Ive still been playing a lot of The Last Spell. Theres a lot too it, I'll try to give a little overview.
Made my way through the first few stages up to the 5th map Elderlicht where Ive hit a bit of a roadblock. The different settlement maps are always the same initial layout, the rogue like part only affects your heroes, enemy composition and positioning of the waves which I think changes up a little. You get new heroes for every map, they arent persistent and are randomized, although you can choose to limit slightly the types of weapons that will appear in the shop and enemy drops. I think theres a lot of customization possible, but Im going vanilla so cant speak to it much now.
Heroes move set is completely determined by equipment and weapons. Theres maybe 20 different weapons to play with across Physical, Magical or Ranged damage types. All of them seem pretty viable, but you really need to check which perks your heroes have because some perk combos are much better for certain types of weapons and the perk options are randomized for each hero. The level up system is a bit Battle Brothers but with RNG thrown in, in that you get to pick a perk and 2 stat level ups (1 of 5 randomized options twice) per level.
The enemies come from 1-4 of the sides of the tiled map to attack and you get a general clue during the building stage as to which sides and the wave intensity, so you have to build defenses according to that. There are different strategies for build orders and defences, gold will buy you gear from the shop and new buildings to generate resources, and materials will build you walls, traps and defences.
Some lovely AOE attacks that are really satifying to smash stuff with. The right hero build will get absolutely OP and clear hordes in a turn or deal massive single target damage to Elite or heavy enemies, sometimes both.
Fair warning, If youre the kind of person that gets upset you cant save scum, beware. It auto saves on exit but otherwise wont let you. A full map run generally takes me 8-12 hours, but its such a joy to play it doesnt bother me to have to redo things here, its a good chance to try a different strategy.