The Currently Playing & Random Game Thoughts Thread (28 August to 3 September)

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Off Topic: It's football season! My team plays Thursday night. When I was a kid, I used to watch every game with a notebook and keep copious stats. I don't need to do that anymore thanks to the Internet. Unfortunately, the Internet and terrible management have also killed one of my favorite things about football season, and that was reading all the articles in the newspaper. I haven't read a newspaper in years because our local paper made the horrible decision to let go most of it's journalists and primarily just cover national news with stories from the AP. I suppose this is cheaper, but I don't want to read national news in my local paper. It should be for local news. So I stopped buying it and haven't read a paper in years. I almost bought one not that long ago, but when I found out that it was $2 for the Wednesday edition and the front page was nothing I hadn't already seen online, I just put it back down. Did I mention it's football season?
Off Topic: It's football season! My team plays Thursday night. When I was a kid, I used to watch every game with a notebook and keep copious stats. I don't need to do that anymore thanks to the Internet. Unfortunately, the Internet and terrible management have also killed one of my favorite things about football season, and that was reading all the articles in the newspaper. I haven't read a newspaper in years because our local paper made the horrible decision to let go most of it's journalists and primarily just cover national news with stories from the AP. I suppose this is cheaper, but I don't want to read national news in my local paper. It should be for local news. So I stopped buying it and haven't read a paper in years. I almost bought one not that long ago, but when I found out that it was $2 for the Wednesday edition and the front page was nothing I hadn't already seen online, I just put it back down. Did I mention it's football season?
Last time I read a newspaper was in the train back from vacation 9 days ago. My wife had broken her phone on vacation and asked to use mine for the trip, so I read a newspaper someone left behind in the train.

Can't say I particularly missed it, unlike reading gaming magazines. Though I suspect reading a gaming magazine now would mostly make me sad about all the games I don't have time to play.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Off Topic: It's football season! My team plays Thursday night. When I was a kid, I used to watch every game with a notebook and keep copious stats. I don't need to do that anymore thanks to the Internet
For some reason I had assumed that your favorite team was the Titans, but the Thurs night NFL opener (9/8) is the Bills & Rams, so it must be one of those two? I used to be a football fanatic (both NFL & college) as a kid & young adult stages, but I've drifted away from it the last 10-15 years or so. I still read the sports news (online) and watch some highlight clips, but that fanaticism I used to have has faded to indifference mostly.

I haven't read a newspaper in years because our local paper made the horrible decision to let go most of it's journalists and primarily just cover national news with stories from the AP.
Same here in Portland, they drastically cut staffing of all types, and outside of a scattering of local articles, it's basically become a cut & past publication from the AP Wire.


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For some reason I had assumed that your favorite team was the Titans, but the Thurs night NFL opener (9/8) is the Bills & Rams, so it must be one of those two? I used to be a football fanatic (both NFL & college) as a kid & young adult stages, but I've drifted away from it the last 10-15 years or so. I still read the sports news (online) and watch some highlight clips, but that fanaticism I used to have has faded to indifference mostly.
I used to be a big NFL fan, but that's gone away through the years, so now I'm just a Tennessee Volunteers fan, but even that is pretty muted from what it used to be, of course we've disastrously bad for the last 15 years, which didn't help my enthusiasm. Things are looking up, though, and I'm hoping maybe I can rekindle some passion this year somehow. I miss being so deeply interested. Anyway, we play Ball State on Thursday.
Last time I read a newspaper was in the train back from vacation 9 days ago. My wife had broken her phone on vacation and asked to use mine for the trip, so I read a newspaper someone left behind in the train.

Can't say I particularly missed it, unlike reading gaming magazines. Though I suspect reading a gaming magazine now would mostly make me sad about all the games I don't have time to play.
A long ride without a phone? At one point, my phone had caused me to lose all patience for any sort of waiting. If there were a 10 second delay for something, I would pull out my phone. I'm not sure what happened exactly, but I stopped doing that. Now, any sort of vehicle ride and I just sleep, and I mostly just use my phone for texting and virtual doctor visits. I got a usage notice this morning and it said I'd had 16 minutes of screen time last week.


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No, it's volleyball season! I just tried to hook ESPN+ up, but I would get to the 'what is your TV provider' and stop dead because mine wasn't on the list. Oh fine, I'll just witch it on my PC! Nope. You must go through a TV provider. Eeeesh, whatever. Account cancelled.

P.S. Had to giggle at the first post of the topic being off-topic. OOOPS! No, wait, I didn't giggle! I snickered! You know... like giggling but in a manly way.
I continued with Warhammer 2 for a bit this evening, playing as the Wood Elves. Sadly I cannot post any screenshots, as the desktop has been claimed by my wife to play World of Warcraft, but it's been great absolutely decimating Orks and Skaven, losing only several dozen Elves while killing hundreds to a thousand enemies.

A long ride without a phone? At one point, my phone had caused me to lose all patience for any sort of waiting. If there were a 10 second delay for something, I would pull out my phone. I'm not sure what happened exactly, but I stopped doing that. Now, any sort of vehicle ride and I just sleep, and I mostly just use my phone for texting and virtual doctor visits. I got a usage notice this morning and it said I'd had 16 minutes of screen time last week.

I've noticed I've been relying on my phone for for giving me something to do, but not really having anything on my phone to do, so I just scroll Reddit. I think a big part of that was that I couldn't focus on much while being sick from covid. I had been reading a web serial on my phone, Worm, but didn't even try reading any.

Anyway, now that I'm feeling better I decided to stop looking at my phone unless I have a plan of what to look at, instead of hoping I'll find something to distract me. Same for my laptop for that matter.
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P.S. Had to giggle at the first post of the topic being off-topic. OOOPS! No, wait, I didn't giggle! I snickered! You know... like giggling but in a manly way.
I never explicitly stated such, but one of my original intentions of this thread was to have somewhere to post off-topic stuff since we probably don't want any off-topic threads.
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I continued with Warhammer 2 for a bit this evening, playing as the Wood Elves. Sadly I cannot post any screenshots, as the desktop has been claimed by my wife to play World of Warcraft, but it's been great absolutely decimating Orks and Skaven, losing only several dozen Elves while killing hundreds to a thousand enemies.
IMO the Wood Elves are devastatingly OP. Occasionally I'll use them in custom battles to practice fighting against armies that have high numbers of ranged units, and the battles are ridiculously difficult to win. They are a blast to play, however, just not to play against.
I used to be a big NFL fan, but that's gone away through the years, so now I'm just a Tennessee Volunteers fan, but even that is pretty muted from what it used to be, of course we've disastrously bad for the last 15 years, which didn't help my enthusiasm. Things are looking up, though, and I'm hoping maybe I can rekindle some passion this year somehow. I miss being so deeply interested. Anyway, we play Ball State on Thursday.
I was a pretty big NFL fan back through the Peyton Manning days when the Colts were good. But they've been bad for so long that I haven't been motivated to keep up like I used to. Even the Andrew Luck days were a little rough, and everyone thought he was going to be the next big thing.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Did I mention it's football season?
You did! Did you read about the record-equaling score? Wow, huh.

reading gaming magazines
The last one I tried to read had Civilization 5 on the cover—so 2010 I guess—and I'm almost sure it was PCG. Print was too small even with my glasses, so there endeth my print reading days.

our local paper
I did a few bits & bobs for our locals. Some trade-related articles, a few related photos, but the main stint was crossword compiler for a startup which became an enddown after 6 months. Got ~$50/week, which was a nice extra during my freelance days 30 years ago. Even tho the clues were cryptic, the toughest bit was getting the words to fit in the damn frame!

@Zed, did no one start a local paid-for news website? There's your project—I'll do the crossword & @Colif will cover Crypto and NFTs :)

I'd had 16 minutes of screen time last week
Excessive! But good news: How Your Cell Phone Habits Impact Your Productivity

off-topic threads
There's always Coconut Monkey, but that would get too overwhelmed—your thread is better imo for weekly ramblings :)


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In Death Stranding, Sam goes around with a set of floaty-dog-tag things on a necklace. Any time he gets to a new place (and gets permission), the takes off the necklace and uses the floaty things to get them on the network. OK, fine.

Except every time he does it, he doesn't just take the necklace off. He YANKS it off hard! I have to assume he broke the fastener the very first time he did it. So how does he keep putting it back on? Maybe he's fabricating a new chain while the game is showing how the network has expanded?

(See also: this trope)

Still an NFL fan!


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Every television channel has a free website with local news. There are paid websites with: local business news, high school sports, and several for our college sports. I don't think I'll throw my hat in that ring.

When I made this thread, I had no idea what Coconut Monkey Club even was. I've still never opened it. I imagine you all are sharing cat memes. In the other forum I post to, we start every off topic post with "Dear Facebook". Actually, I started that, and everyone else just started using it.


Coconut Monkey Club ( Dear Facebook):

YouTube has taken down one of my favorite videos. It was a mother and daughter dancing to a song I like. The official video is terrible, with people talking over the song. I really wish I had recorded that video.


By the way, I tried The Trial again and did much better this time. I even came in 2nd the last race.
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In Death Stranding, Sam goes around with a set of floaty-dog-tag things on a necklace. Any time he gets to a new place (and gets permission), the takes off the necklace and uses the floaty things to get them on the network. OK, fine.

Except every time he does it, he doesn't just take the necklace off. He YANKS it off hard! I have to assume he broke the fastener the very first time he did it. So how does he keep putting it back on? Maybe he's fabricating a new chain while the game is showing how the network has expanded?

(See also: this trope)

My first though was that the fastener would be magnetic, so he would just click the magnets back in place. I can't find a proper in-game image or clip of the necklace where you can see the fastening bit though.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Well that was weird. Last night I saw a string of lights moving relatively slowly across the sky. While I can never rule out compost mentis, repeated eye rubs and a quick check of the good stuff stock both concluded I was not seeing things.

Best I could come up with was it was a load of drones—around 15 to 20—flying in formation.
[not my image]

Here's the explanation—new to me :)


Community Contributor
Well that was weird. Last night I saw a string of lights moving relatively slowly across the sky. While I can never rule out compost mentis, repeated eye rubs and a quick check of the good stuff stock both concluded I was not seeing things.

Best I could come up with was it was a load of drones—around 15 to 20—flying in formation.
[not my image]

Here's the explanation—new to me :)
That idiot is literally filling up low earth orbit with satellites. NASA has mentioned the difficulties it's going to cause.
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My first though was that the fastener would be magnetic, so he would just click the magnets back in place. I can't find a proper in-game image or clip of the necklace where you can see the fastening bit though.

That'd make sense for taking it off and on - but in between he puts it in that weird terminal thing where it just floats. If the ends were magnets, it would re-attach both ends.

I'm starting to fade out of highway construction in favor of making zip lines. Highways are great (and needed if you want to do optional heavy load runs with 800kg+ of cargo) but you have to put them where the devs decided they go. Zip lines go where you want. They're much faster, too, but you can only take what you can carry (plus some extra on a floating carrier if you've got Director's Cut).
I started a new game of Skyrim. It's been a while since I've played it, and it feels good to get back into it. I've never been interested in playing any of the war/political quests before, but I think I may try it out this time to see what happens. I'm not sure which side I like more, but I might start off as an Imperial soldier. We'll see.


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Well, my Warhammer 3 solo campaign is stressing me out. It's got a bit of Troy under the hood, I believe. I'm at war with 14 factions, and I didn't declare war on any of them. I'm very literally surrounded by enemies and have two settlements under siege. My main army is playing offense, trying to thin the herd a little bit. My other armies are scrambling to help the besieged cities or set in ambush stance near other enemy targets. Fortunately, the dwarfs make a ton of money. If I can stop the current vampire push, I'm going to send an army to eliminate some of their cities while Grudgebearer continues to whittle away at the Greenskins and rats. Unlike my chaos campaign, I've got an army that can defeat any army on the map and probably any two armies on the map. That helps a lot. Also, I hope Karl Franz is able to hold out because I've recruited cavalry from him, which is nice to have in a dwarf army. That's one of the main reasons I'm getting set to go after the vampires, to help old Franz out. These vampires have at least a dozen armies.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Warhammer 3 solo campaign is stressing me out
That sounds like one big barroom brawl! If it's stressing, start a new game—this is supposed to be entertainment :)

Far Cry 5

Specialist Binding Bug
There's an annoying bug which makes Specialists—your main sidekicks—switch their key binding on what seems like a whim. You assign one to G and other to H, but good luck guessing which is which if you don't check often. I haven't figured out the trigger(s) yet, but it looks like fairly small changes in the game's state is enough.

Which Specialist to get first—and last
Jess is best first, with the Harvest Master perk—she kills an animal = 4 skins! Mind you, the little story she tells en route to completing her recruitment quest is no fun to listen to.

I may still go for Boomer first, and Jess second, cos he's much nearer and easier to get, and is universally useful. I'd get Cheeseburger third so you're covered for defense or melee missions. Then Grace & Peaches who are generally useful.

Worst is Adelaide, she gets shot down very easily in her chopper, and second-last I recommend is Nick whose plane skills are VERY situational. Sharky third-last, and Hurk fourth-last—he's the funniest, get him together with his mom at his pop's house for some wholesome family banter!
1 Boomer
2 Jess
3 Cheeseburger
4 Grace
5 Peaches
6 Hurk
7 Sharky
8 Nick
9 Adelaide
Fyi the Resistance mod lets you change out Adelaide for any of a bunch of others.

Delayed Health Care
I just got my first health upgrade, went for a lot of others first, mostly weapons related. Dunno if that's a good or bad strategy, but I'm mainly good with it. Do you guys usually buff health early or late when you have a choice?

Disappearing Corpses
It's not too often, but definitely noticeable, that it's very easy to lose corpses before you can loot 'em. I'm talking out in the wild here, where most of my combat encounters happen. Wipe out a bunch, and it can happen that if you loot those on the right, those on the left will be gone when you come back for 'em.

Shopping Annoyances
Two problems with this:
1. It would be good if there was a 'Buy everything' option. I'm early in the game yet, and already have more money than I'll ever need.
2. There should be a shop at every FTP—Fast Travel Point. It's a waste of time to have to FT to a shop location to do necessary biz, and then FT back to where you were.
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Well, my Warhammer 3 solo campaign is stressing me out. It's got a bit of Troy under the hood, I believe. I'm at war with 14 factions, and I didn't declare war on any of them. I'm very literally surrounded by enemies and have two settlements under siege. My main army is playing offense, trying to thin the heard a little bit. My other armies are scrambling to help the besieged cities or set in ambush stance near other enemy targets. Fortunately, the dwarfs make a ton of money. If I can stop the current vampire push, I'm going to send an army to eliminate some of their cities while Grudgebearer continues to whittle away at the Greenskins and rats. Unlike my chaos campaign, I've got an army that can defeat any army on the map and probably any two armies on the map. That helps a lot. Also, I hope Karl Franz is able to hold out because I've recruited cavalry from him, which is nice to have in a dwarf army. That's one of the main reasons I'm getting set to go after the vampires, to help old Franz out. These vampires have at least a dozen armies.

Are you playing on normal campaign difficulty perhaps? I read on the Total War subreddit that the AI on normal is unusually aggressive, much more so than on hard or very hard. Seems like the developers messed up some settings.


Community Contributor
That sounds like one big barroom brawl! If it's stressing, start a new game—this is supposed to be entertainment :)

Far Cry 5

Specialist Binding Bug
There's an annoying bug which makes Specialists—your main sidekicks—switch their key binding on what seems like a whim. You assign one to G and other to H, but good luck guessing which is which if you don't check often. I haven't figured out the trigger(s) yet, but it looks like fairly small changes in the game's state is enough.

Which Specialist to get first—and last
Jess is best first, with the Harvest Master perk—she kills an animal = 4 skins! Mind you, the little story she tells en route to completing her recruitment quest is no fun to listen to.

I may still go for Boomer first, and Jess second, cos he's much nearer and easier to get, and is universally useful. I'd get Cheeseburger third so you're covered for defense or melee missions. Then Grace & Peaches who are generally useful.

Worst is Adelaide, she gets shot down very easily in her chopper, and second-last I recommend is Nick whose plane skills are VERY situational. Sharky third-last, and Hurk fourth-last—he's the funniest, get him together with his mom at his pop's house for some wholesome family banter!
1 Boomer
2 Jess
3 Cheeseburger
4 Grace
5 Peaches
6 Hurk
7 Sharky
8 Nick
9 Adelaide
Fyi the Resistance mod lets you change out Adelaide for any of a bunch of others.

Delayed Health Care
I just got my first health upgrade, went for a lot of others first, mostly weapons related. Dunno if that's a good or bad strategy, but I'm mainly good with it. Do you guys usually buff health early or late when you have a choice?

Disappearing Corpses
It's not too often, but definitely noticeable, that it's very easy to lose corpses before you can loot 'em. I'm talking out in the wild here, where most of my combat encounters happen. Wipe out a bunch, and it can happen that if you loot those on the right, those on the left will be gone when you come back for 'em.

Shopping Annoyances
Two problems with this:
1. It would be good if there was a 'Buy everything' option. I'm early in the game yet, and already have more money than I'll ever need.
2. There should be a shop at every FTP—Fast Travel Point. It's a waste of time to have to FT to a shop location to do necessary biz, and then FT back to where you were.
Great guide and suggestions. I'm not sure I would count you as being "early in the game", though. Early in the story? Probably. But it sounds like you run around and do a ton of stuff before advancing the story.
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Are you playing on normal campaign difficulty perhaps? I read on the Total War subreddit that the AI on normal is unusually aggressive, much more so than on hard or very hard. Seems like the developers messed up some settings.
That's interesting. Yeah, I started over because I wanted to do things in a different order, and when I did, I took it down to Normal. Maybe I should move it to either Easy or Hard. Easy sounds pretty good right now. Maybe I could leave the battles on Normal and just change the campaign.

Note: changed "heard" to "herd" in my OP.
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