What is an "action RPG"?

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Race...erm... species...
If they are different species, then how do we get half-elves and half-orcs? ;)
Yes, combat is a big part of the D&D experience, but say to it's only a combat system sells it short.
I think it depends on the DM. Back in high school, we saw the roleplaying and character development as just getting in the way of the fun. Playing was essentially just battle, recover, battle, recover, over and over. (Though it was turn based, which rules out action in my book.)
If they are different species, then how do we get half-elves and half-orcs?
I think it depends on the DM. Back in high school, we saw the roleplaying and character development as just getting in the way of the fun. Playing was essentially just battle, recover, battle, recover, over and over.
That's more the wants or maturity of the group. Just because you only use combat doesn't mean the system itself is only for combat.

(Though it was turn based, which rules out action in my book.)

Nah, if you break down the D&D rule set to nothing but a combat system you're playing it wrong. Sure, combat heavily features, but the rules specify how a player can use their character to interact and influence the world through more than just combat. Race...erm... species, and class partially determine the role the player wants their character to have. So do the abilities they pick (skills, feats, spells, etc) as well as the setting itself.

Yes, combat is a big part of the D&D experience, but say to it's only a combat system sells it short.

I agree it's not only a combat system. But 90% of racial abilities, class features, feats and spells mostly affect combat. Skills are the only exception. While most of them can be used during combat, most of the examples of their use are for role-playing and that's where you'll use them most often.


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When I played D&D during my high school days (I haven't played since), the role playing was confined to making game decisions that corresponded with our alignments. I still consider that role playing, though.

This is also the way I would play it today, and maybe why I haven't played in many years. I have no interest in "getting into character" and acting like I'm in the game or doing some sort of method acting.
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I stumbled upon this article:

In arguing about why D&D isn't a RPG, the writer first defines what he thinks a RPG actually is and I agree with his definition.

It's both or one or the other. It's a rule set. I have no clue about today's rules, but the original game you could play for hours on end and never have a single combat encounter. there are also rules for so many non combat things, which is why I prefer the origional. the new rules are basically for computer games and actually much more limited that the origional books

You could also just play combat encounter dice game for two days strait

I personally like a 75%rp, 25% combat as a good ratio. To much combat bores me and having less makes it far more meaningful. I'd live to see an entire game have like 5/10 total fights. Right now a ratio like that would be more likely in an adventure game though
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Feb 26, 2025
I've played a lot of JRPGs, but aren't they mostly linear and storytelling? I know there's probably a lot of run-ins in it, but I feel like it's mostly between the obligatory storylines, and generally there's not a lot of freedom in the narrative. The only game I've played in recent years is Ninokuni, so I don't really know.
I'd love to try Metaphor: Refantazio because it's a bit cheap. Not sure if Atlus' game fits the same rough model as Final Fantasy.


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I've played a lot of JRPGs, but aren't they mostly linear and storytelling? I know there's probably a lot of run-ins in it, but I feel like it's mostly between the obligatory storylines, and generally there's not a lot of freedom in the narrative.
Well, it was. Or maybe there would be a bunch of sidequests, but they weren't right in your face, so a whole lot of people missed them. When I first played the original Final Fantasy 7, I missed a whole bunch of things, but didn't know that I had until I read a walk-through on GameFaqs. I figured chocobo training was just a silly little mini-game, I didn't know you could get access to inaccessible places with different colored birds - and who is this Vincent person!?

I haven't noticed so much of it lately. Side-quests abound, some good, some not, same as any other RPG. I suppose that could be my own game choices, but that's what I've been seeing.
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