Hi, I just bought The Sims 3 Supernatural, but when I tried to downloaded, it said installation error everytime. What should I do, please help.
Hi, I just bought The Sims 3 Supernatural, but when I tried to downloaded, it said installation error everytime. What should I do, please help.
Downloaded from whhttps://www.eneba.com/origin-the-sims-3-supernatural-origin-key-global/city-of-gamers?product=digital¤cy=EUR&utm_adid=&utm_campaign=&utm_content=&utm_source=google-ads&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzby1BhCQARIsAJ_0t5OR-VCLkxa10FVgymAgBF92V_iKj9cYcXFgVBcSovIIPNibh2iisVQaAsnfEALw_wcB
Yes, I tried contact EA help center, but nobody answered me yet. I dont think there is a problem with the page I downloaded the app, because they just gave me the code for the game, and that code worked, but in the installation process something is being wrong idk why.Have you contacted the manufacturer or retailer?
Perhaps try buying it from a better site? its possible the key is the problem.Hi, I just bought The Sims 3 Supernatural, but when I tried to downloaded, it said installation error everytime. What should I do, please help.
Eneba doesn't sell games. Eneba allows people to sell their keys or gift cards through them. Any such site should be avoided, because you can never be sure the key you buy has been paid for with a stolen credit card or such. Just read the FAQ or support section of sites where the games appear to be to cheap to be true. If, like Eneba, they have over two dozen guides on how to activate your gift card or key, stay clear. Any legit store won't need to provide you with guides, because what they sell you will just work.
No, I have other add-ons that I downloaded and they work, but I bought them like 10 years agoHave you had issues with any other games? Have you tried downloading a new version, in case the first one was corrupted in somno, I have other add-ons that I downloaded and they work