September 2023 Random Game Thoughts Thread

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I downloaded Counter-Strike 2 yesterday but I couldn’t bring myself to boot it up. Just wasn’t in the mood to get wrecked by a bunch of twitch streamers. Instead I played some Starfield again. I don’t want to say I’m getting burnt out by it, but… maybe I should download CP2077 again.

“Bing, print me a nude Master Chief
Knowing Bing they'd probably call the police on you just in case. Been a lot of weird stories about their AI that watches for "criminal" behavior.


Was doing great in Hometopia, getting 5 star reviews on every job, and then suddenly I got a 2 star review after doing some landscaping. The only hint I got as to what was wrong was that it said none of the rooms were cluttered. I didn't even go in the house! They said they wanted a hedge maze. What was I supposed to do, go into the house after I was done and toss stuff around everywhere to get the "cluttered" effect?


Megaquarium: I'm almost done with the 5th campaign. Just need to add 3 more species.


Sunkenland seemed to have fixed their launch problems, and Guido wanted to play it, so I bought it for us, and it was pretty fun. I feel like we won the game already, though, when we repaired a couple of Desert Eagle pistols and had a couple hundred ammo. Before that we were using crossbows and spears, going up against guys with LMGs. That was tough.

Not sure if there's a point to the game yet. Normally I have fun building a nice base, but I haven't bothered because I'm not sure if we are going to stay on that island, so we just have about 15 foundations with our chests and crafting tables sitting on it. We've long since cleared the island of resources, so we are having to travel farther and farther to get basic stuff like wood and scrap.
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So Starfield. I enjoy this game, but I got a few issues.

When you beat the game and go into New Game plus things are suppose to change from what I read and things can get wonky.

Well not for me. I'm on New Game++++ I believe this would be and the other 3 new games were same as the start of the game. Only thing different for me is that I did all the quest and side quest differently. Nothing has changed and now that I'm on NG++++ it finally is different at the start, but now my game is glitched. I can't save, I can't access inventory, but I can get mad like Fat Bastard and tell this game to get in m'a belly.

Has anyone had this issue that has played it or have other people had the game change in their play through or have different things happen???

And yes I've beaten this game 4 times. Already got 288 hours and am level 71.

I'm so bummed.


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Nothing boosts your confidence like uploading your picture and having the software tell you repeatedly that it can't find any faces in the picture. I think that, just for fun, it should tell you its best guess at what it's looking at. "Sorry, we are unable to work with pictures of a gibbon's butthole. Please make sure your picture includes a human face."
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Has anyone had any success requesting a specific mod be made on the Nexus Mods forums? I put in a request to make a 1.5x xp booster for Starfield (an extra perk point every 2 levels). Obviously I’m just casting a stone into an ocean, and since I don’t use Discord it may be a bit harder. I think it would benefit the game since you level up so slowly, but at the same time you’re not cheating or exploiting it too much.


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@neogunhero - if you want it done right, do it yourself!

And yes I've beaten this game 4 times. Already got 288 hours and am level 71.
Oh dear, we see this in gaming sometimes.

Zimbaly, you've WON THE GAME! A winner is you!! Time to uninstall and play something else. Go read some posts in this topic to help inspire you:
Has anyone had any success requesting a specific mod be made on the Nexus Mods forums? I put in a request to make a 1.5x xp booster for Starfield (an extra perk point every 2 levels). Obviously I’m just casting a stone into an ocean, and since I don’t use Discord it may be a bit harder. I think it would benefit the game since you level up so slowly, but at the same time you’re not cheating or exploiting it too much.

That sounds like something that would already exist. Would this work for you?



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I'm fairly far along in No Man's Sky. I've gone through a lot of the tutorials and I just got the emeril (aka green) warp drive working. I've got something in the neighborhood of 26 million units, and I've got a base set up on a planet with storm crystals, so I can snag a few million in about 15 minutes, depending on when a storm shows up.

Besides normal starships, the game also has freighters that you can get. A freighter is MUCH larger, never lands, and can hold about a dozen ships. You can build a base on a freighter, too. A low class, weak freighter costs a few million credits so I could probably buy one, but the game has a mechanic that allows you to get your first freighter for free. After you've been playing for a few hours and you make 5 jumps to different solar systems, your jump will land you smack dab in the middle of a space battle with pirates attacking a freighter. If you save the freighter (as opposed to simply flying away), the freighter captain will give you the freighter for free. If you decline, you'll get another opportunity later, until you agree to take one.

I haven't been doing a whole lot of jumping to new systems, or even old systems. I've mostly been staying in the first systems I've encountered, working on my base and the early quests. Thus, I haven't had many shots at free freighters. The first freighter I was offered was a really low-end, low-class freighter so I refused. Same thing with the second. I just got the third one, though, and it was the charm! An A-class ship that looks like a star destroyer!

So, the second crashed ship I find is an S-class, the third freighter I'm offered is an A-class capital ship. That's some serious luck! (Once I got the freighter, I saved the game about a dozen times. ;))

They've changed how bases built on freighters work since I played. When I last saw them, you got a big floor (of junk?) that you cleared out and put proper rooms into to make your base. Now the base seems to be on the outside of the ship. There are some new rooms you can get, too, including a scanner room that lets you scan all the planets in a solar system, which beats the tar out of flying the ship out and doing a scan on each one individually.

I've seen people talking about pirate ships attacking freighters, too. I don't know a THING about how that works, but I think I better find out the easy way.


Community Contributor
I'm fairly far along in No Man's Sky. I've gone through a lot of the tutorials and I just got the emeril (aka green) warp drive working. I've got something in the neighborhood of 26 million units, and I've got a base set up on a planet with storm crystals, so I can snag a few million in about 15 minutes, depending on when a storm shows up.

Besides normal starships, the game also has freighters that you can get. A freighter is MUCH larger, never lands, and can hold about a dozen ships. You can build a base on a freighter, too. A low class, weak freighter costs a few million credits so I could probably buy one, but the game has a mechanic that allows you to get your first freighter for free. After you've been playing for a few hours and you make 5 jumps to different solar systems, your jump will land you smack dab in the middle of a space battle with pirates attacking a freighter. If you save the freighter (as opposed to simply flying away), the freighter captain will give you the freighter for free. If you decline, you'll get another opportunity later, until you agree to take one.

I haven't been doing a whole lot of jumping to new systems, or even old systems. I've mostly been staying in the first systems I've encountered, working on my base and the early quests. Thus, I haven't had many shots at free freighters. The first freighter I was offered was a really low-end, low-class freighter so I refused. Same thing with the second. I just got the third one, though, and it was the charm! An A-class ship that looks like a star destroyer!

So, the second crashed ship I find is an S-class, the third freighter I'm offered is an A-class capital ship. That's some serious luck! (Once I got the freighter, I saved the game about a dozen times. ;))

They've changed how bases built on freighters work since I played. When I last saw them, you got a big floor (of junk?) that you cleared out and put proper rooms into to make your base. Now the base seems to be on the outside of the ship. There are some new rooms you can get, too, including a scanner room that lets you scan all the planets in a solar system, which beats the tar out of flying the ship out and doing a scan on each one individually.

I've seen people talking about pirate ships attacking freighters, too. I don't know a THING about how that works, but I think I better find out the easy way.
I was too impatient and took the first freighter I was offered, and then I spent...honestly, I can't remember exactly, but 170 million seems right. Of course, by that time I was making obscene money, so it really didn't phase me. I was just glad I finally found a good one.

I'm glad to hear they changed how you do freighter bases. Mine ended up kind of a mess under the old system. I never spent that much time on the freighter anyway. I kept the missions going is about it. I enjoyed that part quite a bit, though. It reminded me of Black Flag. I also had a lot of fun hiring new ships.

Anyway, as far as bases go, I put bases near resources and mined them automatically and then I would just teleport from one to the next and empty out the resources. I had two maxed out S class Haulers to carry my stuff around, plus a main base, but for some unknown reason, you can't just make a bunch of chests for your base. You are only allowed a few.


Community Contributor
You are only allowed a few.
10. They're trans-dimensional, too, so you can put your stuff in vault #3, then go to vault #3 at any other base (or your freighter) and access that same stuff - which was quite a surprise when I first discovered it!

They've done something to the inventories, though - it's letting me stack raw materials far higher. I used to use one vault for elements A to C, another for D to H, and so on. Now I've just got one vault for everything that gets mined and even then it has a bunch of open slots. I can just make a single stack of 2000+ silicon! The same goes for your own suit inventory. There's no 'cargo' section anymore because there's really no need for it!


Community Contributor
10. They're trans-dimensional, too, so you can put your stuff in vault #3, then go to vault #3 at any other base (or your freighter) and access that same stuff - which was quite a surprise when I first discovered it!

They've done something to the inventories, though - it's letting me stack raw materials far higher. I used to use one vault for elements A to C, another for D to H, and so on. Now I've just got one vault for everything that gets mined and even then it has a bunch of open slots. I can just make a single stack of 2000+ silicon! The same goes for your own suit inventory. There's no 'cargo' section anymore because there's really no need for it!
Glad to hear they raised the stack sizes. Inventory was always a mess.
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