The last game you completed

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a couple of days ago i finished horizon zero dawn , the graphics and quality of the cut scenes are probably the best i have ever seen. My wife can always tell when i am fully immersed in a game because as the lead character was jump up a mountain i sway about in my chair as if i was climbing the mountain myself. Also , after years of gaming i cant stop myself leaning in my chair as i am hiding and looking if its safe to move.

If i do that without realising then i guess thats then sign of a good game.
Sep 10, 2020
Folks, I did it! I've completed AC: Origins. :D
I wasn't too excited at the start, stopped after ~20 hours and picked it up again two years later (!!)

The game is still absolutely beautiful and there are so many lovely little details, the animations are so good. Really, you can't complain about that. The world is huge, appears to be full and "lively" at first, but there's not much depth to it. NPCs have like... 3 or 5 different sentences they'll say when you walk past? Most of the side quests are so dull and utterly unimportant, that's why I ignored them whenever I could - only thing is that sometimes I had to do sidequests, because I was too low for the main story quest. So yeah, that was a bit annoying sometimes.

Main story itself was okay. I had hoped it would hook me a bit more. When it finally started to get interesting the game was over. First I wasn't sure if I'd want to buy the DLCs, but now I really want to. I hope the DLCs will be as good as the ending.

At the end I felt quite overpowered, nothing could really hurt me anymore, so it wasn't really challenging. I didn't need to be careful with my assassinations because even if they'd see and attack me, I could just kill them in two to three standard hits. Or throw fire bombs and within three ticks they were dead. (I did enjoy that).

What I also didn't like were these animus jumps into "our time"/reality/however you call it. It was always after an interesting story point, you get interrupted for two meaningless sentences you absolutely didn't need to hear - I don't know. Nothing meaningful happened, ever. Really didn't like it, the game would have been as good or even better without the interruptions.

There were a few bugs and glitches. When I killed a (quest) target first, I got pulled into an annoying lovely jump to reality,
but the bodyguard of that quest target was a long-time friend and I wanted to battle her and hear the dialogue. Didn't happen. After the intermezzo I was somewhere completely different, too.

Don't call your chariot in a town/city. It'll spawn god-knows where, definitely somewhere where's not enough space for it or where it'll be stuck.

Something that really chuckled me were all the quest NPCs who were just ramming their way through other NPCs. It was just too funny. Not even kids were safe. Sometimes it felt like GTA. :ROFLMAO:

Took me 44 hours to complete the game, first I tried to do every little bit, after my 2 year break I focused on main story and only did camps/treasures when nearby.

I am looking forward to the DLCs. I might even start a NG+. And I'll definitely give Odyssey and Valhalla a try. I hope they are as good, if not even better.

Edit: Oh, and the photo mode is bonkers!
I'll also have to try out exploration mode.
Last edited:
Oct 18, 2021
What was the last game that you completed, and how would you rate it?

Completing games is not something I do often. The most recent game I completed was Halo Reach for the MCC on PC. I had originally played it on 360, but I barely remembered the campaign so it was great to get back in it. I haven't played much of the multiplayer, but I'd give the campaign 8/10 (nostalgia could play a big part)
crysis, far cry 3
am looking forward to the DLCs. I might even start a NG+. And I'll definitely give Odyssey and Valhalla a try. I hope they are as good, if not even better.

I can say the DLCs were pretty decent. The curse of the pharaohs is definitely a highlight. Especially when you go to some seriously exotic locations. I was one of those people who spent over 100 hours doing absolutely everything, collecting every chest, completing every base, side quest etc. Still need to play odyessy myself. The improvements in Origins really was dramatic especially the climbing aspect. it makes the previous games absolutely archaic in comparison .


Community Contributor
At the end I felt quite overpowered...
Same thing happens in Odyssey. It's actually kinda common in wide appeal RPGs. I think the designers have trouble trying to balance the game between people who do just the main quest and people do nearly everything.

Simple solution: only spend your skill points when you need them.

P.S. If you do play Odyssey, PLEASE be careful around the chickens. They are deadly enemies when riled up!
Sep 10, 2020
I can say the DLCs were pretty decent. The curse of the pharaohs is definitely a highlight. Especially when you go to some seriously exotic locations. I was one of those people who spent over 100 hours doing absolutely everything, collecting every chest, completing every base, side quest etc. Still need to play odyessy myself. The improvements in Origins really was dramatic especially the climbing aspect. it makes the previous games absolutely archaic in comparison .

That's great to hear! The climbing felt good to me, too. Though I've never really played the older AC games, so I can't compare. I'm glad you've enjoyed it as well.

I'll buy the DLCs soon(TM).

P.S. If you do play Odyssey, PLEASE be careful around the chickens. They are deadly enemies when riled up!

Noted. :geek:
i suppose i'll add it here, recently i finished battletech. Did i love it? sure i had fun with the game and i enjoyed it, but it was nothing short of harrowing and downright painful at times.

The game throws you straight into deep end with, little to no training, the prologue doesn't do a decent enough job of teaching you the finer details of the game.

your mechwarriors unsurprisingly start off rubbish and you're just lucky to just hit anything and special abilities are practically useless. For example Called shot allows you to aim for specific parts of an enemy mech, the problem is that until you get call shot bonus upgrade/mastery expect it to miss where you want to hit. its more useful to just delay an enemy's turn.

Combat at the early days is to just a war of attrition and hoping you luck out and destroy the enemy before they finish you off. it makes early battles incredibly slow affairs as you just chip away armor.

it does get better when you have better mechs and mechwarriors. But that said, the enemy will still punish you with poor decisions, frequently focusing all the fire on a single mech or you (frequently) find reinforcements and you're outnumbered 2 to 1. Not to mention that the difficulty can be very uneven at times. Although some missions may have same difficulty level, the higher payout and salvage will suggest otherwise...

There were some minor niggles such as picking reputation issues if you have a negative reputation it affects the highest difficulty rating for a mission you can take. So if its absolute rock bottom you can pick only 1 or 2 starred difficulty. Good luck finding any planets offering any as they're few and far between. A better option would have been to just offer those straight up on any planet. if the max difficulty is 4, show me easier missions i can take with a particular faction or a temp redemption mission to rebuild that reputation. That said, a bit more variety of missions might be in order as its usually the same handful of tasks but that's the nature of the beast i guess.

it seems like i'm just pissing all over the game, but i did enjoy playing it. its certainly given me bigger appetite for battletech itself that eases you into the lore fairly nicely and that intro is certainly good to get you into the mood for mech warfare. The story is pretty good with some slick writing, relatable, morally gray characters etc. You can normally get the game at a cheap price these days and for now, i recommend just getting the main game (especially if you're playing the story). I should get back to the DLC and see whats there, but honestly, you don't see much in story mode of the DLC its more in career mode.


Community Contributor
it seems like i'm just pissing all over the game, but i did enjoy playing it.
I keep doing that, too! "I played such & such last month. The save system was kinda blah, some of the less used voice actors were weak, and the sky box was just sad. I give it 9 out of 10, don't miss this game!" o_O It seems to be a lot harder to explain what's fun than what gets in the way of my fun.
I keep doing that, too! "I played such & such last month. The save system was kinda blah, some of the less used voice actors were weak, and the sky box was just sad. I give it 9 out of 10, don't miss this game!" o_O It seems to be a lot harder to explain what's fun than what gets in the way of my fun.

I find that games that are in the 7-/ out of 10 range are most common. battletech itself isn't a bad game but with a few minor adjustments it could have been an excellent one. Instead we have a decent game with some glaring criticisms. All depends on expectation, the amount you paid for it, first impressions, how forgiving you are etc.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Far cry 6! Great game, and awesome story line.
Welcome to the forum :)

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Well chalk up another game finished this time its vanquish. Honestly i had a lot of fun with the game even if it took me just under 8 hours to beat. It was OTT and it shares a lot of things in common with COD in some ways especially the scale things with hordes of robots and marines just getting butchered. it also had a decent amount of variety in locales and challenges so that's a plus. That said, i couldn't help but feel that some of those FMV sequences would have made for some interesting set pieces like the initial landing where everything was exploding like it was space normandy / Omaha beach. Sure you get to fight when you land, but i felt we could have had a rail gun section to ease us in to the main event.

I finished the game on Hard and truth be told i think that it was worse for it because enemies just hit harder and are just bullet sponges. Throw in some iffy QTE sections and its a shame there were limitiations to the slowmo mechanic. Like only activating when you're seriously wounded or after a dodge roll.

besides playing the missions again ,there is challenge mode whereby you fight off waves of enemies. Which is meh tbh.
Another game finished. This time its Grim dawn. I had this game in my collection for quite a while (maybe 3 years?) and i've only gotten around to playing it. So did i like it? its good, but it didn't really thrill me or inspire me to play on after i beat the main game and clocked 80 hrs on it. To be fair i didn't give the game a fair shake, i practically ignored crafting element, but i couldn't help but feel like the kiting of enemies got increasingly irratating. Sure, if you got the forgotten gods expansion, you had some resemblance of dodge and travel abilities but they certainly limited their use that it was restrictive and limited my fun tbh.

The other bug bear i have is how much back tracking i needed to do to go to the dangerous areas to grind or get more loot. Perhaps another instant teleport or portal to reach those areas instead of wadding through trash mobs would have been nice. Instead they're stuck halfway between 2 portals and/or locked behind skeleton keys. Something of a bug bear of mind.

Would i recommend it? yeah sure get it on offer and you'll have no regrets.
I just completed Crying Suns. The story is great. The game just keeps giving you little bits and then adding twists every time you find some answers.
The gameplay is okay. You unlock a new ship class after every chapter which keeps the gameplay somewhat fresh. You've still seen all of it well before the end of the game, but it works well in short sessions.

I did play the entire game on Normal, which was probably too easy, but I lost once due to some bad luck and I did not care for having to restart the chapter.
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Finished a playthrough of What Remains of Edith Finch on my Switch yesterday. I picked it up on a whim when it was significantly discounted. It was a really enjoyable, compact experience. Probably only took like 2 hours or so. It had a good atmosphere and I enjoyed the narrating. I didn't think it was anything stellar but I certainly had a good time with it.
Finished a playthrough of What Remains of Edith Finch on my Switch yesterday. I picked it up on a whim when it was significantly discounted. It was a really enjoyable, compact experience. Probably only took like 2 hours or so. It had a good atmosphere and I enjoyed the narrating. I didn't think it was anything stellar but I certainly had a good time with it.

I really liked the bath tub and factory sequences in that game, and still remember them years later. Its the sort of story telling that was much more effective in a game.
Nov 26, 2021
Paper Mario. I'd made it to the penultimate boss on the N64 and Wii Virtual Console before, but finally managed at long last to finish it. A truly fantastic game that shows less is more, especially in turn-based RPGs.
On PC though, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Completed it several times on the Xbox 360 but I'm glad to have finally been able to do so on PC, and with mods too which I'm quite new to. Next I hope will be the Morroblivion mod!
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Ok 2 more games to add to the completed list.

The first is golden sun dark dawn on the DS. The third part of the golden sun series . Truth be told whilst i'm aware of the golden sun series i never really played them so playing the third one i didn't really focus much of the story or care much for it for that matter. Whatever, its your usual JRPG with your typical gimicky DS stylus feature implemented into the game. Visually, its very impressive the summons and various attacks were very impressive for the DS. It had some good ideas and one of my fav things was using the mind read ability to listen/hear what various npcs (and the dead!) were thinking.

i don't think the game was particularly difficult besides the last few boss fights whereby i spent nearly 3 to 5 hours grinding levels for my team from level 45ish to level 70-80 and even that wasn't always enough. The dijini spell system itself was pretty iffy in places and i wasn't entirely sure how it even worked before i reached the final boss fight! They boosted stats, added skills and as you used them you lost those skills and stats so as the battle progressed you became weaker/more vulnerable which was a source of frustration. When they became available they would reapply those stats etc. The only problem was that the order is random so the ones you equip won't be optimum and you spent vital turns trying to correct it.

Would i recommend it? not sure. I wouldn't advise people to actively seek it.

But lets move onto the PC portion. I finished Amid Evil and i won't lie, i enjoyed this one a lot. visually its not impressive, its only when you play it when you realize how well the game is made. The weapons were unique and all of them had their quirks and uses so you never felt like you were left with a dud weapon. My personal fav being the ice mace that pinned its victims to walls. But where it really shines was the level design, even the basic castles, temples and factories were well designed and it got better and better the further you played. The last few maps were gravity defying strange worlds that were very impressive. With anderw hulshut on sound/music you could bet that it was impressive as well.

The only thing that did dampen my fun for the game was how i held back my soul power even despite being maxed out as i would save them for a very bad situation. typically a boss fight. So i would horde it and horde it until i found another full soul charge. Which is a shame, as the soul power abilities are all useful and fun to use.

Would i recommend it? Absolutely yes! it was a fanstatic game, its not long, taking me 10 hours on hard mode, but its well worth the time. If asked if i preferred Dusk or Amid Evil, amid evil wins hands down. Whilst Dusk impressed me some of the time, Amid evil entertained me all through out and was far more interesting and creative. Roll on the expansion coming out soon!


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