So it finally happened. I started playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker and after 12 hours, I can say that it fully meets my expectations. It's basically Baldur's Gate set in a different world. I'm still in Chapter 1, so I didn't have the occasion to manage my kingdom yet, but heard that this element is done quite well.
Believe it or not, but I've spent almost 3 hours on the character creation screen.

And it has provided me tons of fun. In the end I've picked my favorite D&D class - Sorcerer, but even within this single class there are tons of things to decide about. Prologue was quite hard in the beginning due to the fact that all of my three characters were basically spell casters and there was no option to rest and refresh the spell list, but right now the situation is under control.

I started the game on Hard difficulty setting and decided to drop it to Challenging. Right now the game is as hard as it should be for my liking.
I'm waiting impatiently for the turn-based mode. I prefer real-time-with-pause, but it might be usefull in harder battles. I know there is a mod which implements the turn-based mode. I prefer to wait for the official release however.
Looks like I'm going to spend a few dozens of hours in this game and I'm already sure it'll be worth it!