Hi there. I have been using Win 10 on my laptop for 3 years now and in the summer of 2020 I faced the problem. I have been using a program called Driver Booster for 2 years now to update my drivers and until July 2020 I had no problems with it. Then in July I updated the drivers with him on a fresh windows and experienced FPS drops in the games. CSGO had so far had 120-140 FPS em, and after using Driver booster it dropped to 60-70. I reinstalled windows recently and so without using a driver booster I have 50-60 FPS em in CSGO. But with the help of driver booster I have been able to play 100+ FPS so far. I tried to update drivers in windows settings, but I didn't achieve anything with them. I searched the net and found people blue with the problem, but not really a usable answer. Maybe if anyone could help, I would thank you very much i-5 7200u 2.5 Ghz, Nvidia Geforce 940mx, 8gb ram, 128gb ssd