The Currently Playing & Random Game Thoughts Thread (21 August to 27 August)

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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Does everyone do this, or is it just an ADD thing? And I've had much worse than this.

Never that many, my brain just couldn't keep track of all those tabs. My max would be around 20-25 (and that's rare) when I'm modding a game and have multiple mod pages open checking on mod requirements, conflicts, patches, and compatibilities. I'll also have multiple mod software/utilities open at the same time, but I've never run a game with all that activity going on in the background.

The song playing for the first part of those slides changes lyrics depending on your choices! I don't think I've ever seen that before. I just re-watched the video I recorded of the end slides - there were some nasty choices in that game. I still feel kinda bad for Reagan.

It took me a little over 100 hours to get through the campaign. Seemed pretty long to me!
That ending song was awesome, where all your major choices were put into the lyrics, I've never seen that before either. I can't remember the musician's name, but it must have taken him a long time considering he had to adapt to 6 (I think there were 6 possible endings) different endings.

There were many tough choices in WL3, and even when trying to help as many people as possible, someone or some groups are going to be hurt or killed. There's no true "good or evil" choices in WL3, and many of them were difficult choices. That's probably the main reason why WL3 became a great game for me, it's just a good thing there was no timer on conversations, as I hesitated in a lot of them.

And, yeah, poor old Ronnie. I ended up keeping him and uploading his AI to Ranger HQ, rather than completely alienating either the Gippers or the robot commune, or even making one of them hostile. That whole Gipper faction was just so bizarre.


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I'm playing on Xbox Gamepass. I'm ScurvyTeeth in the game, but I have not built any structures yet as I have not ventured far (just took the boat). I did put up a way for people to avoid most of the timefall at the Wind Farm using a ladder and a couple of ropes and placing them on the western hillside. I had a little struggle myself the first time I went over there so hopefully, I'll make the journey a bit more pleasant for the other porters.
Gamepass stuff shows up on Steam - there was a patch note saying so a few days ago. However, with thousands of people playing, I'll be surprised if I bump into any of your stuff.

Going to the wind farm was the only time the BTs killed me off. I went back to look at the place recently and there's still a big hole in the ground.

You got to the boat - great! Getting over that mountain pass was not an easy thing at all. I loved how the music played as you went down to the city.

It doesn't look like you've gotten any of the optional places on the network. Ludens and the Musician were in the eastern section. The Musician gives you a harmonica, but I have yet to use the thing. Ludens doesn't give you anything unless you really want brown colors on things.

Your star is coming out a lot different than mine!

Your bridge stat is way ahead of what mine was at that time. I just got a few likes from other players for delivering their cargo here and there, plus a smattering from people following a path I took. The bridge stat rocketed up as soon as I started making highways.

Your delivery time is way ahead, too. I only got above 10 a day or two ago! There aren't all that many missions that grade you on speed.

Oh, can you name stuff? Zloth's Rope, Frindis' Bridge… that would be cool.
You don't name them; they have your name (and avatar) on them. As you can see on Fridis' screenshot, a lot of names use alphabets you aren't likely to know. I haven't seen any pornographic avatars yet, which I find stunning, and only one or two offensive names.

@mainer - yep, that's what I did, too. Only the Gippers still got mad at me, so I ended up killing them all off. Tragic all around.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
You got to the boat - great!
Getting over that mountain pass was not an easy thing at all. I loved how the music played as you went down to the city.
It really was! The first time I went up, I decided to leave my cargo so it did not get damaged. Managed to kill off the big monster and the sky got all bright. Hell yeah!...or so I thought. Then I jumped on my bike and speeded up the mountainside only to be stopped the second time due to rainfall. I licked my wounds, went back for more sprays and nades, and STRUGGLED my way through the whole ordeal with the cargo thankfully just getting minimal tear and wear under the 15% mark.

One of the better fights for survival I have had in a long time and yeah, that music down the hillside was bloody brilliant and such a good reward!

@Zloth How much can you carry as an Elite Courier?
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Community Contributor
The Trial (by Franz Kafka)

So this week's Forza Trial is dirt racing, which I'm terrible at. All my practice has been on asphalt. I decide to try it anyway.

So I start the race in 10th position (3rd from last). I work my way through the field and make it to 2nd, and that's when my car does a 180 degree spin, and I find myself in last place. I start immediately picking my way through the field. I'm up to 6th when my car does a 180 degree spin (stupid car), and I find myself in last place again, way behind the next car. I look at the score, and we aren't going to win with me in last place, so I quit the championship so they can win.

I decide to try again and drive more carefully. I'll let whoever is good at these races win, and I'll do just enough on my end not to cause us to lose. I start the race in 11th position. I pass a couple of really slow players and am just driving along happy with my lot in life when we come to a turn. Suddenly both players behind me slam into me at the same time and flip my car over. It takes the game awhile before it sets me back on my feet. I'm way behind. I mean, WAY behind. I start driving again and eventually catch one AI car and one of the idiots who slammed into me. As I'm going around him, he jerks to the right and knocks my car out of a checkpoint. I look at the score and realize I have to quit again.

Next thing you know, I'm on the PC Gamer forums complaining. I think I may just skip the trial this week. Either that or practice that course all day and whip everyone's arses tomorrow, but I really want to get back to Total War, so I think skipping is the way to go here.


Community Contributor
It really was! The first time I went up, I decided to leave my cargo so it did not get damaged.
!! Left it where? The rain didn't destroy it?? And you had a bike?? I remember there was a bike at the distribution center, but I quickly got that stuck - I certainly wouldn't have tried riding it over the pass!

When I went up, I brought some grenades, and they did well... until I ran out. I tried throwing some poopies at them, but that didn't help at all. I had use ye'olde shake-them-off-and-pray method. It made BB cry.

Carrying capacity gets a little strange soon - you might even be there already. You get the ability to build skeleton assists, and the first one you are likely to find is the power skeleton. I've got the guy that gives you those up to 5 stars, so I mostly walk around in level 3 power, which translates to 360kg of weight. That does NOT cover volume, though! You'll probably see a "deliver sleeping pills to the Elder" delivery soon that will show you just what that means.

Eeesh.... The Elder. "I sure am getting old. I need medical assistance pretty frequently now. I know! I'll go live on top of friggin' Devil's Tower!" Still, it's not as bad as this guy:

The things you learn as a gamer... ;)

What game are you all talking about. I can't really read a lot of text right now. My vision is gone for the day. Is it Death Stranding?


Community Contributor
@Pifanjr what would you have done in this situation? If it's too long to read, just joke that you would have taken a nap :)

Played some more of my co-op TWW3 game and had an interesting choice. I had a peace treaty with my neighbor, but I'm a 15 foot tall Demon of Chaos named Azazel, and that peace treaty was a convenience for me so that I could go somewhere else. Nothing more. So now I was done with my other business, and I was going to go take one of their cities, which was the only city left in the area I could hold and develop. So I took my two armies over there (one good army, one pretty bad army) and what do I see but Naggarond, the #1 ranked power in the game and someone I'm at war with, is already sieging the city I want with 4 twenty stack armies.

On the one hand, this is good news as I won't have to break my peace treaty. I could just wait for Naggarond to take it and then take it from them. On the other hand, it's a very serious problem that Naggarond has 4 huge armies essentially right next to my only city, especially considering I only have two armies and don't even like one of them. I decide I can't let them leave where they are. My hope is that they will fight the city's army and garrison and be weakened before I have to take them on. So I just make a camp some distance away to watch the proceedings.

Naggarond didn't like that idea, though. And on their next turn they broke their siege and moved directly at me, which for some reason made Guido laugh hysterically. So I was sitting there looking at them, and I decided nothing had really changed as far as their presence here was concerned. I couldn't let them be here, so I told Guido the game was perhaps going to end and moved my armies in to attack. I could have let them attack our encampment and gotten some bonuses for the battle, but enemies in TWW3 all seem to have lightning strike and use it frequently, and that would have definitely been the end of the game.

So I attack them and, much to my surprise, the game says I can win a pyrrhic victory by using auto-resolve. I look at it more closely and it shows that I would lose half of my main army and all of my second army including the general. I had planned to manually fight the battle, but now that was much more risky, so I thanked everyone for their sacrifice and took the win. Five and a half armies were instantly wiped off the map. I looked at it pragmatically as a lot of evil just left the world haha.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
!! Left it where? The rain didn't destroy it?? And you had a bike?? I remember there was a bike at the distribution center, but I quickly got that stuck - I certainly wouldn't have tried riding it over the pass!

When I went up, I brought some grenades, and they did well... until I ran out. I tried throwing some poopies at them, but that didn't help at all. I had use ye'olde shake-them-off-and-pray method. It made BB cry.
I left it just before it started to rain. If I knew you would not be able to keep the bike, I'd probably have left it. I also tried the nades and found them to be more annoying against the small BTs , so I decided to just let me get captured the first time and then kill the big boi with 7-8 nades. That is when the clear sky happened, so it saved me a lot of time until I realized that I had to fight the BTs again! Can't say I loved that mechanic, but it is what it is.

Carrying capacity gets a little strange soon - you might even be there already. You get the ability to build skeleton assists, and the first one you are likely to find is the power skeleton. I've got the guy that gives you those up to 5 stars, so I mostly walk around in level 3 power, which translates to 360kg of weight. That does NOT cover volume, though! You'll probably see a "deliver sleeping pills to the Elder" delivery soon that will show you just what that means.

Eeesh.... The Elder. "I sure am getting old. I need medical assistance pretty frequently now. I know! I'll go live on top of friggin' Devil's Tower!"
Thanks for the input. I just got the LVL 3 skeleton now, looking forward to the volume thingy. I notice you can get a larger vehicle, so that is going to be fun. Elder is so far the hardest place I have had to bike up to, though I have not tried all the sides yet. Seems the bike is capable of boosting up just about anything if you get the right angle between the rocks. It's like it is glitching at times, making some jumps over steeper terrain, at least until you hit the invisible wall[/QUOTE]
I finished my Warhammer 2 Grom campaign yesterday. I bribed the Dark Elves to declare war on the High Elves as well, making them split their attention and armies. This allowed me to pick off their armies one by one, making my victory pretty trivial.

All in all it was a pretty weird campaign. I completed it in 99 turns, which I think is the fastest I've completed a campaign. Grom has so many options to boost Goblins that I was able to field a lot of armies so I could fight on multiple fronts. However, having armies primarily made up of low tier units didn't make for the most interesting battles. Every battle was mostly a matter of throwing all the Goblins within range of something to hit/shoot and then wait.

Luckily I times this perfectly, as the DLC for Warhammer is currently on sale, so I immediately bought the Wood Elf DLC and started a new campaign with them. The Wood Elves only care about their magical forests, so they don't need to expand quickly. Plus they rely on small numbers of elite units, so the battles should be more interesting.

@Pifanjr what would you have done in this situation? If it's too long to read, just joke that you would have taken a nap :)

Played some more of my co-op TWW3 game and had an interesting choice. I had a peace treaty with my neighbor, but I'm a 15 foot tall Demon of Chaos named Azazel, and that peace treaty was a convenience for me so that I could go somewhere else. Nothing more. So now I was done with my other business, and I was going to go take one of their cities, which was the only city left in the area I could hold and develop. So I took my two armies over there (one good army, one pretty bad army) and what do I see but Naggarond, the #1 ranked power in the game and someone I'm at war with, is already sieging the city I want with 4 twenty stack armies.

On the one hand, this is good news as I won't have to break my peace treaty. I could just wait for Naggarond to take it and then take it from them. On the other hand, it's a very serious problem that Naggarond has 4 huge armies essentially right next to my only city, especially considering I only have two armies and don't even like one of them. I decide I can't let them leave where they are. My hope is that they will fight the city's army and garrison and be weakened before I have to take them on. So I just make a camp some distance away to watch the proceedings.

Naggarond didn't like that idea, though. And on their next turn they broke their siege and moved directly at me, which for some reason made Guido laugh hysterically. So I was sitting there looking at them, and I decided nothing had really changed as far as their presence here was concerned. I couldn't let them be here, so I told Guido the game was perhaps going to end and moved my armies in to attack. I could have let them attack our encampment and gotten some bonuses for the battle, but enemies in TWW3 all seem to have lightning strike and use it frequently, and that would have definitely been the end of the game.

So I attack them and, much to my surprise, the game says I can win a pyrrhic victory by using auto-resolve. I look at it more closely and it shows that I would lose half of my main army and all of my second army including the general. I had planned to manually fight the battle, but now that was much more risky, so I thanked everyone for their sacrifice and took the win. Five and a half armies were instantly wiped off the map. I looked at it pragmatically as a lot of evil just left the world haha.

I would've done the exact same thing. I'm still not all that great at battles and spent a lot of time pausing or playing on slow-motion to properly manage my forces and doing that against 4 stacks would have taken ages.

You might want to invest in lightning strike yourself though if Naggarond feels it's appropriate to send 4 full stacks your way. I never do in Warhammer 2, but I've never been in a position where I was being attacked by someone much stronger with a ton of armies.

P.S. what's up with the larger font size?
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
The Trial (by Franz Kafka)
Did you read that? I never could get thru it, too Kafkaesque for me :) If you like him, you should like Dostoevsky, if you haven't tried him—also too heavy for me to swallow in anything other than small bites… and that was back when I was binging English lit, wouldn't dream of trying 'em now. Guess that means I have more sense now. What, it doesn't?

@ZedClampet is the big font re sight problem? If you hold Ctrl and scroll middle mouse button in browser, it'll zoom the page.

Far Cry 5

Decided to go get 3 Specialists, ie GFH Guns/Fangs for Hire, which unlocks a perk that you can have 2 of them with you if you want. You have to complete a quest for each one before they join your roster.

I'd used a couple of random normal soldiers you can hire around the world—I've no idea how many there are, maybe 50?—to earn perk points from them accumulating 15 kills. Of course I worked towards each GFH location, clearing outposts and other locations en route, especially FTPs Fast Travel Points and Prepper Stashes.

First target Boomer, the good doggie who auto-tags all nearby hostiles and wildlife. Main use is send him into locations like outposts, where the baddies won't take any notice of him—you can tag the whole place quite easily. His quest was simple, just eliminate a bunch of baddies guarding his cage.

Second target Grace, the sniper. Her mission was rough, especially before I figured out what tactic wasn't a sure loser. Gotta get down to ground level, and gotta use explosives. I mostly avoid using explosives, and I almost always want the high ground… so yeah, this one took a few resurrections!

3 Heavy Flamers spawn in near the end. I get a kick out of shooting the fuel tanks on their backs so they go boom—reminds me of another similar fetish in Crysis, shooting the small little gas cans on the back of many trucks, which also led to boom.

Third target Peaches, the stealthy cougar who can take isolated baddies down without raising the alarm. Easy quest, just 2 small skirmishes. That's where I left it, next target is Jess Black the feral archer—I figure she and Boomer will be my main pairing.

All Guns for Hire traits


Game starts with one sidearm and one main weapon, which were a pistol and very soon a bow. Getting 2 more holster slots is #1 priority early on, requires 17 perk points so it takes a while. Then there are various increased ammo perks to get. With all those obtained, my loadout selection is:

D2 shotgun or D50 pistol early on—you need their damage for wildlife and close quarters fights.
M-79 Grenade Launcher once you have a dedicated shotgun slot, ideal for taking down the patrolling machine gun 3-truck convoys, if like me you don't want to set explosive traps for them.

Assault Rifle
45/70 'Falls Ghost', this is the best AR I've ever had in any shooter—its accuracy is headshot heaven. Covers everything between close quarters and very long range, or heavies or aircraft. Slower firing rate than other ARs.

SPAS-12 is the only one with a decent fire rate, which is THE essential trait for close quarters defense. It can also be suppressed and has great range, so yeah, tops.

SA-50 is the choice, again because of its firing rate—you can get off a quick second shot if the first misses, which is especially useful with aircraft.

There are of course more powerful weapons—eg RAT4 launcher, various machine guns—which make the game too easy for my taste, so I avoid them other than to get the perks for X number of kills with each.

I might try a session with the D2 shotgun sidearm and the Recurve Bow instead of the SPAS. The bow with explosive and incendiary arrows could easily handle the truck patrols, and should also be decent v aircraft—I love the bow in New Dawn, and of course it can't be beaten for stealth.


Community Contributor
Did you read that? I never could get thru it, too Kafkaesque for me :) If you like him, you should like Dostoevsky, if you haven't tried him—also too heavy for me to swallow in anything other than small bites… and that was back when I was binging English lit, wouldn't dream of trying 'em now. Guess that means I have more sense now. What, it doesn't?
I like them both, or I used to. Haven't read either in a long time. There are others I enjoyed more, though. I was a big fan of Flannery O'Connor and Kurt Vonnegut, for instance.
@ZedClampet is the big font re sight problem? If you hold Ctrl and scroll middle mouse button in browser, it'll zoom the page.
Yeah, I need to do that. I've always liked larger fonts though even before my vision started to go.

[Mod edit: fixed quote]
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Community Contributor
I finished my Warhammer 2 Grom campaign yesterday. I bribed the Dark Elves to declare war on the High Elves as well, making them split their attention and armies. This allowed me to pick off their armies one by one, making my victory pretty trivial.

All in all it was a pretty weird campaign. I completed it in 99 turns, which I think is the fastest I've completed a campaign. Grom has so many options to boost Goblins that I was able to field a lot of armies so I could fight on multiple fronts. However, having armies primarily made up of low tier units didn't make for the most interesting battles. Every battle was mostly a matter of throwing all the Goblins within range of something to hit/shoot and then wait.

Luckily I times this perfectly, as the DLC for Warhammer is currently on sale, so I immediately bought the Wood Elf DLC and started a new campaign with them. The Wood Elves only care about their magical forests, so they don't need to expand quickly. Plus they rely on small numbers of elite units, so the battles should be more interesting.
When you going to make the jump to 3? It should be about ready for you. Nice QoL changes and improved AI. Huge map. And I didn't find the original campaign that bad. It's just very hectic, but they've improved it quite a bit from a winnability perspective, although I actually never lost it.
You might want to invest in lightning strike yourself though if Naggarond feels it's appropriate to send 4 full stacks your way. I never do in Warhammer 2, but I've never been in a position where I was being attacked by someone much stronger with a ton of armies.
Lightning strike has been nerfed a bit and requires more skill points to be useful. For some factions, the best you can do is delay the enemy reinforcements, and I don't want to spend 8 skill points to find out if my faction is one of those.
P.S. what's up with the larger font size?
Eh, I was being weird. I couldn't read the standard font size, but instead of adjusting my screen, I decided to launch my own protest against small font sizes haha
When you going to make the jump to 3? It should be about ready for you. Nice QoL changes and improved AI. Huge map. And I didn't find the original campaign that bad. It's just very hectic, but they've improved it quite a bit from a winnability perspective, although I actually never lost it.

I'm not sure yet. I'll probably wait until it's 50% off at least or maybe get it for my birthday next year. I might download it already through my friend's shared library, but I also still have a bunch of Vortex campaign I want to try and a bunch of non-Total War games I'd like to play, so it's probably going to be a while.

Lightning strike has been nerfed a bit and requires more skill points to be useful. For some factions, the best you can do is delay the enemy reinforcements, and I don't want to spend 8 skill points to find out if my faction is one of those.

Ah, right, I forgot Lightning Strike was changed. You should be able to see the effect of the last level by hovering over the bottom little orb on the right side of the skill that shows the levels.

Eh, I was being weird. I couldn't read the standard font size, but instead of adjusting my screen, I decided to launch my own protest against small font sizes haha

I figured as much. You can change the font settings of the forum on the settings page, that probably works better than using the zoom function of your browser.
Wow, that must have cost a pretty penny. Exactly one pretty penny. Well... fairly pretty. OK... at least not one that had been through anything's digestive system. Recently.

It cost me almost 20,000. I had to try twice more with increasingly larger bribes before they accepted one. For some reason you can't see if a deal will be accepted before you offer it, but there's no penalty to just keep trying, as far as I'm aware. I believe they changed this in the third game, where it'll clearly state if a deal will be accepted or not.
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Community Contributor
It cost me almost 20,000. I had to try twice with increasingly larger bribes before they accepted one. For some reason you can't see if a deal will be accepted before you offer it, but there's no penalty to just keep trying, as far as I'm aware. I believe they changed this in the third game, where it'll clearly state if a deal will be accepted or not.
Yep, and you can just press a "make it work" button so long as you got enough cash.
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