The Currently Playing & Random Game Thoughts Thread (9 October to 15 October)

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According to his post they added a bunch of save areas to the beginning of the game now, so it probably won't be as bad. I actually beat the first boss and then did some other stuff, and at no time did the game say anything about a save system of any sorts, and I was picking up all the letters and everything, being conscientious about not missing anything. I beat that boss on 3 different occasions because the game kept putting me back near the beginning every time I logged in.

I'll keep my eyes open, I would assume there's some sort of indication the game is saving when it happens. I hate having to replay parts of a game, especially unnecessarily, so I'm really hoping I can avoid accidentally wiping out my progress by quitting before the game has saved.


I didn't notice anything annoying in that way playing the AWE version above, its been a while though. I've been waiting to get a new GPU with ray tracing to replay it.


Community Contributor
:D This could only happen to me, probably, but this was the first ray tracing game I played, and I almost got killed once because I was shooting at the reflection of the bad guys instead of actually shooting the bad guys.
:D This could only happen to me, probably, but this was the first ray tracing game I played, and I almost got killed once because I was shooting at the reflection of the bad guys instead of actually shooting the bad guys.

The perils of technology! I'm jonesing for that RT though, cant wait to be shooting the walls myself. Waiting for new Radeons to be released and see the lay of the land.
I'm still working my way through AC: Syndicate and The Witcher 1 at the moment, but I've also gotten back into Forza Horizon 5. FH5 is a favorite of mine that I'll continue to go back to. I haven't played in awhile as it runs pretty got so I was basically on hiatus from playing it during summer. I started digging into the Hot Wheels DLC and that's been a fun time.

On the Steam Deck side of things, it's a bit interesting. I think I've had it around 2 weeks or so and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. Firstly, it's definitely a great device and is immensely tweakable. While I like the device and I don't regret getting one, I feel like it has a weird problem that doesn't exist with my Switch. There's always a nagging question of whether I'd rather play it on my high-end PC or not. It's kind of a strange situation. It has a lot more power and capability vs a Switch, but in the majority of cases I would just play more demanding games on my desktop anyways. If a game supports steam cloud, it is possible to hop between the two, but my internet also sucks and such a setup would require me to download the game twice which isn't trivial if it's a larger game.

To avoid potentially rambling for far too long, my thoughts at around 2 weeks with the Steam Deck are somewhat mixed. It's undeniably a great device, and especially great if you like tweaking. But for me, I kinda feel like it's a bit "extra" if that makes sense. It's in a very particular niche: it has to be something I can't/don't want to play on Switch but also something I don't want to play on desktop, which are a very specific subset of games.


Community Contributor
Hmm, bummer. Suggestions for the distant future, in order of preference:
♣ Install on a different machine.
♦ Try current machine after a fresh Windows install.
♥ Try install to a different drive on current machine & OS.

My guess is some repository like Registry or Appdata or ProgramData folders may have got corrupted for that game. I would recommend not trying to use a save game file from now, start anew.
I wiped out the appdata (they use LocalLow for reasons unfathomable), too. I don't think it uses ProgramData. I haven't got a different machine! A pity. I could try to rule out whether my save is corrupted or not with that.
Does the game generate error reports?
Yes, nice cryptic ones. The player log actually notes the crash and dumps a stack trace, but that just has the DLLs involved (mostly Windows System32 files). There aren't any routine names in it, or I could guess at what was breaking. The root of it is a memory access violation, though.
:D This could only happen to me, probably, but this was the first ray tracing game I played, and I almost got killed once because I was shooting at the reflection of the bad guys instead of actually shooting the bad guys.
I never did that! I did, however, shoot my own reflection a few times. ;)
So I played a little bit of Control. I'm playing with most settings on medium or low, I don't think there's any ray tracing happening.

I didn't expect the game to be this unnerving though. I really like the whole "reality isn't what it seems" thing, but I was not prepared for how scary things got. My wife happened to see a cutscene and asked if it was "the horror game with the ghosts" (Phantasmagoria) and I told her it's not a horror game. Immediately after I said that, the main character said "horror"...
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Community Contributor
So I played a little bit of Control. I'm playing with most settings on medium or low, I don't think there's any ray tracing happening.

I didn't expect the game to be this unnerving though. I really like the whole "reality isn't what it seems" thing, but I was not prepared for how scary things got. My wife happened to see a cutscene and asked if it was "the horror game with the ghosts" (Phantasmagoria) and I told her it's not a horror game. Immediately after I said that, but main character said "horror"...
All the bodies hanging around are a bit unnerving to me.


Community Contributor
No one is downloading my simple, reasonably attractive Forza liveries *sad face*
Tasteless bastards.

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Community Contributor
@WoodenSaucer yeah, it's a bull.

The thing about the downloads that bothers me (none of it actually bothers me. I just like complaining) is that while my designs may not be great, you should see what designs are available from other players. It's terrible most of the time. That's why I keep on doing liveries even though I'm not great at it. But my liveries aren't actually showing up for people to download because the game is almost a year old now.

If I had started doing liveries when the game first came out, these would be downloaded quite a bit. I mean, more than half the liveries available are just people painting the car a color and uploading it. For instance, on the Porsche one, there's only one livery available that isn't just a solid color. Someone uploaded the car painted in white, and it got over 50k downloads. And, by the way, all you have to do to paint the car white yourself is to hit "Paint Car" and select white.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I don't know what's screwed up with Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, but the game just isn't going to work for me. I'll manage to play a few hours sometimes, then it goes into a crashing fit that kills the game inside of 5 minutes and doesn't stop until I uninstall everything and install it again. Now, even that doesn't work.

The forums aren't on fire with people screaming about how the game is broken so I presume it's not a common thing. I'll have to try again sometime in the future after some bugs are fixed.
That's got to be extremely time-consuming (not to mention frustrating) to have to reinstall a game multiple times. The game has been out for just over a year now, it seems odd that Owlcat hasn't done anything about the widespread crashing. I guess it will sit a bit longer on my wish list before I take the plunge.


Community Contributor
I love Jaguars. And I've always liked the hood ornament on them.
Do the math! Wait... hood ornament? ;)
That's got to be extremely time-consuming (not to mention frustrating) to have to reinstall a game multiple times. The game has been out for just over a year now, it seems odd that Owlcat hasn't done anything about the widespread crashing. I guess it will sit a bit longer on my wish list before I take the plunge.
Not that long! Google Fiber for the win!

There's very little complaining in the forums about crashes. Some, but it's just the normal level I expect from any game. I seem to have gotten lucky.


Community Contributor
After the latest update, Forza crashes to desktop when I try to open it. Updated GPU driver, but it didn't help.

I often get the feeling that it's a miracle that the game ever works. Bits and pieces of it are constantly breaking. One week the Treasure Hunt doesn't work. Then they fix that and then something else breaks. Then the Treasure Hunt doesn't work again. This is a new high water mark though, the game not even opening.
Do the math! Wait... hood ornament? ;)
The Atari Jaguar was awesome in its day. And I love the ad for Babbage's at the end. I used to love that store.

Thank you for your relentless efforts to be nothing more than an annoying contrarian.
Haha. I'm honestly not trying to be a contrarian this time. When I was younger, a black Jag with a tan leather interior was my dream car.


Community Contributor
The Atari Jaguar was awesome in its day. And I love the ad for Babbage's at the end. I used to love that store.

Haha. I'm honestly not trying to be a contrarian this time. When I was younger, a black Jag with a tan leather interior was my dream car.
I've never really been a car person. I usually just buy a mid-priced SUV and keep it for 15 years. One time right after I got married I decided I needed to up my car game and I shopped around for months. I looked at Jaguar and a bunch of others, but I finally decided I was too big to be getting in and out of small cars and bought a Jeep Grand Cherokee instead. Drove that for 16 years and then bought a Ford Flex, which I'm still driving.

I did almost buy a Ferrari 308 GTi for $28,000 once. That was my dream car as a kid, and they were pretty affordable used. Talked myself out of it, though.
I've never really been a car person. I usually just buy a mid-priced SUV and keep it for 15 years. One time right after I got married I decided I needed to up my car game and I shopped around for months. I looked at Jaguar and a bunch of others, but I finally decided I was too big to be getting in and out of small cars and bought a Jeep Grand Cherokee instead. Drove that for 16 years and then bought a Ford Flex, which I'm still driving.

I did almost buy a Ferrari 308 GTi for $28,000 once. That was my dream car as a kid, and they were pretty affordable used. Talked myself out of it, though.
I'm not a car person at all now. I'm about to pay off my 2017 Toyota Sienna in December, and I don't care about getting anything else. But when I was younger, I did love Jags. I suppose if I were to get excited about something today, it would be a Tesla Roadster. Those things are awesome.

How in the world did you find a Ferrari for $28k?
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