@mainer You mentioned you were worried about the history of development on the game, so here's the development timeline for DO: Dreadwolf which I found elsewhere (TweakTown.com). I also added a few of my own entries:
2015 - Dragon Age enters development in project codenamed "Joplin," would focus on Tevinter spies
April 2016 - Mark Darrah teases the new Dragon Age with a cryptic red book
March 2017 - Mass Effect Andromeda releases, critical flop damages BioWare's reputation
May 2017 - Sunless Sea writer Alexis Kennedy confirms they're contributing on the new Dragon Age, strongly hints Tevinter is the main setting
June 2017 - The game is canceled by Electronic Arts
July 2017 - BioWare GM Aaryn Flynn leaves after 17 years with the company
October 2017 - BioWare reboots the game to focus strongly on monetization and live services, aka codenamed "Morrison," causing creative director Mike Laidlaw to leave after 14 years with BioWare
September 2018 - BioWare talks about "live storytelling" during a PAX West panel, hints Dragon Age 4 would use online live services for game stories
December 2018 - BioWare releases first Dragon Age 4 teaser
February 2019 - Anthem releases, devs move over to Dragon Age as skeleton team upholds live services/works on Anthem reboot
September 2019 - GM Casey Hudson confirms DA4 is only in pre-production phases
October 2019 - EA says Dragon Age 4 won't release until after Fiscal Year 2022 (April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022)
November 2019 - After several SP Star Wars games cancellations, Vince Zepella and Respawn Entertainment release Star Wars Fallen Order, a single-player game that is a huge financial success.
December 2020 - Dragon Age executive producer Mark Darrah and general manager Casey Hudson leave the company. To all appearances, things are looking grim.
February 2021 - BioWare shifts Dragon Age 4 from a multiplayer game into a fully-singleplayer RPG.
December 2021 - BioWare reiterates "we're still hard at work on building the next single-player focused experience for Dragon Age."
February 2022 - BioWare says the game is in mid-production and will be ready by 2024.
June 2022 - BioWare releases information about this 3rd version of the game.
Only my opinion: I think the key here for the move back to single-player (EA now has several other SP games in the works) is Vince Zampella, who has become increasingly important at EA. Unlike CEO Andrew Wilson, Zampella, who founded Respawn, is a gamer and a pretty smart guy, and he has a lot of personal characteristics (before his latest promotion he frequently slammed EA and Wilson when they deserved it) that have let him have a lot of autonomy and authority at the company. He was responsible for the most successful early COD games, the Titanfall games (Titanfall II single-player is amazing), Apex Legends and Star Wars Fallen Order. And after the recent disaster of Battlefield 2042, he's been placed in charge of the Battlefield franchise. As many multi-player games as he's produced, Zampella believes in single-player experiences and has had a lot of success with single-player through the years. And I'm fully convinced he's the only person in the company that could have influenced the change from being multiplayer, live-service focused.