Disco is a great pick! One of my favorites from last year. It may be a little early to say if it will stand the test of time but I believe it will. I think the reason I didn't mention it comes down to what I said in another thread about Disco. It is a cRPG but I don't think this is the genre it will have a lasting impact on. I think it's more likely to skew the future of visual novels and adventure games than the huge family of RPGs.
I hope you're wrong about that, but you're probably right. I dont usually like point and click games. There was an article on the site around when Disco came out
That got me thinking about how the Infinity engine RPG's used the D&D structure like in Baldurs Gate. Lawful Good, Chaotic evil and all the other variations. rather then expanding on that others streamlined it to good, bad, and neutral mostly and stayed there.
The first Witcher game was an interesting variation because quite often all of your choices were bad, which I hadn't experienced in a game myself before that, shame that the game itself wasn't great. The other two were better games of course, even if I may be edgy and say, they ended up a little Ubisoft in the end There are probably others, I've missed?
I understand that ZA/UM had spent 15 years working on the rule set and world building for what they originally meant as a tabletop game. It really shows.
The game really made me think at several different points. That's a rare thing across all forms of media let alone in games.