Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

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May 2, 2020
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Honestly can’t wait to jump on a bike a cruise around night city, causing havoc wherever and whenever I please. Also the thought of hacking the minds of unsuspecting victims is super intriguing. Basically going to take control and make night city my *****.
May 2, 2020
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I cannot wait to get absorbed in the masterfully crafted game that will be Cyberpunk 2077. I want nothing more than to just stare at the beautiful vistas and get immersed into what will be the new standard for role playing games.
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May 2, 2020
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What I want to see from Cyberpunk 2077 is mostly a beautiful life like world, a world where NPC's actually feel like people, they have their own experiences, jobs, characters, do some stupid things once in a while etc. I need that in order to make the Cyberpunk world feel like it could be a real one. But from the Cyberpunk bits I am most looking forward too is awesome looking rides with super sweet and bad ass interfaces inside them that will make me feel like I am in either Akira or Blade Runner (or even 5th Element a bit). A lot of weird but sensible for the Cyberpunk ads and probably few characters that represent the world in it's current state, basically like mascots of the world (looking at you Lizzy Wizzy :D ). But the one thing I need a lot to just enjoy the entire game is some kick ass music playing in the background!
May 2, 2020
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I just want a good dialogue system reminiscent of VtM and a actually diverse story tather than just 'good guy' and 'slightly less good guy' options. As for what I would do? Just fill my inventory with consumables, close the mini map if possible and just start walking towards a random direction, taking in the scenery and most likely coming across events with no guide just doing it as if it was real life.
May 2, 2020
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I really want to dive in the game and experience a hopefully amazing story. I'll probably play the game multiple times, to experience the different ways I can choose
May 2, 2020
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I want to explore the cyberpunk world. I love cyberpunk art and the opportunity to be immersed in a world styled in this way is so so exciting. I am very much looking forward to walking into a new area and being blown away by the ambiance.
May 2, 2020
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Really interested in the proposition of events or activities that will be done in 2077. When a story takes place in the future it gives the writer(s) a chance to guess the future. Art imitates life and sometimes... life will imitate art. If the setting and events, activities and outfits even the food are as interesting as the trailer shows it could bleed into the real 2077 the same way the original cyberpunk story Neuromancer did for the internet.
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