Hmm, strange—it has 85% 'very positive' rating on Steam from 12K+ reviewers.The Outer Worlds.
I am disappointed
Well, apparently I am not in majority x]Hmm, strange—it has 85% 'very positive' rating on Steam from 12K+ reviewers.
Well, apparently I am not in majority x]
Seriously, I am not saying it's a bad game. Just a game which had sooo much more potential. Like take a basic things like armor and weapons. Whole game you will find like the same sets of armor and same look-ish weapons with just "mark II" slapped on them.
The amount of dumb idiocy that goes on makes the world hard to believe in. Like a city where people only eat ONE thing, canned tuna. Yeah I am sure a race that is able to colonize planets and terraform them wouldn't know what a basic diet requirements need. I could turn a blind eye to some idiocy, but the amount of it just boiling down to "corpo bad" is simply too much. And hell no I am not defending corporations, just the game theme keeps going on and on about that for whole game.
There's no challenge. On Hard difficulty I was bored half-way through the game with combat. All the same, nothing new, no matter where I would go. And since writing and quests didn't took off, there's little more to care for.
I've checked some reviews on YT and it seems like I am not alone in being disappointed, but yeah, general reception was very positive.
The Outer Worlds.
I am disappointed. It started nicely, was interesting to explore the world and learn about how people basically enslaved by corporations. Fights were somehow challenging as I was learning the ropes and played on Hard difficulty. After finishing Edgewater I thougth to myself: well, that was solid - even if a bit too long - tutorial. Even with quests it went from "pick up this" to "you have to make a decision".
But then it stopped doing anything. Mid game I was literally just running ahead of me whenever I wanted, shooting anything that moved and killing it easily. I had 4k+ ammo surplus of every type. Quests never become interesting, I don't remember a single NPC. Not. A. Single. One. Well outside the doc, it's hard not to remember him considering he is like in half of the main story and cutscenes.
Companions? Forgetable or just bad. Did all their quests and really, what happened Obsidian? How come you forgot how to make interesting companions and their personal quests?
Let's just say I killed half of the Byzantium twice, because I got so annoyed with quests. I loaded those two times. I didn't load the time I killed one of the corpo-bosses, yes, because I was annoyed.
End game I was just running and shooting, didn't care, just wanted to be done with it.
And game was nagging me with some lady that's apparently "very high up there VIP or some ****". I didn't even know the hell she is.
Killed chairman, game didn't even recognize it on nor then nor in the end sliders. Ugh.
The worst? I felt nothing. Aside from first area, everything else was the same-ish. Go, shoot, loot the same stuff, go next area. Sometimes I will run into a silly joke or something in the logs, but it's all wasted potential.
Game is so afraid for the player to fail it's embarassing. Like, seriously. Failing is almost impossible. During one of the latter missions I was "in disguise" and was just itching to have a pretext to kill everyone. But I kept passing checks in dialogues. Next time there was a disguise option I simply shoot my way through to make things slightly faster.
Wasted potential.
Also: uuu! Corporations bad and dumb! Repeat, whole, game.
then accidentally deleted my saves, haven't had to courage to face it since
That's brutal70 hours
Do tellI just "completed" a game that had a game breaking bug.
Do tell![]()
Thought that was the point of it?Art of Rally. Crashed every time