Question Which Marvel or DC character deserves a standalone video game?

PCG Robin

Staff member
Dec 10, 2019
Can I cheat a bit with someone from Dark Horse comics? I'd love a game starring Hellboy. He's had a few games in the past but they were pretty rubbish - I'd love to see him in full next-gen glory.

Sticking more to the rules... I think Ghostrider could make for a really fun game. He's such a ridiculous, over the top character, and they could get really creative with the motorcycle sequences.
Dec 9, 2019
Well the Daredevil movie stunk out loud and the show kinda fizzled out, but I'd play a Daredevil game. BUT! I would like half the game to be the Matt Murdock stuff—being a lawyer, defending people in court, using super-senses to detect lies and solve mysteries, and then switching to Daredevil at night to swing around and kick butt. Superhero stuff is cool but games should do more to explore the secret identity side of things.


Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
Well the Daredevil movie stunk out loud and the show kinda fizzled out, but I'd play a Daredevil game. BUT! I would like half the game to be the Matt Murdock stuff—being a lawyer, defending people in court, using super-senses to detect lies and solve mysteries, and then switching to Daredevil at night to swing around and kick butt. Superhero stuff is cool but games should do more to explore the secret identity side of things.

That would be an interesting twist on a game for sure.


Staff member
Nov 25, 2019
Well the Daredevil movie stunk out loud and the show kinda fizzled out, but I'd play a Daredevil game. BUT! I would like half the game to be the Matt Murdock stuff—being a lawyer, defending people in court, using super-senses to detect lies and solve mysteries, and then switching to Daredevil at night to swing around and kick butt. Superhero stuff is cool but games should do more to explore the secret identity side of things.

This but with She-Hulk.

Just do both of them and start working on the project around 3 years ago so that I can play them tomorrow because this whole pitch is sparking endorphins.
Jan 14, 2020
If you mean a superhero: I suspect a lot of people will hate this idea, but... a Green Arrow game, set in the angsty Arrowverse world of the recent TV series, with all the supporting characters voicing their roles.

My biggest reason for picking this is I like playing characters who aren't nigh-invincible (like Superman, Wolverine or Deadpool) but for story purposes might as well be. And Batman's been done to death. And nobody seems keen to give the PC world a decent Spider-Man game.

On the other hand, if you literally just mean a Marvel or DC character: Phil Coulson, in a SHIELD game. Though that would have probably been best as a TellTale game, which I know nobody wants.

And this totally ignores the constraints of the question, but I'd like an X-Men action RPG (maybe by Bethesda or Obsidian) where you play as a no-name mutant you create, a la Freedom Force, who interacts with Professor X and the other regulars, to defeat Magneto or someone else.
Apr 1, 2020
A Blade game could be interesting. Everyone loves killing vampires.
I tend to like more obscure heroes, like Moon Knight or The Shroud. Those could be cool games if done right.
Ghost Rider as stated could be a cool choice, switching between driving mechanics and fighting.
A Damage Control game might be fun. They're the people who go in and clean up after a mega super hero battle, deal with PR, etc. Light management sim type game.
I agree with Robin about a Hellboy game. But not based on the mediocre movies, based on Mike Mignola's actual comics which were a little more seriously themed and not all bad jokes, etc.
May 5, 2020
I dunno what universe he is in but Gambit.
It would be an amazing character. Stealth, Explosions, a Big stick.

Gambit is sent to investigate a Mystery in Lousiana in a big open-world map. Where you need to search for clues, sneak into bases, and use the environment to your advantage.

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I won't be original here and I'll say Superman. It's absolutely unbelievable that we haven't seen any decent game with this superhero. It's probably due to him being very powerful, so there are problems with proper balance. But we have to remember that there's Kryptonite and it's not hard to imagine thugs equipped with bullets that contain this material. I hope we'll see a game with Superman in the upcoming generation!
May 9, 2020
Ironman - Imagine what can be done with his armor? armor updates monthly. A contest where we (the customer) would get to design a new suit....say once a year. A pod where when he throws it, it wraps around a human to protect them from whatever villain is threatening them at the time. or........dare i say it.................A world beater is bearing down on Earth and tony finally unleashes it..............................................................................A suit of armor around the world!!!! Id buy that in a heartbeat!!!
Guys, they're obviously STILL releasing trash games that are made from comics or movies. The problem isn't what hero they pick, it's how they're made. It will likely only get worse after what COVID has done to the world market and economy, so don't get your hopes up. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is what it is.

Even a lot of the movies have considerably gone south lately. I just watched WW84, and it was nowhere near as good as WW2017. This stretches far beyond Marvel/DC too. I mean look how bad the Star Wars films have gotten since Disney took over. It's not just COVID that has FUBARed our entertainment either, it's SJWs.
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Umm,... How bad the games are? Battlefront, and a few others are highly popular. I wish people would stop thinking, I hate it so it must suck, verse i just don';t like it. Skyrim is a great game, and i loath it. It's not a bad game, but i think it sucks. 4-5m people playing something must mean it's fairly decent. Sorta like how i love many indy games that i think party 20k people played.
Am I really putting made from comic/movie games in a box, or are you desperately trying to put me in one? Look, all I said is trash made from comics/movies games are still being made, I never said they ALL were. It's just that the percentage of bad ones still seems to outweigh the few good ones. Personally I enjoyed Jedi Fallen Order and the last Battlefront game, as well as Terminator Resistance, but I've played FAR more bad ones than good, and even ones that get fairly big budgets and talented teams, like Marvel Avengers, are pretty horrible. Usually, the more non movie/comic canon the game, the more likely it won't suck, but that's not always the case.