Win A Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit Signed By Mike Pondsmith!

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May 3, 2020
My favorite type of character is one that's a traitor to their class, so I like to imagine this corporate business person, having crawled their way up the caste system and is now living in luxury, now uses their position to fight for those underneath them, since they remember where their roots are. Throw in some netrunning skills and bam! Perfect character in my eyes.
May 30, 2020
Since I haven't played anything in the Cyberpunk universe yet, I can't really say what my ideal character would be until I've had some exposure to the setting and the mechanics.
May 30, 2020
My character would be a hacker who still wants to find out what's out in the net despite the danger of exploring it at this point in the timeline. A big fan of Rache Bartmoss and searching to see if he's still out there possibly in some digital form on the grid. Seaching for a source of where the Rabbids virus are originating from and how to stop them to restore the net to its glory days
May 30, 2020
My character would be a ghost. Never seen or detected, 0 alarms, quick assassinations. I just love that kind of stuff.
May 30, 2020
Name? Sophie Ruston
Class? Turntable Rockergirl (DJane)
Skillset? Wardrobe/Style. Her muscles are just a phone call away.
Mysterious past? Assumed to have leverage on the Metalstrom's owner, since he made her a Resident DJ in Metalstrom.
May 30, 2020
My character would be called Sairento and he would definitly be some kind of assassin with hacking skills and wielding katanas or something.
May 30, 2020
My ideal character would be a corporate spy using Hacking and Stealth to secure money to live the high life and to enjoy the great scenery, and world of Cyberpunk.
May 7, 2020
My character was raised as an experiment as a borg by one of the goverments, raised to be absolutely obedient in all matters. When he was in his teens, he got sold to Militech to pay off the goverment's debt and was turned into a "bodyguard" for one of the high level executives, but spent more time dealing with problematic individuals rather than doing any protecting.

Once he turned 20, he got outfitted with a Raven Microcybernetics Ghost FBC for it's ability to blend in with civilians while still having sufficient combat capabilities.

As for morals, he isn't cruel unless specifically ordered to act that way, he spends most of his free time thinking about philosophical questions because due to his upbringing, he's emotionally underdeveloped and essentially a "machine".

I could probably talk a lot about the details of what weapon he uses, which vehicle he prefers and such but I'm not going to since this is already long.

To sum it up, emotionally underdeveloped goverment experiment full borg bought by Militech to kill people who cause problems and spends his time thinking about life and death.
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May 30, 2020
I would be a retired cop/detective who was part of the unit in taking down cyberpsychos, but after a botched raid led to the lives of innocent civilans lost by a cyberpsycho I was removed from the force. My character would drink and live his days alone in misery, but taking on cases/quests if possible to just obtain enough EuroDollars to live by Night City and to pay off my expensive augments. Character stat build would be based off as more of a Solo (similar to Morgan Blackhand) but definitely with some cybernetic augmentations to make fighting easier, some expensive to the point I'm still paying off the augmentations years later.
May 30, 2020
My character would be light on his feet with quick shooting handguns that he duel wields also more cybernetic than man at this point form all the gunfights he has lost something in.
May 2, 2020
Ooooh man. Mine would be a badass lone wolf type character. No one would know his background or where he's from. Just that when he's around he means business. People would be afraid but at the same time he would be just and fight for the good of the people
May 30, 2020
Probably going to do the same thing I usually do in RPG's, most likely be alone most of the time, carefully slicing throats and hacking into things, while being about as Chaotic good as I can be.
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