Win A Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit Signed By Mike Pondsmith!

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May 31, 2020
My first character will be a brutal gang lord, a ruthless corporate excecutive and a mad nomad driven by exile!
In other words, I'll be lucky enough to DM for my best friends!
Fingers crossed! xx
May 31, 2020
My female character would have a stealthy-sniper kind of build, Her appearance would be similar to me but a bit cooler :D
May 4, 2020
Even though I think having a corpo background might be helpful, my backstory would be a street kid because I think that’s the coolest option that suits my taste in this fluid world. The attributes I would probs focus on the most during gameplay would be body (especially melee), reflexes, intelligence, and the cool category. Overall, I’d put the most points in the body and coolness category just in case I might end up in a sticky situation in the game; those two categories might just help out the most. I would like to use physical combat in the game but dabbling in a bit of hacking here and there would be a welcome change when I want to try something new. As for the looks, I like how V looks in the 48 minute walkthrough video so I might just customize my character to look like that or if I change my mind between now and release, the character might come out looking like the one in the official cinematic trailer… I really haven’t set the looks in stone yet but I guess I’ll see where the wind takes me once I play the game and customize. Though, if I get to look like Keanu Reeves, that’d be my #1 look. Actually forget what I said about the first two character looks, I’d go with the Keanu Reeves personalization. But like bro, could you imagine if you customized your character to look like Keanu Reeves but then Johnny F****ng Silverhand comes into the gameplay… that’d be 2 Keanu Reeves… my mind just exploded right now. Just give me a sec while I refresh


But, in all honesty though I might not get a lot of body modifications cuz I don’t want my character to end up like that lady in the 2013 trailer where all sense of self is lost. I’d just specialize in guns and melee to defend innocent people in the city that need my help and just do the missions.
Jun 1, 2020
I usually go for stealthy characters, but for Cyberpunk I would go for a tech-oriented/ hacker type character who specializes in gadgets and uses them for ranged/ sneaky kills.
May 6, 2020
My ideal Cyberpunk character would be a deadly cybernetic netrunner, killing everyone in the NET, frying brains and hacking the life out of everyone who dares to cross me.
Jun 1, 2020
Thanks for that <3 My ideal caracter would be BADASS, I want to play a rebel caracter, with abilities to have some impacting choices in his development.
Jun 1, 2020
He's tall, muscular and jokey, with messy ginger hair and a rough short cut beard. He is a pro with a gun but also is opinionated and only shoots when he has to. His name would be Jay, and he would wear black and silver.
Jun 1, 2020
Cyberpunk looks awesome, like a techy digital version of Metal Gear solid, so I would have to have a Solid snake type character, stealthy and sneaky, and smart, but can also be a beast with a great team behind him. Hope the game can live up to all the hype, and Im sure it will.
Jun 1, 2020
B, the brooding jack of all trades. Mostly can be found late in the afternoon in The Afterlife bar, drinking disinterested but looking for work. Previously a Netrunner for higher though has now diversified into techie and gun for higher. You can tell it's him because of his shock of white hair and scar down his left eye sporting a red and black cyberoptic. You'll be lucky if he talks to you.
May 5, 2020
My character would be a jack of all trades. Skilled in hacking and programming he would be able to get through most of his runs unnoticed. However, with enough power to solo through a group of enemies, he would'nt be afraid to use force to achieve his goals, when he is forced to. The most important thing for me is that I can go through most quests alone, without depending on allies.
May 6, 2020
I would take full use of a flathead. Controlling this awesome spiderbot without even coming near my enemies would be my favorite thing to do. If it comes down to worst some solo abilities come in handy too. And I would have a sidecut!
Jun 1, 2020
My character would be the hacker variant of Snake Plissken, betrayed by the people around him, he is a man of few cynical words, with a tenacity to survive, willing to do what it takes to survive and come out on top.
May 27, 2020
I'm really indecisive... But prolly rockerboy. I just want to be cool and edgy and use my voice to inspire others.
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Jun 1, 2020
The character would be unassuming. Androgenous; average height, and build. Quick on their feet. Skilled in the access and use of a variety of hardware and software. Smart. Silent. Deadly. Oh and a tattoo. Base of the skull. Under the hair. It would say "the biz" or "#1" or be a smiley face. They're a good egg really. A killer, but a good egg.
Jun 1, 2020
a super tall flamboyant guy, that never gets missed by the crowd but still no one can do anything about how deadly and effective he is, and he knows it
Mar 11, 2020
My character would probs be an awkward dude who got caught up in this mess and his trying his best to just survive. Like me!
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