Question What are the best methods to Play Games?

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Nov 27, 2022
Don't roll your eyes. This is very much a newbe question (even though I'm an oldbe). Let me try to explain. Yesterday while playing around with Nvidia Experience, I learned how easy it is to make in-game videos, or even screen recording in general. It's probably general knowledge to most of you, but having not grown up in the digital age I basically learn things on a "need to know basis". If I feel I need to know something, I'll learn it, otherwise it gets tossed onto one of my many back burners.

So now that I've belatedly learned how to create videos, how do I post or link them to share; say like in a forum like this? I have Imgur for still images, but it doesn't seem to accept videos. Do I need to subscribe to yet another site like YouTube or Vimeo to upload the videos and then link them?


Jun 7, 2021
Yes, you need to use a site like YT to host your content.

However, you can't link monetized content to PCG. That will result in getting banned from the site.

What is your intent for sharing these videos?
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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

We don't have the option to host files on our site, if that's what you're asking. You can provide a link to your content though considering you're a newcomer to the site, you might want to read through the guide in my sig space to understand what your limitations as a newcomer to the forums, is/are.

To add to my colleague's post, above, we don't have any need to know about game updates or videos pertaining to said updates.
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Don't roll your eyes. This is very much a newbe question (even though I'm an oldbe). Let me try to explain. Yesterday while playing around with Nvidia Experience, I learned how easy it is to make in-game videos, or even screen recording in general. It's probably general knowledge to most of you, but having not grown up in the digital age I basically learn things on a "need to know basis". If I feel I need to know something, I'll learn it, otherwise it gets tossed onto one of my many back burners.

So now that I've belatedly learned how to create videos, how do I post or link them to share; say like in a forum like this? I have Imgur for still images, but it doesn't seem to accept videos. Do I need to subscribe to yet another site like YouTube or Vimeo to upload the videos and then link them?
Welcome aboard the PCGamer ship Henry! ;)

Yes, YouTube is pretty much the best free video hosting site, and there's no cap on the size or amount of videos you can host. A lot of forums now, including this one, also make it easy to post embedded links of the videos, just by pasting it's URL. As COLGeek said though, avoid spam posts that are self promoting, especially if you make any amount of money on them from YouTube.

Other than that, if you want your videos to not be degraded by YouTube's lower end processing used for 1080p and less videos that don't received LOTS of views, consider resizing them to 1440p while editing and compressing them, as anything 1440p or higher res is automatically given VP9 processing by YouTube. For that I use a free open source tool called Avidemux.

If you need a few pointers on how to setup Avidemux, just ask. I don't advise uploading large uncompressed videos to YouTube though, as they can have problems buffering a lot when people view them, which can considerably cut down on how many views they get. And don't feel bad about being naïve or old. I got a late start in gaming myself. When I started posting videos I was so bad at it I got a lot of criticism. Now I am a fairly seasoned gamer at 64, and have learned a lot of useful tricks with video making.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Sadly, Henry2050 is now permanently banned. His post was a direct copy of @mainer's post from last January:

I'm leaving the thread open since it's had some useful content added :)
Dec 15, 2022
Don't roll your eyes. This is very much a newbe question (even though I'm an oldbe). Let me try to explain. Yesterday while playing around with Nvidia Experience, I learned how easy it is to make in-game videos, or even screen recording in general. It's probably general knowledge to most of you, but having not grown up in the digital age I basically learn things on a "need to know basis". If I feel I need to know something, I'll learn it, otherwise it gets tossed onto one of my many back burners.

So now that I've belatedly learned how to create videos, how do I post or link them to share; say like in a forum like this? I have Imgur for still images, but it doesn't seem to accept videos. Do I need to subscribe to yet another site like YouTube or Vimeo to upload the videos and then link them?

Aww, Such kind of questions are also arise in my mind while playing. So, did you get an answer about that or not?
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