Steam Autumn Sale 2022

PCG list here has some good deals, I already have the ones that I'm interested in from there though.

So far I picked up Dying Light 2 yesterday 50% off at €29.99 and Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch for €9.99. Also got Yakuza 0 for €4,99 and Deus Ex GOTY for €0.97, bargain!

Might grab something else but nothing immediately jumped out yet.

What you looking at/bought already ? Any deals that may have slipped under anyone else's radar?
The games i want, i want to be on a bigger discount. 25% doesnt cut it for me. God of War should be 20 or less imo, but i have enough goin right now anyways (Darktide, COD, Destiny 2) And with a lot of the other games on sale on gamepass, its just a better choice to play them off there. Ill be playing them off there just as much as if i spent more than a months subscription on them through steam.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Crysis Remastered trilogy
I replay Crysis & Warhead every year, but won't bother with the Remaster cos:
♣ Crysis 2 & 3 would be a waste, won't play them;
♦ Warhead is the better of the originals, and isn't in the Remaster;
♥ It doesn't benefit much from the remaster, still visually appealing today, 15 years later!

What you looking at/bought already ?
Just got Far Cry 6 for $15 elsewhere, so it's not like I need anything else at the moment :)
Of those I will probably buy at some stage in the future:
Stray—meow, 20% is a cat fart, not a discount;
Hmm, looks like that's it—unless my wishlist email throws up anything.

Civilization 6 for $5.99 is a good toe-dipper if you've never tried Civ before.
But if you're a bit of a 4X veteran, you need the 2 expansions in the $29.77 Anthology Bundle which substantially improve the game. Still $30 for the lot is not bad, I paid $40 ~18 months ago.

In fairness tho, nothing wonderful in terms of discounts there. I get better and as good every week via my wishlist emails from Steam & GOG.
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Community Contributor
Yakuza 0 was a really fun one! I'm a little tempted to re-play it, now that I know the stories it's forshadowing...

Solista's complete collection bundle is $42. Encased is under $10 already. ELEX 2 is half off ($25). Wildermyth isn't much cheaper, but it's pretty cheap to start with. Yakuza: Like a Dragon is two thirds off, so $21. Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries is cheap and fun. Death Stranding is $24. Just Cause 3 bundle is cheap, as always. Prey is only $7.50, which is a great deal! Valkyria Chronicles 4 bundle is just $10, which is a really good deal. Horizon: Zero Dawn is just $20. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is under $5.

I'll be buying none, because I'm still not done with the stuff I bought over the summer.
Oh man, is it not still there? I was thinking about playing it after I'm done with Requiem. That's disappointing.

Its still there! thought last time I checked it was gone, I'll just sub up to GP if I feel the need.

Yakuza 0 was a really fun one! I'm a little tempted to re-play it, now that I know the stories it's forshadowing...

Solista's complete collection bundle is $42. Encased is under $10 already. ELEX 2 is half off ($25). Wildermyth isn't much cheaper, but it's pretty cheap to start with. Yakuza: Like a Dragon is two thirds off, so $21. Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries is cheap and fun. Death Stranding is $24. Just Cause 3 bundle is cheap, as always. Prey is only $7.50, which is a great deal! Valkyria Chronicles 4 bundle is just $10, which is a really good deal. Horizon: Zero Dawn is just $20. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is under $5.

I'll be buying none, because I'm still not done with the stuff I bought over the summer.

I played a little of Yakuza 0 on Gamepass as well and was surprised how into the story I was. Didnt get far but liked it enough to know that for less than a fiver I'm likely to at least play a few more hours of it.

MW5 is very tempting as well, considering how much I liked Battletech and all the lore behind it, hadnt see that one yet.

I replay Crysis & Warhead every year, but won't bother with the Remaster cos:
♣ Crysis 2 & 3 would be a waste, won't play them;
♦ Warhead is the better of the originals, and isn't in the Remaster;
♥ It doesn't benefit much from the remaster, still visually appealing today, 15 years later!

Just got Far Cry 6 for $15 elsewhere, so it's not like I need anything else at the moment :)
Of those I will probably buy at some stage in the future:
Stray—meow, 20% is a cat fart, not a discount;
Hmm, looks like that's it—unless my wishlist email throws up anything.

Civilization 6 for $5.99 is a good toe-dipper if you've never tried Civ before.
But if you're a bit of a 4X veteran, you need the 2 expansions in the $29.77 Anthology Bundle which substantially improve the game. Still $30 for the lot is not bad, I paid $40 ~18 months ago.

In fairness tho, nothing wonderful in terms of discounts there. I get better and as good every week via my wishlist emails from Steam & GOG.
I have a thing with GOG putting up old games for 97 cents that I'm pretty sure I'll never play and buying them anyway so I try not to look there too often. Bought Masters of Orion 1 and 2 a few days ago because I happened across them on sale.

Just saw Jedi Fallen Order is only €5.99 and thats also a really good game.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
As I mentioned in another recent post, I won't be buying anything in the Autumn Sale this year as any game I purchased would just sit for months further bloating my Steam backlog. There're games on my wishlist that I'm interested in that are on sale, just nothing that I would play right now, so I'm saving my money for games that will release (or potentially release) in 2023, games that I have a burning need to play, like Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3.

Besides, The Witcher 3 Next-Gen Remake releases on 12/14 which I will play day one, and take me well into 2023. I'm still astounded that this major update/remaster is free, there aren't many developers/publishers that would do that.

Deus Ex GOTY for €0.97, bargain!
Such an incredible game, and still playable on today's hardware. For 97 cents, it's worth it just to have in your game library even if you don't get to play it for a while. If you do end up playing it at some point, take a look at Deus Ex Revision, a community made mod project that adds tons of improvements and gameplay options, which is also regularly updated (most recent update was 10/7/2022). It's also a free download if you own the GOTY.

Solista's complete collection bundle is $42. Encased is under $10 already. ELEX 2 is half off ($25)
Solasta and Elex 2 are both great games in my opinion and worth the cash, but if you're not going to play them in the immediate future, it makes sense to wait, as I'm sure they'll be on sale in the future. Also, the Elex 2 DX12 patch is now complete and part of the game. I didn't have any technical issues when I played it before the patch, but apparently it gives others a performance boost. Encased has been on my wishlist for quite some time, as it looks a lot like the original Fallouts 1 & 2, but I'm just not mentally ready to play it right now, so it will have to wait for me also.

Another game on my wishlist that I'm sorely tempted to buy is Phantom Doctrine at 90% off ($3.99). an isometric, turn-based tactical combat, spy thriller game. If I cave-in on any game it will be that one, because of the deep discount, even though I wouldn't play it for a while.

Might grab something else but nothing immediately jumped out yet.
Don't forget to save some money for Callisto Protocol (that I think you're interested in?) that releases on 12/2 of this year. I'm intrigued by this game, but with it being more of a shooter than RPG, I'll wait for some reviews and probably a sale later in 2023.

Yeah, GOG is good for getting old games just to have them but not play them. Railroad Tycoon 2 was GREAT fun back when it came out, but am I seriously going to spend lots of hours in that when I could be playing games that came out in the past few years? Nah.
For really old games GOG is the place to get them for next to nothing. I've got the old Might & Magic and Ultima games on GOG, and while I'll probably never play them (for the same reason you mentioned), they're in my library and I can install them, fully patched, if I ever wanted to take the time to play them again. But they're there, which beats trying to install from original CDs, or gods forbid, 2/14" discs (if that's even possible).
huntdown is 75% off and if you recall i loved the game (probably contender for one of the top games i played this year). All for a low low price of £3.87

i did see watchdogs legion for less then 6 quid, but i dunno, games crap from what i heard.

Doom eternal duluxe edition is going for just under 12 quid. A steal i say. but still not sure if i want it though. Unlikely i'll be playing anytime soon so i might wait a bit...
@mainer I might just make use of that mod actually, thanks. I havent played Deus Ex since probably about 2004 and its one of those I've wanted to go back to for some time.

I'll most likely still get Callisto Protocol. Hoping to get a new GPU soonish (I've been a good boy this year) so hopefully play it on that for full ultra graphical effect, same thing I want to do with Dying Light 2.

@Johnway Doom Eternal DLC on sale? Tempting
@mainer I might just make use of that mod actually, thanks. I havent played Deus Ex since probably about 2004 and its one of those I've wanted to go back to for some time.

I'll most likely still get Callisto Protocol. Hoping to get a new GPU soonish (I've been a good boy this year) so hopefully play it on that for full ultra graphical effect, same thing I want to do with Dying Light 2.

@Johnway Doom Eternal DLC on sale? Tempting

the deal is on greenmangaming

Civilization 6 for $5.99 is a good toe-dipper if you've never tried Civ before.
But if you're a bit of a 4X veteran, you need the 2 expansions in the $29.77 Anthology Bundle which substantially improve the game. Still $30 for the lot is not bad, I paid $40 ~18 months ago.

I was happy to see that getting both expansions is now around €10, which is half of what it was last time I checked. Though there's no real sense in buying it until we've got a second computer, which will probably take two more years I'm afraid.

The last DLC for Total War: Warhammer 2 also got a bit cheaper since last time I checked, from 20% off to 33%. Won't be buying that yet either, but it's always nice to see things get cheaper when most stuff nowadays just gets more expensive.


Community Contributor
i did see watchdogs legion for less then 6 quid, but i dunno, games crap from what i heard.
I liked it plenty! When it first came out it had a lot of bugs, but it worked fine by the time I got around to it. It certainly isn't going to make PC Gamer's Top 100 list, but it's decent fun. Plus, it's good to learn the proper names of London's landmarks. (Apparently the big Ferris wheel near the river is not commonly referred to as the Plasticine Antenna! ;))
I liked it plenty! When it first came out it had a lot of bugs, but it worked fine by the time I got around to it. It certainly isn't going to make PC Gamer's Top 100 list, but it's decent fun. Plus, it's good to learn the proper names of London's landmarks. (Apparently the big Ferris wheel near the river is not commonly referred to as the Plasticine Antenna! ;))

Atm i have too many games to play so i'm sitting on the fence getting any new ones. Especially ones that are mediocore at best. I could get it now, but i could wait and get it even cheaper. I'm more after the gold edition tbh and thats for £20 on epic atm and frankly not worth that price.

I live near london so its part of the appeal yet disinterest for the game. Plus the reviews don't help. I'll wait till christmas or next year and see what happens.

Still no games i want to get atm.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Picked up a couple of neat puzzles for $1 via Fanatical:

Had a look around some more and found some seriously tempting deals.

Psychonauts 2 is at its cheapest price just under £19
I really liked Psychonauts 2 in the beginning, but eventually, it kind of turned into something that lost my interest. I think right around the time it opened up into a much bigger, more open world. At that point, it seems like there was so many different things going on, and it seemed like it took away from the story at hand.

But that's just me. It's a great game. Pretty weird at points, though.