Alright guys, I’ve just ordered my parts for my first pc and they should be here next week 👍🏻 Been a PS4/Xbox 360 gamer but looking forward to the transition to start playing pc even though I’m going to be a complete noob with everything atm lol.
is there any preferably older gamers looking for someone to link up with a noob and teaching them/playing some games with? I’m 23m from the uk and could do with someone to guide me on how to not be a complete noob andto game with as all my mates are on consoles. Sound, peace out x
is there any preferably older gamers looking for someone to link up with a noob and teaching them/playing some games with? I’m 23m from the uk and could do with someone to guide me on how to not be a complete noob andto game with as all my mates are on consoles. Sound, peace out x