What is actually so "great" with Multiplayer-Games and why are there people being so "attached" to them?

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TenCent already increased their stake in UBI in a roundabout way a week or so ago.

Edit: Which is probably why theyre announcing a lot of nonsense, stocks fell 20% after that, apparently.
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TenCent already increased their stake in UBI in a roundabout way a week or so ago.

Edit: Which is probably why theyre announcing a lot of nonsense, stocks fell 20% after that, apparently.
Tencent was courted by Ubisoft to buy a portion of their stock specifically because it makes it more difficult for other companies to take them over.
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One of the reasons people use multiplayer is to chat with others but in recent years chatrooms have got full of toxic keyboard heros , The only game i have ever used where chatroom was monitored and closed if things got out of hand was age of mythology .... and that was 20 years ago. .....I no longer do pc multiplayer

The only game i do chat on now is an android game called world at arms , i have used it for the past 10 years and during the last 2 years people i will never meet have helped me through difficult times , the good thing is that it has a whisper mode so you can do 1 to 1 chat with somebody if idiots are in main chat


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So what is this about Netflix putting games out? Are they getting a game service, or something?

I was going to log into Netflix and see what was up, but I don't know our password. I do know they have games now that are included with your subscription and that you have to download them as opposed to streaming them. Here's some other posts we've had on it if you're interested.

Some or all of these games may actually be mobile games. If I ever get my password, I'll let you know.

Edit: They are all phone games playable on android or iphone.
Hello Zed we meet again , some android games are hard to use on a tablet or smart phone so i put a program called bluestacks on my pc , this let you run android games that you get from google play


Sep 5, 2022
Mobile Games.🥴🤢🤮

I´d rather buy that piece of Valve-Propaganda plastic-crap called "Steamdeck" with playing my pc-games on it than wasting one second on those mobile "games" stuttering along on my crappy *smartphone.

*i got it mainly to phonecall other people (mankind probably forgot that those are actually here for this in the first place!) and to surf the net if i am really bored somewhere, so a "crappy" smartphone is all i need and honestly too much already, i´d still would be happy to just own one of them old cellphones but i prefer not to be the laughingstock on the streets.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Ubi-Soft at its best
Ubi announced a couple of years ago that it was going to pursue the in-your-face gouging route alongside the usual AAA less obvious gouging. With all its ownership nasty gym sticks over the last ~7 years, who knows what kind of sell-your-soul deals they've had to make with various investment wolves?

they don't want to be purchased, so I would be surprised
Very true, but things may have changed—they've been under a lot of pressure. Not just the scandals, but their sales have generally underperformed compared to rivals—their 2021 revenue is around 1/20th of Tencent's, for example. So they're a small fish in the AAA pond, which makes them inherently vulnerable. Tencent aren't being nice guys just for the fun of it, that's for sure.

The general thing for gamers to remember is that when companies are public, it's all a money game—investors demand a return, and will make a company and its management suffer if it doesn't materialize to their satisfaction. Game quality, customer service, attentiveness to gamers—all such are in play only if they're seen to help the finances.

Whereas private companies and Indies are free to be closer to the gaming community, if such is their ethos.


Sep 5, 2022
The general thing for gamers to remember is that when companies are public, it's all a money game—investors demand a return, and will make a company and its management suffer if it doesn't materialize to their satisfaction. Game quality, customer service, attentiveness to gamers—all such are in play only if they're seen to help the finances.

Whereas private companies and Indies are free to be closer to the gaming community, if such is their ethos.

THAT´s exactly what i mostly tend to forget about (well..no one is perfect! lol), when ranting, spitting and cursing onto the industry and/or certain AAA-Devs/Publishers!

So well, of course the whole "game" is far more complicated...especially more complicated than it was back those days when everything in the gaming-industry was fresh and new while being relatively easy to make something "new", rather than warming up the same old formula as UBI or others are doing it since years.

I also have no clue why i always have to bring up UBI as the "black sheep" of publishers, i mean i still love FC and AC, even when it´s always the same, and when i think of ROCKSTAR, they´re basically as well are just making basically the same GTA after another, with mostly just characters and time-epochs changing.
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Tencent aren't being nice guys just for the fun of it, that's for sure.
I hate to disagree, but Tencent is, in fact, being the nice guys since Ubisoft asked them to purchase part of their crappy company in order to make takeovers less likely. This latest round of stock purchases was the continuation of their original stock purchase when Vivendi was jockeying for a hostile takeover several years ago. If I remember correctly, there was a bottom and a top limit to how much Tencent was in for over a certain number of years.

From Bloomberg: Ubisoft Entertainment SA shares sank 12% in Paris after Chinese gaming giant Tencent Holdings Ltd. raised its stake, which analysts said could put a full takeover on the back burner.

And, also, you are additionally INCORRECT (BOOM!) on it being all about the money with Ubisoft (sorry, was enjoying myself for a minute there :p ), but only because Yves G is the original founder of the company, owns a lot of stock, and wields absolute power there. They have fought tooth and nail to avoid being taken over the last few years, with Yves buying more and more stock back, making agreements with Tencent, and even, if the Motley Fool is to be believed, working in some poison pills into their management contracts. I can 100 percent assure you they do not want to be taken over.

*performs victory twerk and hip thrusts*

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
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