The Currently Playing & Random Game Thoughts Thread (May 15 to May 21)

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340 mod's?! I'm going to need an itemised list..

I was running over 800 on Farming Simulator 19 when I stopped playing. Some games can handle it. Some can't.


Played some Sea of Thieves last night. The game is okay, but we got stuck fighting these 3 guys over and over. Fortunately they were terrible, but it got annoying. There's no way to steal anyone's ship. We were on their ship killing them, and they just respawned on the ship. So we tried to sink the ship by ramming an island, and it just bounced off of it. Rather than stay on their ship and fighting on and on (they sank our small boat), I jumped off the side and declared I was done for the night. I think we had some sort of bounty on us that my son had acquired, but I'm not sure. I had no idea what was going on.
I was running over 800 on Farming Simulator 19 when I stopped playing. Some games can handle it. Some can't.


Played some Sea of Thieves last night. The game is okay, but we got stuck fighting these 3 guys over and over. Fortunately they were terrible, but it got annoying. There's no way to steal anyone's ship. We were on their ship killing them, and they just respawned on the ship. So we tried to sink the ship by ramming an island, and it just bounced off of it. Rather than stay on their ship and fighting on and on (they sank our small boat), I jumped off the side and declared I was done for the night. I think we had some sort of bounty on us that my son had acquired, but I'm not sure. I had no idea what was going on.

800?!? What could you possibly change with that amount of mods?
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Out of curiosity, did it take up much storage space?

Yeah, it took some space, maybe 80 - 100 GB. But part of that is that I keep multiple versions of a bunch of mods. I like to re-mod the mods and change them to suit my game. Plus, I make some mods from scratch, like I made a tractor last week for Farming Simulator 22, and I have maybe 12 copies of that one tucked away in a different folder inside the mods folder. I don't need all those iterations now that I'm done with it, I just haven't managed to delete them yet.

The thing about all these mods is they don't necessarily work together. Like I have a mod that adds a donut factory. Add oil, flour and sugar and it makes donuts. What can you do with the donuts? Not a thing because none of the stores accept donuts. So then I have to go through and add donuts to the stores. Well, to at least one store.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@ZedClampet Not sure how much you have played, but here is an explosive tip for destroying ships:

A fun (albeit a slow one at times) strategy I used for sinking the other ships is to camp the skull islands (skull will show in the sky) and wait for other players to finish the event and kill the final boss. In the vault on the island, there will be Stronghold Gunpowder Barrel, and if you snag that before they do or snag it from their ship (majority hide it in the mast) while they are looting, you can take the barrel underwater (works best that way) and blow the keel. They will not be able to repair and the loot will be yours. Either you'll have a small boat hidden away to use for transporting the loot or you could just hide the most valuable loot on the island.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Well *cough* I just installed a quite Immersive mod pack (340+mods) for Skyrim Special Edition, so I'm going to have a lot of fun exploring the world with jiggly body parts😁:beercheers:
I'm really interested in hearing how things work out with the mod pack, especially on any stability issues. I've been looking at several of the mod packs for both Skyrim & Fallout 4, but I always end up just making my own list. Since the mod collections are still in open alpha, I've been a bit hesitant to try any of them, but it would certainly save a lot of time.

And there's nothing wrong with jiggly body parts:

popped out to see the eclipse from time to time instead.
I really wanted to, but of course we had clouds and showers all Sunday night and early AM Monday.
My wife made me play Warhammer 2 while she cooked me dinner on my birthday yesterday, so I got a bit further into my Grom campaign. It feels like I'm mostly mopping up leftovers though, as I've conquered almost all of the Southlands. I think I only have one last city of Repanse to conquer and then it's just a matter of upgrading my armies a bit and marching onto the Elven lands to finally burn them down.
My wife made me play Warhammer 2 while she cooked me dinner on my birthday yesterday, so I got a bit further into my Grom campaign. It feels like I'm mostly mopping up leftovers though, as I've conquered almost all of the Southlands. I think I only have one last city of Repanse to conquer and then it's just a matter of upgrading my armies a bit and marching onto the Elven lands to finally burn them down.

Don't you just hate it when your wife forces you to play video games? 😜 Happy birthday for yesterday @Pifanjr

Sounds like some solid progress there. Do you recommend it?
Don't you just hate it when your wife forces you to play video games? 😜 Happy birthday for yesterday @Pifanjr

Sounds like some solid progress there. Do you recommend it?

Do I recommend the game? I suppose that depends on who's asking.

I've put several hundred hours in it now (I'm guessing I'm around 300, but I'm too lazy to look it up) and it's been the main game I've been playing for over a year now. So for me, the purchase was definitely worth it (well, the base game was a birthday gift, but still).
I haven't been playing a ton lately as it's the end of the semester and I have a lot going on. However, I did start Final Fantasy VI (pixel remaster) as I'm playing all the FF games for the first time in order. As with all the games, the soundtrack is fantastic. The early 2D pixel games have a very charming and "cozy" quality to them. It seems good so far, but I'm very early on in the game so I don't have many concrete opinions. I've never really loved the style of turn-based combat that the early FF games have, so I don't know that I'll consider any of them to really be "great". I know that FFVI is very well-regarded, so I'll likely enjoy it a fair amount, but disliking the core combat system means I probably won't totally love the game. I'm generally more motivated by story and characters in RPGs, so that's really my primary interest.


Community Contributor
I haven't been playing a ton lately as it's the end of the semester and I have a lot going on. However, I did start Final Fantasy VI (pixel remaster) as I'm playing all the FF games for the first time in order.
I couldn't make it through, though mostly because of the old style 2D sprite graphics driving me mad. And the opera... OMG. Music has also come a long way over the decades.

You are a unique individual. 😅
There seems to be at least two of them!


Community Contributor

Every living thing on earth is descended from the same single-cell lifeform from about 4 billion years ago.


I didn't get to play anything tonight because it was awards night at the high school. I didn't win anything, but I did fall asleep about 4 times.

Did you know that when high school girls get dressed up these days that they take strong inspiration from sex workers?

My son stumbled almost every time he had to walk up the stairs to the stage. I'm making a compilation video.



Community Contributor
Going to play some Serious Sam 4 tonight. Didn't do so well the last time. Made it to max respawn delay upon death and then died a few times after that, but the game can get absolutely crazy. There will be stuff charging you from all directions; small alien ships all over the place shooting at you; and several mini-bosses all at the same time. And that's when you run out of shotgun shells.

Movement shooters are definitely not something I'm good at, but I've been having a lot of fun anyway.

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I played a bit more Warhammer 2, continuing my Grom Vortex campaign. I have a military alliance with Khemri and they're being absolute bros in keeping the high elves away from my lands. I was a bit worried to see Teclis with three dragons coming my way, but instead he sailed to Khemri who threw three armies at him and killed him, then killed another high elf army directly afterward.

I ended the game right after declaring a Waaagh against the biggest high elf faction, so I get to look forward to looting their capital next time I play.

I also replayed the very first scenario of Gloomhaven with my wife yesterday. We didn't pick up the treasure chest the first time we played it and I got to advance my personal quest a bit, plus it's a pretty quick scenario to set up and play, which was good because we ended up starting 15 minutes after I should have been in bed.


Community Contributor

I started working at age 12. By the time I finished high school, I was push mowing 14 lawns a week and delivering the morning paper. I worked at a mental hospital (anyone who says it's insulting to say that mental hospitals are scary has never spent time in one) all through college and then have worked at a variety of things since graduating. I ran a Quality Systems company that examined banking systems and conducted customer quality surveys for banks. I worked, but only for about 6 months, for Citibank and tried to save people from having their homes foreclosed. I ran an insurance company call center. Then I finally became a consultant, dealing with a variety of things to help banks, but concentrating lately on cybersecurity and disaster planning (I can't tell you how many times I worked with banks to create plans for dealing with pandemics prior to 2020).

And today at 10:00 am, it ended.

I'm retired.

I think my allergies are bothering me because something is wrong with my eyes.