Being other games, I would name are already on the list or some of the series. I will say Saints Row The Third- Steam near 1000 hours. SRTT was fun and 2 player co-op, though only the host got rewards etc. It was more fun playing against each other while in a normal play through and fighting the bots or Ginky, or break from each other kill the bots, then while not thinking, again kill each other. The game was not meant for 1vs1 or while fighting playing the normal co-op play through. Big fun. Awesome good times.
Aso Fallout 4- Steam over 3000 hours. Fallout 3- disc over 3500 hours. Fallout NV- Steam about 500 hours. I do not much use VATS other than a screen or maybe slomo in a game play video. Melee kind of sucks, swing, your character takes a second or 2 to react, but gun play is not bad. I love the lore and large worlds. It is almost a toss-up between 3 or 4 as my fav of the 2- maybe 4 because of the settlement building crafting. I have them all on Steam other than FO76. I also have all of the Skyrim type games but only like 4 hours between those, again poor melee combat imo like FO games mentioned above.
Games I would have posted are STALKER SOC- disc about 7000 hours maybe 50/50 nilla and mod. Stalker SOC or the others in the series are maybe the harder games. I always played on the hardest level, but you can only kill everything in the game with head shots, and not always just 1 shot kills. So your aim gets pretty good with only head shots and carried over to every other game I play. I wait the Stalker 2, but if an Epic exclusive I might not ever buy it. I normally skip such hate for Steam games, or wait until they are in a bundle with 9 other games for maybe 5 dollars or when the game goty is on steam for like 5 dollars. Unreal Tournament 2004- over 8000 hours mostly MP TDM and the Rankin map- but like SP and a few of the other modes also. Borderlands- disc about 3500 hours both SP and Co-op. BL2- Steam about 1000 hours mostly SP. I also have these on Steam. I am disabled, can sit here and play most days 15 or more hours a day. These days I mostly play SP. I will sometimes play 2 player co-op with girl friends on Steam or a few of us maybe 6 total play something like Killing floor or KF2. I got away from most all MP and strangers because of the cheating, and is in all of those type games, well better than half playing use the cheat programs. So why bother. If we can set up private server or listen servers and invite only our friends, we like to do so.
I lost all my disc games in a house fire, over 400 games lost in fire. So some games I also have on steam have way fewer hours than I actually played. I have near 1600 on Steam alone but have others and some same games on EA Uplay RockStar etc. I have never played a console or use a controller. I build my own Gaming PC's. I like taking posting Screen Shots and Recording my game play and making Animated Gifs from my game play videos etc. My Youtube is a free account- I being disabled and on SSDI am not allowed to make side money. I make no money off my game play vids- they are just for fun or help or like walk throughs. I touched a PC for the first time in 2004 when I became disabled. A friend was on a mac playing Unreal Tournament 2003-4? I thought it was really cool- He showed me a few things and set me up a yahoo account. A few months later 3ish from reading on net, I built my first PC. My first 2 games I bought played was Unreal Tournament 2004 and Halflife2. This year December, I will be on Steam 19+ years.
I hope you all have a great day/ night and have fun