Where are all the Star Trek fans?

PCG Joanna

Hardware Staff Writer
Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
TNG is my favorite ST series, so to see so many characters come back for a new series is exciting to me.

So, anyone planning on watching the premier of Star Trek Picard tomorrow? Are you excited? Apprehensive? Which ST series do you like the best?
Jan 14, 2020
I'm a bit "eh" about that pull-back reveal at the end of episode one (no spoilers), but otherwise I liked the premiere. (There was one other bit I didn't care for, but this isn't a "what would you have done differently" thread.) I look forward to all of the episodes coming out so I can binge them during a CBS All Access 1-week trial that I'll forget to cancel and be charged a month for!

Edit to add: I'm a Star Trek quasi-fan; I liked TOS and TNG, but I never got into DS9, only a couple episodes of Voyager, one episode of Enterprise, and zero episodes of Discovery. But I'm a sucker for Patrick Stewart.
Edit to add: I'm a Star Trek quasi-fan; I liked TOS and TNG, but I never got into DS9, only a couple episodes of Voyager, one episode of Enterprise, and zero episodes of Discovery. But I'm a sucker for Patrick Stewart.
Enterprise Season 4 is some of the best quality Trek ever to be aired. The problem is you have to sit through the substandard Seasons 1 and 2 and the average Season 3 to get to and appreciate it.

Discovery is mostly very good, unless you just hate plot arcs.
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Jan 14, 2020
Life long Star Trek fan here! :)

I'm (re)watching the entire franchise with my older son now. We're halfway through S1 of TOS. He's really enjoying the story lines so far. The goofy special effects from the 60's and campy acting is a bonus.

Maybe by the time we get to "Picard" the show will be on Netflix.

-=- Boris
Dec 9, 2019
The original Kirk series and films (William Shatner) were the best, because it had never been done before.

I'm a Patrick Stewart fan, and TNG is ok, but I still prefer the original.
I'm currently binging every Star Trek before i watch Picard, I've made it through the original series and the original cast movies and am currently on TNG season 3 episode 18.
I'm sure I can finish them all before the end of the year, although It is daunting how many episodes exist.
I never had the chance to watch these when younger but I did watch Discovery and The most recent movies,
The original season was good but i'm enjoying TNG much more, it has les banter than the original but i really like it charm and humour, also how most situations aren't solved punching or shooting everyone to death but instead it's by talking and learning, it's great.
I'm currently binging every Star Trek before i watch Picard, I've made it through the original series and the original cast movies and am currently on TNG season 3 episode 18.
I'm sure I can finish them all before the end of the year, although It is daunting how many episodes exist.
Are you not watching them all in chronological order? Roughly, that would be:

Ent > Disco > TOS TV > TAS > TOS mov > TNG (TV) > DS9 > Voy > TNG mov > Pic

At a minimum, to really appreciate Picard you should have seen Disco, TNG (TV + mov), and Voy. But to appreciate Disco and TNG you should have seen TOS (TV + mov). And there are also references in Picard to Ent, DS9, and even to TAS! [Anyone else notice the reference to a certain species of feline aliens from TAS and Ringworld in the most recent Picard episode, Nepenthe?] So to be sure you should just watch it all.
@Hveðrungr I'm using this list here:

I couldn't watch them in chronological order as the quality of each series would be too inconsistent
I'm enjoying the way i've decided to watch them, I've already seen Discovery in fact it was my first full star trek series, I'm prefer TNG more so far.


Community Contributor
I love Q! The most annoyingly lovable character of them all Just watched the episode where he loses his powers and in that episode, he shows another interesting side of himself.
"It's difficult to work in a group when you're omnipotent!" Used that as my signature back in my more humble days. ;)

Q was an interesting character all right. What gets me is all the gruff he got from the crew. Without Q, they would have never had a clue anything was seriously wrong at Farpoint Station. Q gave them an early look at the Borg, too. And the last episode... well, the whole cause & effect thing gets a little crazy in that one but he was clearly helping things along.


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