We are a team of third year undergraduate students from the University of East Anglia. We are currently doing a research project for our dissertations looking at the topic around problematic gaming and its impact on psychological health and wellbeing. The study has been approved by the Psychology Research Ethics Committee at the University of East Anglia.
We have already asked for permission to recruit from a moderator on the forum, but we aren't too sure about specific rules on this forum, so we apologize in advance if there are any violations.
We are here to kindly ask you to help us to fill in the survey, every response helps!
Here is a link to our survey: https://ueapsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1YqSlj282yzjDXT
Thank you!
P.S. The response rate hasn't been great on other platforms, if you can spare some time and help us out, we will appreciate it very much.
We are a team of third year undergraduate students from the University of East Anglia. We are currently doing a research project for our dissertations looking at the topic around problematic gaming and its impact on psychological health and wellbeing. The study has been approved by the Psychology Research Ethics Committee at the University of East Anglia.
We have already asked for permission to recruit from a moderator on the forum, but we aren't too sure about specific rules on this forum, so we apologize in advance if there are any violations.
We are here to kindly ask you to help us to fill in the survey, every response helps!
Here is a link to our survey: https://ueapsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1YqSlj282yzjDXT
Thank you!
P.S. The response rate hasn't been great on other platforms, if you can spare some time and help us out, we will appreciate it very much.