Old D&D/AD&D game: Looking for title.

Jul 3, 2023
Hail all:

Long ago, it was, if I recall correctly, around the time humans began to use stone tools, or there-about, I played a D&D/AD&D game, which was set in a very large underground labyrinth, quite possible even with a few floors up and down.
It had long corridors, rooms scattered around, one began, if I still recall correctly, bottom centre monitor, and the "exit" was left-upper corner.
It was a team that could be played alone, or multiplayer.

I thought it was Pool of Radiance, however, looking that up, it turned out to be a text based game.
Nor is it Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor.
Pool of Radiance does sound DARN familiar, yet, seeing both on Youtube ... this is not what I recall.

Also, one could not leave the dungeon/labyrinth, unless he ventured the whole way back to the entrance.

Which was just really far away ... .

I hope this gives some people a clue.
I hope equally so, one out there can make this Neanderthal a happy Neanderthal. ;)

Thank you beforehand:
Jul 3, 2023
Thank you for replying.

No, miss/sir:
It was graphical.
I've been looking around, I played this on Win 7 (or was that Win XP? Been a long while, and my brain is not too cooperative any more, I fear.), it was "fairly" modern, the 5 individuals could be altered with gear, they had a load of different spells and skills, all looked a bit like Neverwinter, when it comes to the characters.
It was not Neverwinter though.

I could have sworn it was Pool of Radiance ... but seeing that on Youtube, it rang not the slightest bell.
But, as said ... brain is not all too cooperative any more.

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Jul 3, 2023
Thank you for responding, good miss/sir.

Looked into it, it has a vague resemblance to it, but is far too open, too large areas ... .
The whole of the one I look for is set in what appears an underground really large labyrinth.
I think it is entered by a type of castle entrance, or something similar in appearance?

The corridors were not too wide, but often long, and either "merchants" were on certain points, or had to be summoned, though it is even possible, there were no merchants at all.
*sigh* ... .
Apologies, good miss/sir ... I am not too helpful, am I? :(

Jul 3, 2023
Thank you for responding.

None are what I seek, though.
The dungeon looks quite like Baldurs dungeon parts (wooden ones), but it is a team based SP/MP, it is zoomed out further, and fully subterranean in feel and appearance.

Could be quite an obscure game ... unsure.
Had it borrowed from a friend ... .
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