think I'm most excited for trying to do something along the lines of operating in the shadows and figuring out how to hack enemy cybernetic augmentations to my own ends... This will lead to enemies being terrified of an unseen presence in the shadows, terrified that one day their own augmentations will be turned against themselves.
Apr 21, 2020
As with any game game like this I just want to get lost in a great story while exploring the unique environments. I love looking for the little things in a open world game. All those little nooks and crannies that a dev maybe took a few more minutes building than necessary to tell a small story.

From Elder scrolls, Fallout, Horizon Zero Dawn, RDR 1-2 it really is the little stories within the overall story that I love. I feel like in most cases they are where you find the humanity and love in most games.
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