Are you using satisfactory since 1.0 update

C'mon Zed i know your gonna read this.

I downloaded the update and this is what happened.

On steam ... after clicking play i see SATISFACTORY and the spinning circle then the crash to desktop.
A few players said put -vulkan into properties box so i tried it.
As you can see from the screen shot my drone ports are black silhouettes and othe building you cant see are the same.
Look at the coloured tiles around the space elevator , they should be white , wrong colours around all machines.


Their are so many entries on q and a and on steam that a lot of the threads have been locked , i dont know how many bugs i will find as their is no point in using the game until some sort of patches are released.

QUESTION .... where did it all go wrong .... Snutt put some videos on youtube with mini layouts showing new machines , no wrong colours , everything working and no crashes ???


Community Contributor
Vulcan tends to put less stress on the CPU than DirectX does. Games that have to do a lot of thinking (and Satisfactory sounds like just such a game) can gain a lot by using it.

Support for it is in the video drivers so it isn't like you really need to get any special updates. Just make sure you video drivers are fresh.
Thanks for replies so here's a quick update on progress , as you can see i got shitty colours from vulkan.
I have updated driver but the game still crashes when trying to launch using dx12 in the games menu , it runs ok if i put -dx11 in the games properties tab in my steam games list.

I spent the last couple of years farming somer sloop[ and mercer spheres , the somersloop are great for boosting production so that you dont have to rip something apart and start a better version of a production line. .... that said i always do overkill .... make more of every machine i need to use and just turn them off if not required.

Looking forward to when i can unlock teleports because i have factories on every part of the map and hypertubes are just too slow.


Community Contributor
C'mon Zed i know your gonna read this.

I downloaded the update and this is what happened.

On steam ... after clicking play i see SATISFACTORY and the spinning circle then the crash to desktop.
A few players said put -vulkan into properties box so i tried it.
As you can see from the screen shot my drone ports are black silhouettes and othe building you cant see are the same.
Look at the coloured tiles around the space elevator , they should be white , wrong colours around all machines.


Their are so many entries on q and a and on steam that a lot of the threads have been locked , i dont know how many bugs i will find as their is no point in using the game until some sort of patches are released.

QUESTION .... where did it all go wrong .... Snutt put some videos on youtube with mini layouts showing new machines , no wrong colours , everything working and no crashes ???
Sorry, I haven't been around much the last week. I've been playing Satisfactory quite a bit and haven't had any bugs. It's working great as usual. You don't have any mods installed, do you?