You'll probably be delighted to hear then that many [all?] of the guns have major customization—select stock, barrel, muzzle etc. Total overkill—so to speak—for me, but should appeal to weirdos
Ghost Recon Wildlands is squad-based and TPP by default. You can change to Lone Wolf in the menus, which I'm doing, and there's a mod for FPP, which I'm also using.
The map is huge and very attractive rugged mountainous terrain—you uncover plenty of fast travel points while wandering, so it's ok to get around. I'm ~7 hours in and it's CTD'ed twice, but nothing significant lost—also got stuck in the environment a couple of times which needed a reload.
I'm not a vehicle fan, but apparently there are over 60 in game, incl planes, choppers, boats. Once I went off road and down a steep hill, and was still good as new when it stopped. Traversal is very forgiving for driving and running up steep hills, much more than I'm used to from Far Cry.
There are 3 main factions. Rebels are on your side, Narcos are your 'standard' enemy, and then the Unidad are a sort of militarized corrupt police force who seem to be in league with the Narcos. Narcos are fine to engage.
Unidad are not—they destroyed me quickly in 3 separate encounters, at which stage I went and did a bit of research… the general advice is to avoid them. I'm not mad about that, as I enjoy wandering the landscape and getting into random skirmishes—which is what led me to check out the available arsenal.
With so many guns, I have no idea if I should exchange what I have for what an enemy drops. I've
seen it said that the UI gun info is meaningless, which is just great if true

I haven't been able to find a basic spreadsheet with the basic info I want—eg
DarkDally's is way too advanced for me, clearly aimed at hardcore players.
Gotta run