Giveaway PCG's Virtual Halloween Party: Show us your in-game builds!

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Community Manager
Staff member
Nov 25, 2019
Happy Halloween PC Gamers! Let's play a game....
Post a screenshot or video of your best in-game Halloween themed build!


Pick any game on the PC that allows you to create custom content, make something related to Halloween, general spookiness, or the Fall season, and post a screenshot of your creation as a reply to this thread. Please don't just take a screenshot of a horror game and upload that; we want to see your creativity!

Whether your creation is spoopy or funny, cute or downright terrifying, we want to see it all! Show us your best Halloween game costumes, builds/creations, and five (5) winners will be picked at random once the giveaway closes! Winners will be able to choose either a PC Gamer tote bag or a PC Gamer coffee mug.

Want to go the extra mile? Here are some quick things you can do to help make this a terrifyingly good giveaway:
  • Encourage other members by giving likes on their submissions
  • Tell us the inspiration behind your spooky submission
    • If sharing a group/guild/clan build, feel free to call out the game and clan name
  • Share thoughts on your favorite scary games
  • Tell us what you're doing for Halloween
This giveaway is live now, with winners announced on Halloween, so be sure to submit your entries before Wednesday, October 28. Tell your friends, families, guildies, and partners to come and share the spirit of the season with us!
  • You can post more than one time, if you're unable to edit your original post to add more images, but each account will only be entered into the pool ONCE, so all entrants have an equal chance of winning.
  • Winners will be chosen at random from all eligible entries by 1 PM ET on Friday, October 30, 2020.
  • If you win, a Community Manager will message you directly to ask whether you'd prefer a cup or tote bag and to get your correct mailing address.
  • If we do not hear back from a winner with the needed info within 5 business days of November 6, 2020, that win will be forfeit and we'll select another winner at random.
Celebrate Halloween 2020 in style with PC Gamer!

- Want to tell the community your scariest Halloween tales? Click here.
- Have any PC building horror stories? Share them with us!
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Staff member
Obviously a NON entry from me cause I'm staff, but I like to mod the sims, so I thought I'd show you my custom modded Sims Witch. Shes a toreador!

I modded her house with a lot of Art Deco/Art Nouveau stuff, and the windows are from the Magic Pack, hope you enjoy!





PCG Tyler

Executive Editor
Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
Not an entry, obviously, but here's my Rocket League car. Tbh, my orange car always looks like this, but the flaming horns are pretty Halloween-ey, no?

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Reactions: SWard and Frindis
Jan 14, 2020
I recently got into Red Dead Online and am having way more fun with it than I expected. Maxed out the Halloween pass, so here is my witch lady with one of the Halloween photo booth backgrounds.

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Reactions: SWard
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