What's your game reveal prediction for the summer showcase season?

Lauren Morton

Staff member
Dec 9, 2019

Welcome back PC gamers to another week in the chat log in which we're all looking at our summer game showcase schedule and trying to sleuth out which games are getting revealed at all the various video events. This year there is of course the Summer Game Fest, our own PC Gaming Show, the expected Xbox, Ubisoft, and Nintendo livestreams too. And just like I predicted, Sony announced its State of Play after we recorded this episode (and it's happening today--thanks Sony). Other than that though, what are you looking forward to?

What's your game reveal prediction for the summer showcase season?​

We just recently had a chat log episode talking about games in development hell. Is it possible that any of them surprise us by turning up with a new trailer? Of course there's the big Elden Ring expansion at the end of the month, so we won't really be surprised to see something from it to generate a bit more hype ahead of time. As usual, I'm holding onto my optimism that the Dragon Age: Dreadwolf reveal won't let me down, now that we're finally supposed to be getting one. How about all of you? Feel free to share your easy guesses and your more out there predictions as we get ready to watch hours and hours of marketing over the next two weeks.


Community Contributor
Come on Firaxis, it's past time for Civilization 7!

More out there: Valve, we're still looking for Half Life 3.

Very out there: Xenogears (only with the last half properly finished) + Xenosaga (only with all 6 planned games) + Xenoblade releases as one big collection (similar to the .hack series) on PC, upgraded to modern graphics.

Most out there: EA announces M.U.L.E. 2!

Beyond the Pale: Eamon Adventures reboot, including the ability for anyone to make adventures. Now supporting Virtual Reality.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Civilization 7 should be close to announcement.

Far Cry 7 maybe, they've been 2-4 years between main games—but prob 2025.

Sniper Elite 6 also a maybe—2 years since 5, which was 2 years after 4.

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 3 is due—3 years since 2, and it's been a 2-4 year release gap in series so far.

Crysis 4—been over 2 years since initial announcement but nothing since as far as I know, so a major update would be nice.
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May 27, 2024
My money's on Microsoft killing more studios, honestly. They've really been raking in those kills this year.


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