The last game you completed

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I beat Call of the Sea last night. Quite a nice indie title. It has a fantastic art style and some decent puzzles along the way. The story wasn't too shabby either. Overall I would recommend it if you like puzzles and looking around. It has some walking sim DNA, so it isn't the fastest moving, but it is a nice relaxing game.
I beat the main campaign of Control this week. I have the DLC so I'll go through those shortly as well. It's a great looking game and I played with full ray tracing effects without performance problems. Being able to launch objects at enemies is incredibly fun and definitely didn't get old for me. I think the main downside of the game was the story. I don't particularly like weird stories and Control's story is nonsensical to me. Nonetheless, the setting is cool, level design is solid, and it is overall fun to play so I can't complain too much.
Ok i've been playing a fair few games in the past week or 2 as i try to clear my indie collection. sadly not all of them i (could) beat or couldn't beat. But we have a couple apologies for the long text dump:

The blue flamingo. can you actually beat this game or is it an endless game? Anyway, its made by those guys who made Pid (might &Delight). Now, i have a history with their games. i found them disappointing and/or annoying. This game was no exception, its more style over substance. As an artistic endeavor its pretty cool; they used stock motion to make the various backgrounds, enemies etc. unfortunately as a shoot em up its seriously sub standard. The lack of variation, the handlering is clunky but most disappointing is the shooting. No special weapons and whilst you can upgrade your ship, there are no different weapons (eg, no 3 spread, homing missles, lasers etc). i may have got this game for free and i played it for 18 min and i saw everything there was to see and isn't worth the £4 asking price.

The next game was Guns, gore & cannoli - as previously mentioned apart from a few niggles, its a slick shooter and getting it on a sale i don't regret playing it. Good news you can play multiplayer on the same machine, but its not recommended. I had to adjust the settings as the defaults were killing my fingers.

Finally the last game i completed was Dangerous High School Girls in trouble!. I wasn't sure what i was expecting with this one. i thought it was going to be a a quick visual novel deal something i could finish in a day or 2. what i didn't realize was that it was actually a sort of pen/paper RPG of sorts. i did like the game at first being a sort of paraody/satire of bitchy girls doing girly stuff like revenge and finding boy friends etc and quickly escalates from there. But by by the end of things, i was left disappointed. part of the problem is the gameplay isn't all that compelling and relies on luck / trial and error far too often for my liking. The game was released back in 2007/2008 and unfortunately even going full screen, the Ui is tiny and it leads to a frustrating situation of me going over the entire board with a fine tooth comb repeatedly just to move figure out where the hell i should be. i won't deny that i had some fun with the game, but the issues with the game certainly doesn't do it any favors. There is an interesting story in places that borders on amusing, tragic to down right disappointing. The ending left a seriously sour taste to the whole thing and that's after i ruined the lives of 2 women, drowned a man in feces, stole a gun and shot a boy who was going to rape one of my girls and meet a whole load of interesting characters etc.


Community Contributor
Finished playing Control. Ooooo, ray tracing is sweeeeet!

The game was pretty fun. Some of the boss fights really got on my nerves but the game also has a built-in cheat system that gives you sliders to work with. For instance, If you're getting close but never quite make it through, you can set the game so you only take 80% of normal damage. WAY better than just turning on god mode!

But why the frak is the game using save points!? They even restore health when accessed, like some 90's JRPG.
Finished playing Control. Ooooo, ray tracing is sweeeeet!

The game was pretty fun. Some of the boss fights really got on my nerves but the game also has a built-in cheat system that gives you sliders to work with. For instance, If you're getting close but never quite make it through, you can set the game so you only take 80% of normal damage. WAY better than just turning on god mode!

But why the frak is the game using save points!? They even restore health when accessed, like some 90's JRPG.

Yea the save point system is bizarre.. It adds nothing to the game so it's* quite unclear why it even made it in. That's one of my few gripes with game.


Community Contributor
It's also a single-save system. Want to try out a new power to see if you like it, then go back if you don't? NOPE! You'll have to do a full respec to undo a choice. More to the point, though, if your save gets corrupted somehow, you are done. (Or, if it does have multiple saves, it sure doesn't make it easy to find them.)
It's also a single-save system. Want to try out a new power to see if you like it, then go back if you don't? NOPE! You'll have to do a full respec to undo a choice. More to the point, though, if your save gets corrupted somehow, you are done. (Or, if it does have multiple saves, it sure doesn't make it easy to find them.)

Sounds Souls like too, in Sekiro youre stuck with whatever skills you pick, although you can theoretically grind and get everything it would take a long while. Also 'Iron man' is the only Souls setting, but I haven't yet had a save corrupt and I have quite a few profiles across the four games on PC.

Not saying those things are not negatives, just funny how I never questioned it due to the influence those games had on me recently.
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Well, I started playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and... I don't even know what friggin' save system it has. If there's a save icon popping up, it's there and gone before I notice. When it's time to quit, I've got no clue how much progress I'll lose.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
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Jul 23, 2021
The last game I've completed is Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, completed it twice with different weapons. Excellent lore. The only shortage is a low amount of areas where you have to shoot. Gameplay time is really short.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Tainted Grail: Conquest

In short: good roguelite + deck building in dark and weird fantasy (King Arthur and co) world and sensible progression mechanics, that I stopped using half in my overall gametime because I stopped carrying about them - don't think they are worthy investing in, with few exceptions.

Combat at first was tough as nails before it become just "tough" - could still get rekt if I bambuzzled myself or was met with really bad RNG luck. Kinda wish for more enemies and varietes, but hey, for little indie game that was an offspring of something else, not bad.

Music tho was a banger. Seriously, it's amazing. Think Wardruna, Heilung etc.

Well technically the game can be endless, but since I did all the quests and subquests, got top 100 on leaderboards for one class and reached max level with all (except two) classes I called it a "gg". Definitely recommended.

[Mod edit: Typo 'Waldruna' fixed to Wardruna.]
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I finally finished my Tomb King Vortex campaign in Total War: Warhammer 2! It's taken me several months, but it's finally done.

I finished right before getting my tier 5 buildings, so I'll have something new to discover if I ever get around to playing another Tomb Kings campaign.

It's actually pretty good timing finishing the campaign now, as the last DLC and major patch was just released. So I could start a campaign with Thorek and I won't have to worry about a new patch introducing breaking changes.
I beat Gears 5 yesterday. It's definitely a fun action game and the shooting mechanics are strong. I do like the addition of having a robot to give you some extra abilities (no idea if that has been in previous games; it has been years since I've played anything in the Gears series). The game looks fantastic graphically as well. The characters are overall good and the story is decent. Overall I had a good time with the game.
Sep 10, 2020
Kingdom come deliverance. Was pretty sad when I saw the credits roll now time for 100% completion and all achievements.
Did you play it with controller or mouse&keyboard?
I love the story, but the combat? It's so hard, I die in seconds. :( Even tried a god mode mod which didn't work. I'll never be able to finish the game.
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Jun 8, 2021
Recently finished Baldur's Gate Dark alliance. It is still pretty good after all these years. Now if they would only rerelease dark alliance 2 that would be great. Also what's the deal with no pc port? I know it was console only originally, but come on...
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Aug 10, 2021
i dont know if anyone else does this, but i rarely play games to the point of completing.......sometiimes it is due to my disabilities and how they limit me,other times its actualy a strength and part i like-repetitiveness- playing specific things over and over.

so games i can remember having completed woud be metal gear solid (PS1),canis anem edit/bully (PS1),manhunt(PS1),wild arms (PS1), goldenaxe (megadrive/genesis),streets of rage (mega drive/genesis) revenge of shinobi(megadrive/genesis).

i prefer to play familiar parts of games over and over and over as it keeps me calm in a environment where there is a lot of change,i woud probably be a good games tester as repetitive play is part of being a tester.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
i rarely play games to the point of completing
I saw a Steam stat a couple of years ago that only around 30% of started games are completed, so you're in the large majority :)
My own stat says 28% at the moment. Mostly lots of little games picked up in bundles on sale that I'll fire up and quit quickly due to lack of interest.

other times its actualy a strength and part i like
Most times I launch a Civ game I'll quit around or before mid game, as I find from there on usually a drag compared to the early eXploration and eXpansion.

I replay Crysis & Crysis Warhead every year—but only the first half of each, once the alien levels begin I'm not interested. Same with the first Far Cry which I played 5-6 times—I bailed half way after the first playthru as the Trigens—monsters—take the fun out of it.

It's a time-honored tradition. It's considered bad form in serious chess if you don't resign a lost position.
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Community Contributor
How can you tell what games you've finished overall?

The 30% definitely sounds right. Most RPGs and single player FPS games give some sort of achievement for finishing the game and those tend to hover around 25%. Even lower for the big games.
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