What are your most anticipated, or hoped for, game releases in 2023?


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Seems like PCG usually does an article on "The Most Anticipated Games of (year)", but I don't remember seeing one, and as we're nearing the end of 2022, I thought I'd ask what games you guys (just for definition, I often use the slang term "you guys" to represent everyone and is not exclusive to males) are anticipating (confirmed releases) or hopeful for (unconfirmed) in 2023.

It feels like a lot of games got bumped from 2022 into 2023, more so than in years past, and while it can seem disappointing at the time, I think it's better to delay a game than to release it in an unfinished state. Better yet, would be to not announce a release date at all until the game is as polished as possible. Games are so complex these days, so some bugs will always popup on new releases, and patches will be issued; there's no way around that, but a bit more refinement in the process would be appreciated.

There are often games, often Indie games, that pop into existence in any given year, but there's no way to anticipate them. I also don't buy many new releases during the course of any given year, but these are my most anticipated or hoped for releases that I know exist:

Confirmed releases (at this point):

My most anticipated game since Skyrim, thousands of hours of gameplay await me. There will be bugs. I know & accept that, and there will be patches; plus Bethesda games have a huge and talented modding community to make the game even better.

Baldur's Gate 3
Minsc is back! And so is Jaheira, so the game may feel more like a Baldur's Gate game and less of a Divinity game. I have a few concerns in that area, but I know it will be an excellent party-based RPG.

Unconfirmed 2023 releases that I'm hopeful for:

First person RPG set in the Pillars of Eternity universe. I have no idea where Obsidian is at in the development stage as we haven't heard much about it, but if they can make it as complex as POE 1 & 2, and less like Outer Worlds, it could be a great RPG in the vein of Skyrim. No Steam page yet, just a link to the Avowed page:
Avowed (obsidian.net)

The Wayward Realms
OnceLost Games studio is making an ambitious RPG (hopefully not overly ambitious) in the vein of the ES Arean & Daggerrfall, directed by the lead developers by the aforementioned games. If they can pull it off, it could be one of those sleeper RPG hits.

Outcast 2 - A New Beginning
As a fan of the original Outcast, I'm really hopeful for this game, though I haven't heard much about it lately. The first Outcast was kind of a hybrid game; part RPG, part Action, part Adventure game. More of a cult classic with a dedicated following (much like the Piranha Bytes games are), but it was a really fun game.

And the original game, though it's a remake and called Outcast - Second Contact:

Cautiously Hopefuls, but with lingering concerns:

Gothic 1 Remake

The Gothic games from Piranha Bytes are some of my favorite hardcore RPGs from the past and I'm hopeful for the remake of Gothic 1. But as it's being made by a different studio, I have lingering concerns that they will capture the same feeling.

System Shock (Remake)
Supposedly set for release in March of 2023, but it's had so many delays over the years, as well as a lack of communication from NightDive Studios, that I approach this with extreme caution. I hope it ends up being great, but it's definitely one of those games that I'll have to read a few reviews first.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
If you want a month-by-month 2023 release schedule, PCG has that.

anticipating (confirmed releases)
Nothing stands out, but I'll peek at:
Atomic Heart
Company of Heroes 3
Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl
Assassin's Creed: Mirage
The Great War: Western Front
Homeworld 3
Tempest Rising
Of those, Tempest Rising and Stalker 2 are probably the ones I'm most interested in—a classic RTS and a classic shooter sequel.

hopeful for (unconfirmed) in 2023
Civilization 7
Tiberian Sun & Red Alert 2 Remaster
Half Life 3
…VERY unconfirmed, but I can hope, right? :)


Community Contributor
Game RELEASES of 2023, not games I'm hoping to play in 2023. That's a pretty different list. ;)

Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3 for sure. The Invincible might show up by then, too, and I do love me some Lem. Gothic 1 and System Shock 1 have a good chance. I'll probably play Star Wars Jedi: Survivor at some point. The soon-to-come-X4 expansion will get played for sure.

Wayward Realms is still hanging out there with a "Soon" release date. No clue if that will be next year or a few years away.

And maybe Star Citizen: Squad 42 will show up. (Hey, there's a chance!)
Definitely Starfield. Even if my wife and I play it only half as much as Skyrim, that would still give us hundreds of hours of entertainment. Considering the increased scope of Starfield, it's quite possible we'll play it at least as much as Skyrim. This is the game I'm willing to upgrade my PC for just to play it.

Company of Heroes 3 looked very interesting from the article I read about it a while ago, but unless my friends buy it and ask me to play with them I'll probably wait until it's heavily discounted.

Kerbal Space Program 2 might become one of my most anticipated games, depending on how addicted I get when the first game is given away for free on Epic next week.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Game RELEASES of 2023, not games I'm hoping to play in 2023. That's a pretty different list. ;)
It is very different. My intent was (and sometimes my words don't communicate my thoughts as well as I'd like) to differentiate between those games confirmed for 2023 and those with no release date but might possibly be released in 2023, like those games with the dreaded "Coming Soon" tag in Steam.

Considering the increased scope of Starfield, it's quite possible we'll play it at least as much as Skyrim. This is the game I'm willing to upgrade my PC for just to play it.
That's a game that I would consider upgrading my PC for as well, a lot depends on what the minimum and recommended specs are going to be, I haven't seen anything about those so far.

forums won't let me post a blank post
You just bought a brand-new graphics card! There must be some game, somewhere that you want to try that new card out on? Please don't tell me Sacred 2:).

i doubt this will happen any time soon but i would like to see forbidden west made for the pc version of horizon zero dawn.
Sony has been pretty nice lately, porting a lot of their PlayStation exclusives to the PC, so I think it will eventually happen. Nothing is officially confirmed yet, but there do seem to be some credible rumors:
Is Horizon Forbidden West coming to PC? (apptrigger.com)


Community Contributor
Starfield (Day 1)
RE4 Remake
Hogwarts Legacy (maybe. depends on reviews)
Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria
Sons of the Forest (Day 1)
Ark 2 (Day 1)
Forever Skies (Day 1)
Nightingale (Day 1)
(eventually) Kerbal Space Program 2 (sorry in advance, little Kerbals)
(maybe) Suicide Squad
House Flipper 2 (as PC Gamer incorrectly calls it, gentrification simulator--in reality, if you try to turn the game into that, you lose money) (Day 1)
(maybe) Test Drive Unlimited

There are also dozens of indie games I'm tracking, but I have no idea when they are releasing or whether I'll actually buy them or not.
My most anticipated game for 2023 is TES: VI. I just know they're going to pull it off for Holiday 2023. It's gonna be my Christmas miracle. :LOL:

I'm a tad old to be interested in Harry Potter but I'm really keen to play Hogwarts Legacy.
I'm not a Harry Potter fan, but you're never too old for whatever you like. Heck, I'm 50, and I watched Rudolph this year...and I probably would have even if I didn't have a 13 year old son who is probably on the border of being old enough to be embarrassed to watch it. :)

That is very hopeful news. If they're really working on it, I hope it doesn't take them too long.
I'm not a Harry Potter fan, but you're never too old for whatever you like. Heck, I'm 50, and I watched Rudolph this year...and I probably would have even if I didn't have a 13 year old son who is probably on the border of being old enough to be embarrassed to watch it. :)

That is very true. I like it a similar amount as the Matrix or Star Wars. I find most people my age agree with the latter 2 but not Harry Potter. Though, as you say, matters not :)


On a Journey
You just bought a brand-new graphics card! There must be some game, somewhere that you want to try that new card out on? Please don't tell me Sacred 2
Okay, i won't. Its obviously not that game.
I need to run 3d mark before I swap to compare scores. That isn't real reason either.
I went through this 2 years ago when I got a new PC. Its not going to be Torchlight 2 either as it was at max already.

My desire for a GPU was an irrational one. It was not based on wanting to play some game. Or needing to replace a part
It was more - I want something new but I don't know what.
I looked at CPU as well, but it was equally not really an essential upgrade.
5800X3D is only really good for games, the 5800X is faster at it in other things. MY current CPU is faster than it is in some things.
Everything else in PC was fine. So getting a "spare" GPU was good enough.
then I rationalised it by saying:
  • Well, it lets me play games at 1440p at 144hz which is what my monitor can do but current GPU can't.
  • It supports Freesync so no tearing, as does the last 2 monitors I own.
  • it supports Resizable Bar which my old GPU doesn't
  • the rgb on the model will brighten up a dark area of my pc. (this was a coincidence after I had bought it)
  • wanting to retire my 2070 Super before it stopped working. This goes back to 2020 when it was impossible to get any of them. Wanting a spare GPU seemed like good insurance against the future. Now I have a spare PSU as well. That wasn't part of the plan really. That made me sad as nothing wrong with current one except it would likely not work well with new GPU. I didn't want to risk it. Better to just bite bullet and be safe.

If I knew Diablo 4 wasn't going to be garbage I could say it was why, but I expect it won't stress out PC. There are a few other games I might look at that were mentioned in rpg threads in the last year.

I also have to finish the course I have been doing for a year so I can't think about games right now. I have 3 tests in the next month I have to do. One tomorrow.

I had always wanted the fans that took me a week to get right. that was hardly an upgrade though. It wasn't enough to satisfy the desire for something new.

I don't anticipate anything from new games this year except more ways to take our money and less actual game in the package. I hope I am wrong but I have my doubts. Its sad that just as graphics reach a spot they are really good, that instead of working out new ways to make game fun, they instead working out new ways to make you keep paying. I had always hoped gameplay would be remembered at that point but I guess that was me being optimistic and wishful thinking.

I might play diablo 2 again but from memory its new version isn't a massive stretch. None of my games really stress out the GPU. I should find something other than benchmarks to test it out...
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This is a tough one for me. I feel like I can't keep track of all the games coming out next year because 2023 is looking like it'll be stacked. I'm much more down on Starfield than I expected to be, so I'm not particularly excited about it. I'll wait and see what the reviews are and go from there. I think my most anticipated game is Avowed, but it isn't even confirmed to be releasing in 2023 and they've provided almost nothing about the game in quite some time.

I am interested in Diablo IV, but naturally I'm skeptical given that Blizzard hasn't exactly been hitting home runs lately. I already own Baldur's Gate 3 and I'm definitely looking forward to 1.0 coming out later this year. I'll also shout out Jedi: Survivor as I really enjoyed Fallen Order and what they've shown of it so far looks very promising. I'm sure there's a number of games I'm forgetting about because there's already so many confirmed for 2023.