Is it normal for a desktop to beep at shutdown?

Dec 20, 2023
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I had a desktop built a couple of months ago. I've shut it down many times, and never noticed this beep. I shut it down a few minutes ago, and it made a quick beep when it shut down. Is this normal, or should i be worried?
If you cant see the led square on your mobo take the side panel off , and look at what it shows in the display , when you shut down the pc look at the display and if it beeps write dont what it shows in the display and then either google it or look in your mobo manual if you have it.

[Mod edit: changed font style from italic.]
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If you cant see the led square on your mobo take the side panel off , and look at what it shows in the display , when you shut down the pc look at the display and if it beeps write dont what it shows in the display and then either google it or look in your mobo manual if you have it.
Helps if his motherboard has the LED error codes that you are alluding too. He won't find it on his board

Not all boards have that, the cheaper models don't anymore... mine doesn't.


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