Steam Autumn Sale...See any great deals? Buying anything?

Honestly can say before i even really look i wont be buying anything because i usually never do (in the last few years at least) I got the emails about a bunch on my wishlist being on sale but, tbh, they go for that cheap and sometimes cheaper off steam. If i find a deal like that ill post it.

With that, the main game im playing right now, Diablo 4 is FREE FOR 6 DAYS (on steam) if anyone is interested at all in ARPGs like Grim Dawn, Sacred 2 (edit for the other sacred 2 lovers) Path of Exile, Last Epoch, etc. Def. give this a try. The campaign is great imo. Theres also a 35% increase in XP and gold this week too. They said 35, was only giving 25 and they had to hotfix it lol, Blizzard is bad with numbers.
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Community Contributor
In what can only be described as confusing, I can't find any games on my wishlist that I want.

I bought Cult of the Lamb and Starship Corporation, but I have no idea when I'll get to either of them.

Starship Corporation sounds like my perfect game, but I never bought it before because of "mixed" user reviews. But now it's $4, so I'll give it a try.

As for my wishlist, many of the games haven't been released yet, but I actually put about 1000 games on my wishlist years ago, but I don't play visual novels, point & click, platformers, shooters or SP horror games anymore, so now I'm going through and deleting them.


Community Contributor
I got tempted for a second when I saw Subnautica is less than €10 right now, but I don't think I have enough free time to properly enjoy it now, so I'm going to pass on it for now.

I also noticed Starfield is already getting a 20% discount, which is promising for when I get around to it in a couple of years.
If you end up getting it, don't let your daughter watch you play. Apparently a lot of people find it terrifying. I mention this because if you are like me, you might not see it as scary at all and end up giving her nightmares. If she's okay with it, there's nothing really bad in the game. You can die and get attacked by sea monsters, but there's nothing gory or anything. I guess the sea monsters would be frightening for a child, though.


Community Contributor
It's Yakuza time! Oh, that's odd, the normal price for a Yakuza game is about $20. My wish list says its 70% off but costs $18, and the -70% is in a light grey font instead of a bold green. When I look at the store page, I see it isn't on sale at all and costs $20. However, there's a bundle including the game that is 70% off for $12. So where did the $18 come from!? Oh well, whatever, I'll get the rest of the old-style Yakuza games. I don't know if I can stick with them all the way to the end before jumping up to the turn-based Like a Dragon, though. And then there's all those Judgement games, too....

I want to get WWE 2023's base game. It's on sale, but I can get it even cheaper if I join the Humble Choice thing for $12 and get Shipbreaker as well. That seems a little too good to be true.

If you end up getting it, don't let your daughter watch you play. Apparently a lot of people find it terrifying. I mention this because if you are like me, you might not see it as scary at all and end up giving her nightmares.
It was scary! It gets dark down deep, and silt limits how far you can see. NASTY things are down there! And that's not even counting the jump scares you get when some crazy fish jumps out at you and explodes. It's easily the best exploration I've seen in any game, though.


Community Contributor
It was scary! It gets dark down deep, and silt limits how far you can see. NASTY things are down there! And that's not even counting the jump scares you get when some crazy fish jumps out at you and explodes. It's easily the best exploration I've seen in any game, though.
After I finished it, I went back and was reading through the user reviews and was surprised by all the scary talk. It just didn't affect me that way. I was expecting to see people talking about how beautiful the various biomes were. I don't even remember any jumpscares. The only time I really got uneasy was when I was in the giant sub descending through the tight caverns to the final area. I had a real sense I was never going to make it back.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Moderator is one I am looking at. It got a slightly better deal through Fanatical, so I'd also throw in that I recommend anyone looking for a Steam deal to take a look at first. On that site, you can see the price history and just see how good of a deal those prices are. It's not a shocker to see older games getting full prices and then getting a huge discount, artificially making it seem like a good deal when it is absolutely not.

Example of how price history and how easy it is to find the best deal.

You can toggle off the keyshops if you want to be 100% certain that your game comes from legit sources:
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If you end up getting it, don't let your daughter watch you play. Apparently a lot of people find it terrifying. I mention this because if you are like me, you might not see it as scary at all and end up giving her nightmares. If she's okay with it, there's nothing really bad in the game. You can die and get attacked by sea monsters, but there's nothing gory or anything. I guess the sea monsters would be frightening for a child, though.

As someone with a mild case of thalassophobia, I'll probably be one of the people who do find it scary.

I personally loved Red Faction Guerrilla. You might have noticed I don't finish most of the games I start, but I did finish Red Faction Guerrilla purely because the destruction physics are so much fun. I would say it's definitely worth it for $3.


Community Contributor is one I am looking at. It got a slightly better deal through Fanatical, so I'd also throw in that I recommend anyone looking for a Steam deal to take a look at first. On that site, you can see the price history and just see how good of a deal those prices are. It's not a shocker to see older games getting full prices and then getting a huge discount, artificially making it seem like a good deal when it is absolutely not.

Example of how price history and how easy it is to find the best deal.

You can toggle off the keyshops if you want to be 100% certain that your game comes from legit sources:

God, you all make such a big deal about finding a game $2 less somewhere else :ROFLMAO:

I'm kind of just picking on you all, but it's also true.
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Community Contributor
Shush, there's a guy around lecturing us about stock market, don't annoy him with such financially irresponsible laissez faire talk.
Do you all only grocery shop at Walmart and Aldi? Because they pretty much have the best prices on everything. I save over $100/wk getting groceries at Walmart and Aldi. Do you very rarely eat out? Because that's a lot more expensive than eating at home. Do you always use the cheapest gas station in town? Do you run your heat at 62 degrees in the winter? Do you use a clothes dryer instead of hanging your clothes up to dry? Is every lightbulb in your house an LED? Do you have an electric lawnmower? How old is your car? Trust me, my budget is fine even if I spent $4 more on a game yesterday.

But mostly I just have serious ethical concerns about buying Steam games from another company. As I said above, if I expect Valve to preserve my library, let me download games as often as I want, provide a functional launcher with many fun extras like profiles, point shops, trading cards, achievements, VOIP, chat and messaging...then I should probably give the money to them instead of someone else, don't you think?

All that being said, this Autumn Sale sucks. You should definitely be shopping around or waiting for the holiday sale if that sort of thing is that important to you.


Community Contributor
So there goes another $1.70—sorry Zed, I know I could have invested it instead…
Just a second, making more "not funny" notes for Copilot.

I never said anything about how much you should invest. There is a time and a place for everything, including entertainment. If you don't like my advice (which was that everyone should invest, not gamble), go watch your preferred expert, CheeseWonker1937 on YouTube.

(PS, I just made up that YouTube name. I don't want people to search for it and potentially find something inappropriate)
the only thing thats caught my eye so far is on the epic store: Assassins Creed valhalla the complete edition is for 19.99 (discounted + with the epic 33% voucher). not a bad price for something that goes for 180. i'm tempted but, with so many games (including odyessy) and having bought a lot of things this month (namely training material) i'm not sure if i want to get it. i'm unlikely to play the game any time soon.

i'll need to think about it. I suspect that the game will be on sale at that price again come christmas anyway. But honestly do i want to play more assassins creed? its getting kinda stale at this point.