Pathfinder: Kingmaker

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I'm having that issue with Amiri! Where I basically use my Mage Armor up buffing her instead of my main character. And hiring a character is ~2000 gold, which I can afford, but then I'm down to 700 or so gold. Worthwhile?
Hence the need for a save game. All I can say is that it sure helped me out. I didn't have that vampire gal in my party, though, and I'm sure my play style isn't quite the same as yours is, so I can't say for sure. It also brought me down to almost no gold but, frankly, you've already got almost no gold. ;)
I love Amiri! She's a bit squishy at first but buffs set that straight. Later on though she is INSANELY powerful. I think between her and Ekun they're doing most of the damage in my party. I usually roll with Valerie as my main "tank" sort of character and keep her in the front line with Amiri and it's worked pretty well.
Ekun's damage was great but Nok Nok? Jeez! Val absorbed the damage best (she's got that monster shield, after all) but my fighter had armor that was just as good plus she could dish out pretty good damage, too.

P.S. Haste is an awesome spell. After Ekun came around and made my eldrich archer main and his snowball arrows look like a kobold with a slingshot, my main character slowly shifted into a new purpose: haste spell battery pack.
Jan 13, 2020
As I mentioned previously in this thread, you should have enough time for most of the things you want to do. Unless you rest for days or weeks on end, then you may be in a bit of trouble - but having priest in party helps with that a lot. So just keep an eye how long your resting takes (9h rest + hunting anywhere between 1-16h is my usual experience) and how many days you have before time is up.
During my first playthrough I really messed this up and had to run towards Stag Lord's "mansion" and this made me fail one of optional missions during this chapter and consequently missed 2 NPC's that could enhance my party.

Does Mage Armor work with character's wearing armor? I tried that and their AC didn't change, so I assume it's not worthy my Amiri usually takes a lot of hits as well, I try to help with this with buffs or potions (Shield of Faith etc.). Or just have priest really close and ready to cast healing spell after healing spell. Amiri can dish out insane damage, but you gotta keep her alive and sometimes it's problematic.

I thought it did! But maybe I looked at the wrong stat - anecdotally seemed to, but I'm perhaps not approaching this the right way. And ok - I've restarted and back at Oleg's. Imma see if I can get another party member - and then start to make my way around the nodes close to Oleg to build experience.

I can't thank you enough for all the advice! I'll report back as I trial and error my way through this. The graphics are great, and I think the system itself is fairly clear, if overstuffed. It's just the game narrative and design itself that I think could use a lot of work. The "human" side.
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Jan 13, 2020
Hence the need for a save game. All I can say is that it sure helped me out. I didn't have that vampire gal in my party, though, and I'm sure my play style isn't quite the same as yours is, so I can't say for sure. It also brought me down to almost no gold but, frankly, you've already got almost no gold.

Ekun's damage was great but Nok Nok? Jeez! Val absorbed the damage best (she's got that monster shield, after all) but my fighter had armor that was just as good plus she could dish out pretty good damage, too.

P.S. Haste is an awesome spell. After Ekun came around and made my eldrich archer main and his snowball arrows look like a kobold with a slingshot, my main character slowly shifted into a new purpose: haste spell battery pack.

Point taken--I'll try to get an alchemist--or at least another widespread damage doer! Thanks so much!
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Just after I established my barony I noticed a guard saying this:


Actually, I was playing balding halfling. He does like spice food, though!


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Back to RPG gaming! Lately I felt a desire to play some juicy RPG once again. :) Looks like one month of break was enough. I thought it'll take much longer. Anyway, decided to return to Pathfinder: Kingmaker and I felt in love with the combat system in this game! The option to turn on and off the turn-based mode on the fly is awesome! I haven't seen this feature since Arcanum and it's so great. I've been switching it back and forth and I'm really having fun with it. The game is a lot easier in turn-based mode because you have more control over your characters and you can give more precise orders. It's hard to believe that almost whole turn-based mode was made by modders. It's so good! :)


Staff member
Nov 25, 2019
It's a great game.

Takes a little bit of brain work to wrap your head around it at times, but it's an excellent RPG.

I turned kingdom management off, I wish I'd had it on because I loved the depth of the game, doing that allowed me to just enjoy the rest of the experience. Combat is so deadly and always feels like a big deal.
Jun 26, 2020
Ekun's damage was great but Nok Nok? Jeez! Val absorbed the damage best (she's got that monster shield, after all) but my fighter had armor that was just as good plus she could dish out pretty good damage, too.

P.S. Haste is an awesome spell. After Ekun came around and made my eldrich archer main and his snowball arrows look like a kobold with a slingshot, my main character slowly shifted into a new purpose: haste spell battery pack.

I haven't used Nok Nok yet, he didn't really fit into my last playthrough but I'll probably give him a go this round. I will also have to remember that about haste, anything that makes Ekun more of a killing machine I am all about.
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Sep 10, 2020
Gosh, I shouldn't write this, but... I am still in the tutorial and can't open a door. It is locked and I can't attack it, I can't use one of my party to picklock or smash it, nothing. Maybe the game tells me I shouldn't bother playing it if I can't even open a door in the tutorial. 🤪 Help?
Jan 22, 2020
Damn this thread and all of you for making this game so enticing. I've still got DOS2 and both Pillars games to knock over but I love low-level DND campaigns so freaking much, and having base-building busywork is appealing too.

Just answer me this, how beefy can you make a cleric? I love self-buffing, undead-controlling evil Clerics. Its a weakness, brought on by 3rd editions treatment of clerics as IMO better jack-of-all trades than Bards.
Jun 26, 2020
Damn this thread and all of you for making this game so enticing. I've still got DOS2 and both Pillars games to knock over but I love low-level DND campaigns so freaking much, and having base-building busywork is appealing too.

Just answer me this, how beefy can you make a cleric? I love self-buffing, undead-controlling evil Clerics. Its a weakness, brought on by 3rd editions treatment of clerics as IMO better jack-of-all trades than Bards.

Cleric was the class I rolled in my first game, it's one of my favorites. You can build a pretty awesome cleric, and it goes up to level 20 so you really get to see yourself grow to be strong. I kind of hate all the companion clerics so I find it's actually a great class to go.

I will say the kingdom management stuff isn't exactly base building. It does have some building elements but they're pretty basic, the system is more designed to deal with problems and opportunities and try to keep your kingdom from falling apart. It's good and bad IMO, it can be pretty restrictive in ways and can cause your game to completely fail. Paired with time limits on the main quest is can be annoying, but I do love it. You can also adjust it so it doesn't cause your game to fail. Mostly I dig how it plays into the alignment system, and as you progress you see your capital get built up. Very cool for an RPG despite its annoyances.


Mar 17, 2020
I jumped back into the game to get the screenshot, just to realize I missed another door where the key for the locked one was hidden. Embarrassing. 😂 I will pay a lot more attention in future. Thank you though!
I could never figure out the armory door with the statues that is in the beginning.


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One can always use a guide. :) I don't hesitate to do that, if I'm stuck on some puzzle in an RPG. I try to do everything by myself, but sometimes the puzzles are so non intuitive that it's very hard to solve them without help. I remember times when only a few had internet and often people sent requests for help to gaming magazines. It took one month to print the request and another one or two months to receive an answer from one of the readers... Is there someone who has so much patience these days? :)


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Continuing my adventure with Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Today I recruited Nok Nok and he's an even better killing machine than Ekun! Currently he's on level 9 and his sneak attacks can deal more than 50 points of damage. With Haste he has 5 attacks per round! The only downside is his alignment, but I think I'll keep him in my party. I'm worried however that the game will be too easy now... :)
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Continuing my adventure with Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Today I recruited Nok Nok and he's an even better killing machine than Ekun! Currently he's on level 9 and his sneak attacks can deal more than 50 points of damage. With Haste he has 5 attacks per round! The only downside is his alignment, but I think I'll keep him in my party. I'm worried however that the game will be too easy now...
Spoiler alert: it won't x]

I am at the beginning of the hunt now, just came back from Candlamere. Ef that place. Even knowing what's there, the will-o-wisps are insane damage dealers. Rest -> cast protection spell -> fight once -> repeat for whole island.
Good thing it's rather small, but still I hate it.
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Nok Nok is one heck of a lock picker, too, which helps boost his level up. Ya gotta kinda spread that lock picking XP around some, IMHO.
Quick update - I made it to the Stag Lord! Woooo! Thanks PCG forum gurus! Also, Grease is VERY useful.
"to" or "through"? That guy was death incarnate for me. I had to slowly... carefully... and with many re-loads... pick my away around the encampment and finish off everyone. Even then I had a pretty hard time. (It also gave me my first disappointment: I was really hoping I could keep that owlbear as some sort of pet.)
I am at the beginning of the hunt now, just came back from Candlamere. Ef that place. Even knowing what's there, the will-o-wisps are insane damage dealers. Rest -> cast protection spell -> fight once -> repeat for whole island.
Can you only bring one AoE lightning protection?

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Can you only bring one AoE lightning protection?
Went there a bit too early and had like one protection spell from lightning - I guess if I wasn't so stingy about things, I could have two, but hey, I need other spells too! Well to be honest the only annoying thing was the resting, since there was only one area available to rest that was also the beginning of the map.

No matter how prepared I might be, I will hate will-o-wisps!
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