Moral panic is a social media thing. I've never really been on it (though I guess Youtube is considered social media?), but when you're away from it, you don't think about it. Most people I know in real life also don't think about this stuff; everyone is too busy with their own life to care about who's being canceled today for whatever reason.
Yep, social media isn't real life. Shame games companies don't seem to understand that the people whining on Social media aren't players... if they were players, they would be playing and not whining. Just ignore social media and make game you want.
I never saw the point in it. I don't actually want to use it, can think of better things to do. It never appealed to me. I wouldn't take a job where I had to use the stupid thing.
If I want to sit online all day talking to people... I would come here.
At least the audience is mostly controlled here. Generally your comments aren't taken out of context. generally...