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I just beat It Takes Two with a friend and wow! GOTY contender for me. It was a tremendous experience. It is amazing how varied the environments and gameplay are. Further, basically everything is done on a high level; the sound design is great, the graphics are awesome, the gameplay is fun and varied, and the story is solid. I can easily recommend this game and it is, for the moment, my GOTY.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
The Outer Worlds.

I am disappointed. It started nicely, was interesting to explore the world and learn about how people basically enslaved by corporations. Fights were somehow challenging as I was learning the ropes and played on Hard difficulty. After finishing Edgewater I thougth to myself: well, that was solid - even if a bit too long - tutorial. Even with quests it went from "pick up this" to "you have to make a decision".

But then it stopped doing anything. Mid game I was literally just running ahead of me whenever I wanted, shooting anything that moved and killing it easily. I had 4k+ ammo surplus of every type. Quests never become interesting, I don't remember a single NPC. Not. A. Single. One. Well outside the doc, it's hard not to remember him considering he is like in half of the main story and cutscenes.

Companions? Forgetable or just bad. Did all their quests and really, what happened Obsidian? How come you forgot how to make interesting companions and their personal quests?

Let's just say I killed half of the Byzantium twice, because I got so annoyed with quests. I loaded those two times. I didn't load the time I killed one of the corpo-bosses, yes, because I was annoyed.
End game I was just running and shooting, didn't care, just wanted to be done with it.
And game was nagging me with some lady that's apparently "very high up there VIP or some ****". I didn't even know the hell she is.
Killed chairman, game didn't even recognize it on nor then nor in the end sliders. Ugh.

The worst? I felt nothing. Aside from first area, everything else was the same-ish. Go, shoot, loot the same stuff, go next area. Sometimes I will run into a silly joke or something in the logs, but it's all wasted potential.

Game is so afraid for the player to fail it's embarassing. Like, seriously. Failing is almost impossible. During one of the latter missions I was "in disguise" and was just itching to have a pretext to kill everyone. But I kept passing checks in dialogues. Next time there was a disguise option I simply shoot my way through to make things slightly faster.

Wasted potential.
Also: uuu! Corporations bad and dumb! Repeat, whole, game.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Hmm, strange—it has 85% 'very positive' rating on Steam from 12K+ reviewers.
Well, apparently I am not in majority x]

Seriously, I am not saying it's a bad game. Just a game which had sooo much more potential. Like take a basic things like armor and weapons. Whole game you will find like the same sets of armor and same look-ish weapons with just "mark II" slapped on them.

The amount of dumb idiocy that goes on makes the world hard to believe in. Like a city where people only eat ONE thing, canned tuna. Yeah I am sure a race that is able to colonize planets and terraform them wouldn't know what a basic diet requirements need. I could turn a blind eye to some idiocy, but the amount of it just boiling down to "corpo bad" is simply too much. And hell no I am not defending corporations, just the game theme keeps going on and on about that for whole game.

There's no challenge. On Hard difficulty I was bored half-way through the game with combat. All the same, nothing new, no matter where I would go. And since writing and quests didn't took off, there's little more to care for.

I've checked some reviews on YT and it seems like I am not alone in being disappointed, but yeah, general reception was very positive.
Well, apparently I am not in majority x]

Seriously, I am not saying it's a bad game. Just a game which had sooo much more potential. Like take a basic things like armor and weapons. Whole game you will find like the same sets of armor and same look-ish weapons with just "mark II" slapped on them.

The amount of dumb idiocy that goes on makes the world hard to believe in. Like a city where people only eat ONE thing, canned tuna. Yeah I am sure a race that is able to colonize planets and terraform them wouldn't know what a basic diet requirements need. I could turn a blind eye to some idiocy, but the amount of it just boiling down to "corpo bad" is simply too much. And hell no I am not defending corporations, just the game theme keeps going on and on about that for whole game.

There's no challenge. On Hard difficulty I was bored half-way through the game with combat. All the same, nothing new, no matter where I would go. And since writing and quests didn't took off, there's little more to care for.

I've checked some reviews on YT and it seems like I am not alone in being disappointed, but yeah, general reception was very positive.

FWIW I've just finished playing The Outer Worlds for the first time about a week ago and I largely agree with you. Certainly not a terrible game or anything, but it just didn't do that much for me. The story wasn't that interesting, the companions weren't good enough, the combat was nothing special. I overall thought the experience was decent but I just wasn't pulled in by anything. In these kind of games if the story isn't good the companions better be stellar, but they are not. I also think there's a little too much "wackiness" and it hurts the game; it overall struggles in being believable. I resonate with what you said about corporations. It is basically "lol corporation bad". I mean... yea? but that by itself isn't compelling. They could have done a whole lot more with the setting.

Overall, nothing grabbed me and by the end I was spamming spacebar to get through dialogue and just finish the game.


Community Contributor
I've heard a lot of bad about Outer Worlds, all from people with a lot of RPG history. I get the feeling that the game is set up more along the lines of a Fable game: a nice game that doesn't have much substance. Good to get if you're looking for cotton candy instead of a steak dinner (or even a White Castle mini-burger).
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Just finished The Forgotten City and it was a really enjoyable experience. For an indie the voice acting is damn good. The story was interesting and I thought the scenery was rather pleasant. A little bit rocky performance wise (e.g., frame pacing, temporary freezing while autosaving) and it is on the short side (5ish hours) but I'm glad I gave it a shot. Well worth playing and I always like supporting these indie projects.
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Looking over my recently played; the last game I completed was '12 is better than 6'
fun little game, if not a bit repetative.
I'll probably be finishing assassins creed china within the hour since i'm pretty sure i'm on the last mission.
I might purchase the two other Assassins Creed Chronicles games while they're on the cheap.

On the subject of Outerworlds I put about 20 hours into that then accidentally deleted my saves, haven't had to courage to face it since


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
The Outer Worlds.

I am disappointed. It started nicely, was interesting to explore the world and learn about how people basically enslaved by corporations. Fights were somehow challenging as I was learning the ropes and played on Hard difficulty. After finishing Edgewater I thougth to myself: well, that was solid - even if a bit too long - tutorial. Even with quests it went from "pick up this" to "you have to make a decision".

But then it stopped doing anything. Mid game I was literally just running ahead of me whenever I wanted, shooting anything that moved and killing it easily. I had 4k+ ammo surplus of every type. Quests never become interesting, I don't remember a single NPC. Not. A. Single. One. Well outside the doc, it's hard not to remember him considering he is like in half of the main story and cutscenes.

Companions? Forgetable or just bad. Did all their quests and really, what happened Obsidian? How come you forgot how to make interesting companions and their personal quests?

Let's just say I killed half of the Byzantium twice, because I got so annoyed with quests. I loaded those two times. I didn't load the time I killed one of the corpo-bosses, yes, because I was annoyed.
End game I was just running and shooting, didn't care, just wanted to be done with it.
And game was nagging me with some lady that's apparently "very high up there VIP or some ****". I didn't even know the hell she is.
Killed chairman, game didn't even recognize it on nor then nor in the end sliders. Ugh.

The worst? I felt nothing. Aside from first area, everything else was the same-ish. Go, shoot, loot the same stuff, go next area. Sometimes I will run into a silly joke or something in the logs, but it's all wasted potential.

Game is so afraid for the player to fail it's embarassing. Like, seriously. Failing is almost impossible. During one of the latter missions I was "in disguise" and was just itching to have a pretext to kill everyone. But I kept passing checks in dialogues. Next time there was a disguise option I simply shoot my way through to make things slightly faster.

Wasted potential.
Also: uuu! Corporations bad and dumb! Repeat, whole, game.

I know this is an older post I'm quoting, but I just saw it, and I have to completely agree. I finished Outer Worlds earlier this year, including the first DLC, and I can honestly say that I was very disappointed; it had such potential. When I first saw the announcement trailer, I was really psyched for the game, it looked like a blend of Mass Effect and Fallout New Vegas. After completing it I was left with a feeling of how shallow the game was, nothing was developed to it's full potential.

One of the things that killed it early on, was hearing my 2 current companions have a conversation while walking behind me. I turned around, and they were just standing there, stock still, looking straight at me, like mannequins, still talking, but with absolutely no expression what so ever. Fallout New Vegas had better companions, and with more personallity.
Nothing on the PC atm, but i did finish several games on my handheld consoles.

The first was luminous arc a turn based RPG similar to final fantasty tactics. its ok i guess, was pretty easy when i found an exploit/grind level up my magic based characters. It has all the same anime troupes; Sexy anime girl witches, killing God, anime voice acting etc. The voice acting at times did make me cringe just hearing it. Would i recommend it? eh its not terrible, but you're not missing anything.

The next was harvey birdman on the PSP. As a fan of harvey birdman i enjoyed it even if there was very little substance gameplay wise. It does play like episodes of harvey birdman but its not very long and lacks much unlockable content. What's there is worthless less then a few minutes of footage. A suggestion is perhaps have more cases and maybe even lay into the capcom stuff further. maybe harvey birdman taking court cases for various street fighter characters or something.
Jan 13, 2020
Days Gone, finally completed. Quite an adventure, I had a lot of fun. Fairly large game and interesting open world. A little disappointed the third act didn't stretch out bit longer, and there is seemingly a huge battle missing from the game and some weird time jump that I at first thought was a bug, but it turns out that is how the game shipped.

Played 4K 2160p max settings the entire game, fantastic performance and visuals throughout. Some weird bugs towards the end where the entire floor was missing, but that was solved by reloading the game. Just make sure when you save your game, it actually saves where you saved your game. Finish the prelude for the game before doing your first save (once you get your bike) or you'll have to redo it all over again.

Taking out an entire horde for the first time is one of the greatest feelings ever. The engine being capable of showing off hundreds of screamers at the same time is pretty awesome.

I do wish they had used the real life name FEMA for the emergency camps instead of NERO, a name no government agency would ever use for disaster relief in this world (Emperor Nero was a psychopath tyrant), so that kind of takes me out of the game a bit. Multiple TV shows, movies, and games use the name FEMA for their emergency relief services (Heck, Deus Ex has an entire conspiracy built around FEMA and that was 20 years ago), so not sure why the devs for this game felt they had to use an alternative name.

The voice acting is pretty decent and there are some interesting characters throughout, especially once you get to that final third of the game.

One of the funniest dialogues ever comes over the radio in the first third of the game.

Deacon John!
Deacon St John!
This is Mark Copeland...

I'd say I'm looking forward to more, but I heard there won't be a sequel to this any time soon, hopefully that changes as the world is rich for storytelling.

8/10 from me.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Do replays count? Just finished my annual replay of the Royal Envoy series—~350 levels all told—my favorite casual game series by far. Thoroughly enjoyed, as always. It's a puzzle-strategy game where you manage resources—wood, food, workers—to build houses to generate income via rent, to meet the goals of each particular level.

The beauty of the games is that once you're past the early intro levels, you reach a stage where there are often multiple ways to reach the goals. I still find some new ways, even after ~10 replays.

Only downside for me is it's a bit clicky, especially the first two, if you're shooting for 3 stars on every level—which you need to open up Expert mode, which is just the same game with less time to get the stars. I got 3 stars on Expert in all the games once, these days I'm done after 3 stars on the normal run thru—Expert is work!

Relative difficulty of the 4 games:

RE1 hardest
RE2 easiest
RE3 tricky
RE4 easy [aka Campaign for the Crown]

You can get 4 hours of free play if you like, each game has a 1-hour demo—your demo play carries over to the full game if you buy. There are also a load of achievements. This series is a rare one where I recommend buying the Collector's Edition, which is double price for ~50% extra levels. Here's a link to the easiest:
BigFish often have 50%-off or BOGO sales.

PS while the game page only says it works up to Windows 7, it's been flawless for me on Win10 20H2.

PPS there's an in-game walkthru in the Collector's Edition, but you can always ask here if you get stuck and I'll give you a spoiler :)

PPSS if this is your first BFG game, you'll have to install their game manager. It's been flawless for me for over 15 years.
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