The Currently Playing & Random Game Thoughts Thread (May 8 to May 14)

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@ZedClampet My brain was not working perfectly when I read your message, so for a split second I thought that you meant in real life.

In real life he's the second worst driver in the world behind my daughter, so I'd definitely make him a very slow tractor.

I think the reason he's no good at driving is because his sister has had so many accidents that he's just nervous. The majority of her accidents were the other driver's fault, but I told her she needed to take a defensive driving course because I think she could have avoided some of them. She's in college now, though, and doesn't particularly listen to my suggestions. If I paid for her college she might, but she's on full academic scholarship. She even pays for her own apartment. I do pay for her damn car insurance though, which is like sending two kids through Harvard.
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I was on a personal quest in No Man's Sky to find a star system that had the perfect planet for a base. I was having a really rough time with that, going from system to system. Then the thought came to me that I never explored the first system I built a base in at all. So I teleported back to that first base, which I did a horrible job on. I traveled around and found another planet that I liked, and found a pretty good spot for a base. So cool! I just had to go back to that first system.

I had already started the "Expand your base" quest on another base in another system that I didn't like. I had already built a construction terminal and science terminal, and I had already hired an overseer and scientist. So I was wondering what would happen if I redid that on my new, more permanent base. Would I have to rehire people? Would it screw up my progress in the quest? So what ended up happening is when I built the new terminals, I could just click on them to use them, and my guys just appeared and moved there from the other base. So I'm exactly where I was before. But this time, I put their terminals in a building, instead of making them stand outside all the time. :LOL:

You know what else is crazy, I installed a storage bin in my new base, and I had only done that once before. All of my stuff was in the new storage bin. So I guess it kind of works like cloud storage. Haha.

I won't spoil it, but there's a hilarious quest line later on where you'll get to look around again, but not for a base this time. You'll still want a good star system though, so as you wander around, you might want to take note of any good ones that you find. There's a small chance you can use the one you're in, so you can try that one first.
...I told her she needed to take a defensive driving course because I think she could have avoided some of them. She's in college now, though, and doesn't particularly listen to my suggestions...
That might have a way of working itself out, though. When I was a young adult, I used to be a speedster. Then I got so many tickets I was forced to take defensive driving. I don't think I have ever gotten a speeding ticket since then.


Community Contributor
I'm going to hate myself in the morning, but I've stayed up half the night making my son a 312 mph tractor. It's amazing, though. I ran off the road, hit a small hill and flew for half a mile.
If he doesn't like it....


Community Contributor
If he doesn't like it....

The tractor definitely doesn't have a lot of pick-up. I had to take it to a 16x map to try to get it to max speed. One problem is that I made it weigh 10,000 pounds because I wanted it to be great at plowing, but I may drop that a bit and play with the torque and gear ratios. Also, I somehow managed to make it a perpetual motion machine. Take your foot off the gas and it just keeps going. It's pretty complicated. There are some values that I really don't know what they mean. But I don't think I'll be playing with it again until this weekend.

I did get to play about 10 minutes of Solace Crafting in between work and going to my sister-in-law's house to celebrate my wife's birthday. My suggestion is to never, ever play that game. Ten minutes was enough for a life time.


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I think Giants Software is making a new game that is not Farming Simulator. I was looking at their job listings, and they want people who know Unity. Farming Simulator is made on their own, in-house engine, and I strongly doubt that will ever change.

Farming Simulator 22 was the first game they self-published. They must be trying to figure out what to do with that extra 45 percent of the earnings.

It's probably some sort of farming battle royale/moba hybrid with roguelike features.

Seriously, forget work-life balance. I want to work on whatever they are making. I can stay up late, get up early. Trial and error coding is good, right? Never mind. They'll never know the difference. I'm going to fill out an application.
I don't know if we need a separate thread for this, but some of you may have seen that Starfield (and Redfall) have been delayed until the first half of 2023. I know a lot of people on the forum are highly anticipating Starfield, so I'm curious what people's thoughts are on this.

I've personally been somewhat cautious about getting hyped for Starfield given that I personally don't think BGS has made a good game for quite some time now. Nonetheless, it's hard to not be intrigued by a major BGS release, so I've certainly been keeping my eye on it. Overall, the delay doesn't mean much to me since I was going to be in "wait and see" mode when it came out regardless.


Community Contributor
I don't know if we need a separate thread for this, but some of you may have seen that Starfield (and Redfall) have been delayed until the first half of 2023. I know a lot of people on the forum are highly anticipating Starfield, so I'm curious what people's thoughts are on this.

I've personally been somewhat cautious about getting hyped for Starfield given that I personally don't think BGS has made a good game for quite some time now. Nonetheless, it's hard to not be intrigued by a major BGS release, so I've certainly been keeping my eye on it. Overall, the delay doesn't mean much to me since I was going to be in "wait and see" mode when it came out regardless.

I'M SHOCKED! Oh, no, wait. I'm not.

I am a bit disappointed, though. Wonder if Bethesda will spend any of that time fixing bugs? Probably not, but that's okay. I'll play it anyway.


I literally can't take even a second more of work today, so I've declared myself off for the rest of the afternoon. I've already got 65 hours this week anyway. I don't know whether to play something or take a nap in my recliner. Kind of leaning toward the nap.

Giants is selling a tutorial series on modding Farming Simulator 22 for $4.99. I can't really find anything else, so I think I'll get it. My 300 MPH tractor needs some work.

Here I am just happily driving along. I've just started braking hard:


And here's where I finally came to a stop:


Too bad that you can't knock trees down because i hit that pretty hard.
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I don't know if we need a separate thread for this, but some of you may have seen that Starfield (and Redfall) have been delayed until the first half of 2023. I know a lot of people on the forum are highly anticipating Starfield, so I'm curious what people's thoughts are on this.

I've personally been somewhat cautious about getting hyped for Starfield given that I personally don't think BGS has made a good game for quite some time now. Nonetheless, it's hard to not be intrigued by a major BGS release, so I've certainly been keeping my eye on it. Overall, the delay doesn't mean much to me since I was going to be in "wait and see" mode when it came out regardless.
I don't care one bit about Starfield. But it really makes me mad because now it will be that much longer before they start on TES VI, which I do care a lot about.
I don't know if we need a separate thread for this, but some of you may have seen that Starfield (and Redfall) have been delayed until the first half of 2023. I know a lot of people on the forum are highly anticipating Starfield, so I'm curious what people's thoughts are on this.

I've personally been somewhat cautious about getting hyped for Starfield given that I personally don't think BGS has made a good game for quite some time now. Nonetheless, it's hard to not be intrigued by a major BGS release, so I've certainly been keeping my eye on it. Overall, the delay doesn't mean much to me since I was going to be in "wait and see" mode when it came out regardless.

I was already planning on waiting until most of the post-release polishing was done, so I don't mind. It also gives me some more time to see if we can get a second computer so my wife and I don't have to fight each other to see who gets to play.
A friend of ours did offer us a bunch of his spare parts, but since he lives on the other side of the ocean we'll have to see if it's even worth the shipping cost and possibly import tax.

Too bad that you can't knock trees down because i hit that pretty hard.
Seems like a good idea for a new mod once you finish that tutorial.


Community Contributor
Kind of off-topic even for this thread, but I've mentioned this before and wanted to follow up. My team of high school engineers got invited to the national competition in Dallas this June, and my son is getting some sort of award, but we're not sure what exactly. We were just notified he was an award winner. He was also notified yesterday that he won some sort of history award that will be given somewhere sometime in the middle of June. That one surprises me because his writing is very suspect.

Anyway, It's going to be about a 14 hour plus drive because several can't afford to fly. I may finish losing my mind, then. It lasts 5 days, so at least there will be a little break between the drive there and the drive back.
Kind of off-topic even for this thread, but I've mentioned this before and wanted to follow up. My team of high school engineers got invited to the national competition in Dallas this June, and my son is getting some sort of award, but we're not sure what exactly. We were just notified he was an award winner. He was also notified yesterday that he won some sort of history award that will be given somewhere sometime in the middle of June. That one surprises me because his writing is very suspect.

Anyway, It's going to be about a 14 hour plus drive because several can't afford to fly. I may finish losing my mind, then. It lasts 5 days, so at least there will be a little break between the drive there and the drive back.
Are you driving a group of kids for 14 hours, or just you and your son?


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I don't know if we need a separate thread for this, but some of you may have seen that Starfield (and Redfall) have been delayed until the first half of 2023. I know a lot of people on the forum are highly anticipating Starfield, so I'm curious what people's thoughts are on this.

I've personally been somewhat cautious about getting hyped for Starfield given that I personally don't think BGS has made a good game for quite some time now. Nonetheless, it's hard to not be intrigued by a major BGS release, so I've certainly been keeping my eye on it. Overall, the delay doesn't mean much to me since I was going to be in "wait and see" mode when it came out regardless.
Yeah, I read that and it was very sad news for me. As I mentioned in another post, I don't think Todd would have bumped the release of Starfiled unless he felt it was really necessary, whether it was bug/play testing, performance, or whatever. It's a new single player only, open world(s) RPG as well as a new IP, so I'm sure Bethesda want's to get everything as polished as possible.

Those things are bound to happen, so I understand, and I think it was better to bump it now, than wait until Sept or Oct. I'm also glad they didn't mention a specific release date, but rather in the first half of 2023.
Yeah, I read that and it was very sad news for me. As I mentioned in another post, I don't think Todd would have bumped the release of Starfiled unless he felt it was really necessary, whether it was bug/play testing, performance, or whatever. It's a new single player only, open world(s) RPG as well as a new IP, so I'm sure Bethesda want's to get everything as polished as possible.

Those things are bound to happen, so I understand, and I think it was better to bump it now, than wait until Sept or Oct. I'm also glad they didn't mention a specific release date, but rather in the first half of 2023.
Is Todd still working with Bethesda?
So I got a game called Monster Sanctuary at some point (I don't recall exactly, I think it was maybe part of a bundle) and I didn't think I would really like it. However, I booted it up today and it's actually a lot of fun so far. It's a 2D pixel game where you collect creatures; it has a pleasant soundtrack, enjoyable turn-based combat, and some nice metroidvania-style platforming and exploration. It's on sale for $6.79 on Steam at the moment, so if it sounds cool maybe give it a look.
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