January 2025 General Game Discussion

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On a Journey
Looking for Sacred map, find more Wow images from 17th April 2007.

I know game looks better than this now


On a Journey
Look at that latency... 301ms. I remember being in a fight and i had a lag spike... I think I hit the thing 3 times, and it still killed me. I expect I would have slightly better now.

I killed a GPU playing that game, which led to me discovering I couldn't find a replacement GPU (as it was just at the time of PCIe being introduced and they were only cards I could find... i had AGP) so I had to make a new PC and it was so much better that I really didn't want to keep playing wow... it was one factor in me giving up wow.

I can't have taken it off him, he was introduced into game in 2018 in the patch below:

He had good bags as well, he was hardly my first alt I had made by this stage. I doubt he earned money for that mount either.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Look at that latency... 301ms. I remember being in a fight and i had a lag spike... I think I hit the thing 3 times, and it still killed me. I expect I would have slightly better now.
I remember people used to lag hack in Wow. Not exactly sure how it worked, but I think they used to walk into an instance, run towards a boss and then unplug the internet and plug it back in. Then they would be behind the boss and could loot a particular chest they wanted.


Community Contributor
I like to poke fun of myself for being terrible at games. Guido and I have been running 4 player Darktide missions alone since the second week of December for 4 or 5 hours a day. We've only failed 2 missions.

Yesterday, I was defensively circling around 4 heavily armored berserkers while dodging a poxhound and the red laser beam of a sniper as other enemies, including special gunners, fired at me from the edges. My spearhead bolter gun needed reloading, but you can't reload while sprinting.

Guido could see me even though he was on the complete other side of this massive room.

"How's it going over there?" he asked wryly.

"Great," I joked. "I got them right where I want them."

Then my combat ability became available. I hit "F" and dashed away from the deadly group and immediately hit "R" to relead. Right as they caught up to me, I unloaded on the group, killing all but one berserker, which I quickly finished off with a melee overhead heavy swing, all the while constantly dodging left and then right to keep the sniper missing. I switched back to my bolter and ducked behind cover, reloaded and took out the sniper and the random gunners.

That's when it occurred to me. It's not all Guido. It may be mostly Guido. But not all of it. It felt good.
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Dec 22, 2024
People try all sorts of crazy things to deal with motion sickness. Turn up your Field of View. Turn down your Field of View. Move the screen closer/further. Make sure the refresh rate is fairly fast (at least 40fps).
Yesterday I played it on a window with reduced resolution and that seemed to work, although performance took a small hit (not really problematic for this sort of game)
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If the makers of Skull & Bone had spent their entire time making a game idea they agreed on, and not 5 different games in that time... they might have approached what this game seems to be.
Skull and Bones should have been either much more or much less Black Flag. When they first announced it, it sounded simple and fun, kind of like Overwatch but with ships.
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So thats RE2 remake finished on hardcore difficulty and... A rank. 10 minutes too long (2hrs 40min) a bit disappointing, there was room for improvement but the problem is the small pockets. I could shave time off by not getting the diamond key or going to the morgue to grab it. Hell, i might not go back to the station to pick up the eagle lighting or the upgrades! The problem is that the magnum is damn useful especially in the sewers and against bosses.

bah. Whatever. I beat the game 5 times sod the infinite gun. I might try it without collecting the eagle lightning, but i don't relish playing the boss fights without it.


Community Contributor
So thats RE2 remake finished on hardcore difficulty and... A rank. 10 minutes too long (2hrs 40min) a bit disappointing, there was room for improvement but the problem is the small pockets. I could shave time off by not getting the diamond key or going to the morgue to grab it. Hell, i might not go back to the station to pick up the eagle lighting or the upgrades! The problem is that the magnum is damn useful especially in the sewers and against bosses.

bah. Whatever. I beat the game 5 times sod the infinite gun. I might try it without collecting the eagle lightning, but i don't relish playing the boss fights without it.
If I remember right, and you probably don't want to do it at this point anyway, but Capcom sells all the upgrades to it's Japanese customers for 99 cents. You can even start the game with them the first time you play. You just have to know how to navigate to the page.

Anyway, I love the unlocks in the RE series and doing all the difficulties and speed running. It just adds so much fun to the games. Buying the unlocks for 99 cents would ruin it unless you were just at the end of your rope and ready to give up doing it the traditional way.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
If the makers of Skull & Bone had spent their entire time making a game idea they agreed on, and not 5 different games in that time... they might have approached what this game seems to be.
That video is just insane! It makes Skull and Bone feel like....absolutely nothing. Skull and Bone could have been pretty cool, but they turned it into a cold, deserted place where you can't even explore much around you on foot. It is like you are glued to your ship and have to do mundane chores like clicking on trees to cut, instead of walking outside the ship. It's just weird.
If I remember right, and you probably don't want to do it at this point anyway, but Capcom sells all the upgrades to it's Japanese customers for 99 cents. You can even start the game with them the first time you play. You just have to know how to navigate to the page.

Anyway, I love the unlocks in the RE series and doing all the difficulties and speed running. It just adds so much fun to the games. Buying the unlocks for 99 cents would ruin it unless you were just at the end of your rope and ready to give up doing it the traditional way.

I saw that on sale and honestly i'm a bit irked by it. I got the duluxe edition with the costumes. But for the cheat codes? nah cough up. hell it was more expensive then the DLC, which rankled me more. Its something i detest when it comes to MTXs. Not as bad as p2w lootboxes, but its a shade above cosmetics and below exp boosters for a SP game.

Honestly, i can live without it. yes, it would make life easier as i could just relax and just grab the last few achievements with ease. But i've beaten the game 5 times now, i think i've seen everything i want to see and who cares about achievements. no one is looking at them. I probably take a break and do the side stuff and come back to it if i really want to get the infinite smg.. Once i unlocked that smg, i probably wouldn't really use it as that's when i'll uninstall the game as done.

more Ramp 2024 news, The iron forge castle station maps finished. there was only one standout map in the set (the others i was indifferent to) and that map was Ex mortis. it had a lot of things and interesting use of doom cute that got me screenshotting like a tourist and impressed me the most with its advanced use of GZDoom elements. Even if my framerates started to struggle because of all the dynamic lighting. but on the whole great job.

So moving onto the Astral webway, we going to the supernatural, warp, space cuthulu styling maps. So far, the ones i've played have been more quirky stuff. For example, portal mechanics in doom (shooting portals and using physics to navigate maps) and a strange reality bending map with silent hill stylings and another where i was lost in a tv (its not as interesting as it sounds).
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Community Contributor

I think I'm going to abandon Center Station Simulator. To win the game you need to pay off a $1 million loan. Right now I have about $200 and the average customer spends about $50, so if my brain calculator isn't broken this morning, that means I have 19,996 customers left to go--but that's after I buy the last two upgrades, one for 20k and one for 50k. That makes it 21,396 customers (maybe lol. too lazy to open my calculator, and my brain calculator is crap compared to what it used to be).

The kicker is that about every 200 customers you have to quit and do about 6 hours of work to replenish your stock. This just isn't going to happen.

It's fine, though. I had a lot of fun with this game. No regrets.
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Dec 22, 2024
This has been quite a "productive" weekend having finished Obduction (thought I might replay it shortly..), revisiting SOMA (didn't remember how much it was influenced by Half Life 2, so much so that it feels like a game from the previous generation), Armikrog (so disappointing) and Scar of the Doll and, now, The Caribbean Sail.

This little game is a gem and it's unfortunate that there hasn't been further development on a new game, but the fact is it continues to receive updates. Having started a new game I just had the trip of a lifetime. In the Nassau tavern I took on the task of delivering a letter to Gran Canaria. 2000 miles or so by sea. First issue was that, after getting my brigantine I had only 200 pounds to spend on provisions. I was barely out of port when supplies were depleted. Managed to fish out 200kg (of fish) and reduced rations. About halfway through "Baldrick" succumbs to dysentery (there's a big Oregon Trail thing going on) and is thrown off. Not long after nerves get testy and Fukuhara, Sabu and Subserra all met my bullets after attempting mutiny. After expending my last harpoon things were indeed bleak as I was still 800 miles from Canaria and alone.
Then a miracle: a dead spermwhale meant 400kg of (rotting?) food on board. Even though I was struck by lightning about 200 miles from the coast and that death's door, double rations put me in fair condition as I arrived at port. Hurrah! Collecting £100 pounds for delivering the letter, it only cost me my health and the lives of my entire crew. Now to rebuild!
I had a quick look at the Re2 Remake extra content and for some reason, it irks me to play it. I think its because its challenge mode and honestly i'm not up to scratch or prepared for it. It feels like its going to be a frustrating exercise of bashing my head against a wall until i win and i'm not sure if i want to play that stuff. I might have a look at the 4th survivor, but that type of challenge doesn't appeal to me.
Ive still been playing a lot of The Last Spell. Theres a lot too it, I'll try to give a little overview.

Made my way through the first few stages up to the 5th map Elderlicht where Ive hit a bit of a roadblock. The different settlement maps are always the same initial layout, the rogue like part only affects your heroes, enemy composition and positioning of the waves which I think changes up a little. You get new heroes for every map, they arent persistent and are randomized, although you can choose to limit slightly the types of weapons that will appear in the shop and enemy drops. I think theres a lot of customization possible, but Im going vanilla so cant speak to it much now.

Heroes move set is completely determined by equipment and weapons. Theres maybe 20 different weapons to play with across Physical, Magical or Ranged damage types. All of them seem pretty viable, but you really need to check which perks your heroes have because some perk combos are much better for certain types of weapons and the perk options are randomized for each hero. The level up system is a bit Battle Brothers but with RNG thrown in, in that you get to pick a perk and 2 stat level ups (1 of 5 randomized options twice) per level.

The enemies come from 1-4 of the sides of the tiled map to attack and you get a general clue during the building stage as to which sides and the wave intensity, so you have to build defenses according to that. There are different strategies for build orders and defences, gold will buy you gear from the shop and new buildings to generate resources, and materials will build you walls, traps and defences.

Some lovely AOE attacks that are really satifying to smash stuff with. The right hero build will get absolutely OP and clear hordes in a turn or deal massive single target damage to Elite or heavy enemies, sometimes both.

Fair warning, If youre the kind of person that gets upset you cant save scum, beware. It auto saves on exit but otherwise wont let you. A full map run generally takes me 8-12 hours, but its such a joy to play it doesnt bother me to have to redo things here, its a good chance to try a different strategy.
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Community Contributor
I got back into BG3 before I forgot everything going on. I ran straight into a pretty tough situation:

So, Raphael was outside a cave entrance. He wanted me to slaughter some nasty inside. Raphael is a terribly naughty not-person that I've got no interest in helping in the slightest, but it's good to know there's something extra nasty in there.

Actually, there was very little in there - just a lot of books and an empty tomb with a jillion traps around it. There were also some buttons, so clearly there's more to do. The books explained how to use the buttons, which revealed a secret door. Behind that was a temple to Shar. Pulling the right levers for that, and doing some jumping around behind a statue revealed some nasties who quickly got attacked by other nasties.

I saved the nasties from the new nasties, which helped them believe that I was a friendly nasty. I was figuring on blasting them, but then I noticed they had a flesh golem with a big sack full of hit points. Yeah, better not.

So I talk to them and they told me to go get an artifact and gave me a little bell that let me summon the flesh golem! Well, that's great! I think I can make sure that golem doesn't live through whatever battles are to come. That will make it easier to slaughter this ugly crew.

I head down the hallway toward this artifact thing and... great guns. It's a huge, temple complex with multiple floors and elevators! All this was behind two sets of secrets?? Either something else is going to point me this way again later or a lot of people missed this whole thing. Talk about exploration rewards!

I quickly run into a very nasty group, led by a demon named Yurgir. Ha! He's got fewer hit points than the flesh golem. He shouldn't be too... oh, party wipe. Yurgir is HARSH! He throws out bombs that hurt bad and has some deadly melee attacks as well. After he finishes an attack, he immediately vanishes somehow. His minions are no slouches, either, and I think some of those were throwing bombs as well (or maybe just exploding already thrown bombs).

I spent the whole afternoon trying to fight this guy! Detect invisible didn't detect him at all, for whatever reason. The flesh golem was good for absorbing a few attacks, but ignored him when Yurgir turned invisible, so it was mostly good for keeping his minions busy. He resisted most damage types and was completely immune to fire.

I eventually got him by standing at the top of a broken stairway and filling up the room below with sleet and thorns, so there was only one place to stand without taking damage, then I hit that spot with little AoE attacks. Whenever he got hit, he would show up for the rest of the round, allowing everyone else to wail on him. I guess we were too high for him to throw his bombs, too, as he just kept shooting his crossbow at us. His minions were all busy beating up the flesh golem, which they eventually defeated.

All I had to do after that was clean up what was left of the minions. Raphael will be pleased, unfortunately. And there's still quite a bit of this dungeon left to do!

Then a miracle: a dead spermwhale meant 400kg of (rotting?) food on board.
Pah. Food doesn't spoil in video games. I'm eating fish in BG3 that have been sitting on the ground for days. In other RPGs, I've eaten carrots that were lying around in tombs for centuries!
I loved Balatro when I just got it and stayed up until 4:30 AM playing it, but I haven't felt like playing more of it. I think I'm having the same problem as with Slay the Spire where it feels like I'm just doing the same thing over and over again with not enough progression between runs.

Though I'm probably just going through a depressive episode, as I haven't felt like playing anything else either and it's been a struggle to focus on work or get enough sleep.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Been playing tons of Path of Exile 2 and the game just keeps getting better and better. Starting my morning with a divine drop, which is a very rare drop in the game. I use a loot filter called Neversink which plays an epic sound when you find one, so you can be sure to hit that sweet dopamin.

Some players goes even further *cough*

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyKt5-nNaQA


Community Contributor
We've accomplished what we set out to do in Darktide. I'm kind of sad that it's over. We are probably not coming back to it with our limited co-op time these days. Next time we play anything will be summer, and we'll probably be on to something else. I fully recommend this game. They still have some network issues, but the fun is easily worth the minor troubles. It can be unbelievably challenging on higher difficulties.