Question is secure to upgrade my pc the way i have planned?

Jan 2, 2021
so i have an i5 7600k 3.8 ghz box with a gigabyte-ga-z270p-d3 as a motherboard, with 16 gb RAM and a zotac 1060 ddr5 6gb.

I cant take a 2060 cause my cpu would be too low for the gpu, so i have to upgrade my gpu first.

I wanna make a jump on the cpu so i dont have to upgrade it anymore for the next years, and im too interested on an i7 10700KF with a Gigabyte Z490M.

The problem is that i went to Bottleneck calculator and it says that my gpu is too weak for the new cpu, and it would be around 11% of bottleneck, heres the website with the info

The question is, is it risky? i just want to get more performance to my games.
Jan 2, 2021
There really isn't a right/wrong way to upgrade a vid card. Yes matching a vid card/chip is a thing, but it's not as big as you think if your in the main range.

The card will just not perform as well typically by a few % For instance, i'm running a 1060 with an I5-3350. The card is performing at about 65% of it's peak, But that does not mean its performing that badly. I can run games even like jurassic world evolution with out any issues or even a resource hungry games like Battletech.

that said, i would go with that upgrade, and upgrade your card down the road. A 3060 TI would work well with that chip.. Or you could even wait for another year on the next gen cards. Your 1060 should last you that long with ease.

i did it, im nervous as hell and idk why caus i can get a refund pretty easely. tysm. Do you know any way to sell my old cpu and motherboard? my cpu is like 290€ and my motherboard 120 so i kinda want some money i dont want to have it left without winning anything
Oct 2, 2020
i Have just upgraded my 1060 6gb to a 3060 ti, still using the i5 8500 with no issues ( 1 gen higher than yours) I'm even still using the 500w and its all working fine. You can always upgrade the GPU and carry it over to a new build a year or 2 in the future with no issues.
i've never heard of a bottleneck calc before this post lol just gone with what i looked at and could afford.