Pre-Release Starfield articles and discussion

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Everyday I’m asking myself, “why would anybody do that??”, but it’s useless to spend time thinking about it because dumb people are gonna do dumb stuff.

Doing illegal things is one thing, but posting your face and bragging about such illegal things is a whole different level of stupidity. He might end up in jail while the rest of us are happily exploring space🚀👨‍🚀

Also be wary of the link to Imgur in the article, it shows a minute of the gameplay that the guy recorded. I watched it because curiosity got the best of me, and I can confirm there are no major spoilers just more of what we’ve seen already.

That reminds me of this story, where a hacker publicly bragged about hacking Rockstar (among others) while on bail for hacking other companies:



Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
It's not just the early access. You get:
  • Shattered Space Story Expansion (upon release)
  • Up to 5 days early access
  • Constellation Skin Pack: Equinox Laser Rifle, Spacesuit, Helmet and Boost Pack
  • Access to Starfield Digital Artbook & Original Soundtrack
The DLC alone will probably go for a decent chunk of your £26 (30 $US). The artbook and the soundtrack are worth something too. So the early access is only really costing you at most ten bucks, maybe less.
This is how I see it as well, it's just not getting to play Starfield 6 days early. The story DLC/expansion will easily be between $20-$30 (USD), which I would buy anyway. The digital artbook will be nice, because I don't think they are offering a physical version. And the soundtrack should have some really good tracks of Inon Zur, so that has value as well. I'm never usually interested in skin packs (unless they're free), but having those included is just an added bonus. There, I think I've just about convinced myself to splurge the extra $30.

You know, I just might get it, dive right in, and post big spoilers before most of y'all have even downloaded! :devilish: :D
Well, if you do, hopefully you'll play it longer than you did Fallout 4! :)
This is how I see it as well, it's just not getting to play Starfield 6 days early. The story DLC/expansion will easily be between $20-$30 (USD), which I would buy anyway. The digital artbook will be nice, because I don't think they are offering a physical version. And the soundtrack should have some really good tracks of Inon Zur, so that has value as well. I'm never usually interested in skin packs (unless they're free), but having those included is just an added bonus. There, I think I've just about convinced myself to splurge the extra $30.
I'm a degenerate and preordered the premium edition to get early access :LOL:. I generally wouldn't, but I've never played a BGS game at launch and I want to be a part of it right at the start just for the experience. I think it'll be fun to be a part of the launch and I can afford it, so I went for it. Won't get another chance at doing this for a BGS game for, what, 5+ years when ES6 drops?

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I think I've just about convinced myself
Ah, the irrationality of rational rationalizing!

It does sound a good deal tho—provided you hold your nose at helpless Impatience, of course.

I'm a degenerate
Yeah, a good alternative summary!

hopefully you'll play it longer than you did Fallout 4
I may not be done with that yet—been following @Pifanjr's sorties thru the darkness and pain, which has got me wondering if there's a mod which skips the game and goes straight to end credits. Speed runs count, right?
Bethesda has released some new info on some of the members of Constellation. Here is a link to the Forbes article:

Most surprising to me is Sam Coe. Without knowing much about him, I’ve already decided he is probably going to be one of my favorite companions just because I love his space cowboy look. Then I found out he’s voice acted by the same guy who voices Adam Jensen from the newer Deus Ex games. That further cemented it in my brain that me and Sam Coe are besties now.

I’m not believing anything until we have the game. Pete Hines did contradict himself saying you can explore the whole planet, when early they said only part of it…

Even if it's true, I'm not sure I care. I assume POIs are far enough apart on a planetary scale that walking between them isn't feasible anyway, so you'd just be walking over endlessly generated terrain.

It's going to be weird compared to how densely packed the POIs in Fallout and TES games were. And I really hope the loading screens when flying between POIs aren't too long, so the game maintains some feeling of momentum.
Even if it's true, I'm not sure I care. I assume POIs are far enough apart on a planetary scale that walking between them isn't feasible anyway, so you'd just be walking over endlessly generated terrain.

It's going to be weird compared to how densely packed the POIs in Fallout and TES games were. And I really hope the loading screens when flying between POIs aren't too long, so the game maintains some feeling of momentum.
This is how I feel too. I don’t expect No Mans Sky levels of exploration on each planet. I do hope that the playable areas on each planet are densely packed enough to compensate for not being able to explore the whole surface. I’d rather have more POIs in a smaller area than huge vast open planets that are empty.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
From how I understand it those planet tiles could be up to Skryim in size, so reaching a boundary does not seem like a big problem at all. It makes sense why you can't use vehicles (with the exception of Jetpack, though I would consider that a utility) because you would have blasted through them pretty fast.

I'm actually getting more and more tempted to get the preorder now since Xbox decided to remove the Game Pass trial conveniently before the release of Starfield. I understand the decision, but I don't think it is a consumer-friendly one, so I'll be looking at buying the premium edition at Gamesplanet instead since they are an official retailer selling it for the lowest price as of writing this.
I'm actually getting more and more tempted to get the preorder now since Xbox decided to remove the Game Pass trial conveniently before the release of Starfield. I understand the decision, but I don't think it is a consumer-friendly one, so I'll be looking at buying the premium edition at Gamesplanet instead since they are an official retailer selling it for the lowest price as of writing this.
I’ve been thinking of buying it instead of playing it on Gamepass because I’m afraid I won’t be able to transfer my save over. Thanks for the link, I see Fanatical has the standard edition for $12 less. The Premium edition is nearly $20 off though which is very tempting…


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Fanatical is a good site +- the scummy business practices surrounding the mystery crates they often sell. That is my main issue with the site and that their bundles are often regurgitated games.

The review embargo lifts on the 31st of August, so I'll wait for my preorder until I have seen a couple of my favorite YouTubers talking about it. I might miss a couple of hours into the early access release, but at least I'll be able to get a pretty good overview of its positives and negatives as two weeks with review copy seems like a decent enough time to get down most of the facts. I believe it is eight hours between the review embargo and the early access release.
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From how I understand it those planet tiles could be up to Skryim in size, so reaching a boundary does not seem like a big problem at all.

The article mentions the player ran in one direction for 10 minutes before hitting the boundary and from what I can find it should be possible to run from one end of Skyrim to the opposite side in about 15 minutes if there aren't too many obstacles in the way. So about Skyrim sized seems fairly accurate, though how big it feels will depend a lot on how fast you can actually travel, especially with the jet pack.
The article mentions the player ran in one direction for 10 minutes before hitting the boundary and from what I can find it should be possible to run from one end of Skyrim to the opposite side in about 15 minutes if there aren't too many obstacles in the way. So about Skyrim sized seems fairly accurate, though how big it feels will depend a lot on how fast you can actually travel, especially with the jet pack.
Some people online were also speculating that it may have just been the tutorial area that triggered the out of bounds message. We’ll see soon enough when the game launches.
Fanatical is a good site +- the scummy business practices surrounding the mystery crates they often sell. That is my main issue with the site and that their bundles are often regurgitated games.
Yea, that's a good summary when it comes to Fanatical. I got my preorder @ 20% off from green man gaming. Haven't had any issues with them and I've bought quite a number of titles there. Not an endorsement or anything, but it's worth considering as an alternative for (often) grabbing a discount on stuff relative to steam.
Steam Workshop might be particularly handy with this game, though.
After Fallout 4 and all versions of Skyrim besides the very first original version, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is no Workshop support at all. The Creation Club is alright, it has plenty of your basic/most popular mods, but the interface was horrendous if using a mouse. I’ve always stuck to the good ol Nexus mod sites. Also, I understand the reason for paid mods and why they want to do it but I never bought any, but every week (month maybe?) on Fallout 4 they would give away a paid mod for free which is pretty cool. I’ve gotten lots of cosmetics for free. There was even one to make Dogmeat look exactly like a black lab I once knew in my life, so that was one I used a lot. I hope they keep that in Starfield if there are paid mods again.