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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Interaction with Chat GPT. That ending man, no more feeding info today!:sweatsmile::sweatsmile:



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But then your password choice doesn't matter. Use "password" or 10Kb of random characters - if the encryption is broken, neither will be hidden.

The problem isn't really the encryption on passwords, but the encryption of your data as it travels to its destination. If that encryption doesn't work any more, hackers can read out every wireless signal and every wired signal they manage to tap into. Or any such data they've gathered in the past.


Community Contributor
By the time passwords become useless, we will have moved to other methods. Biology-based are my fav of the currently available or developing alternatives.

♣ Fingerprint, eg MS's 'Hello'.
♦ Personally identifiable actions, eg typing rhythm or speaking voice.
♥ Photo ID via webcam.
♠ Preferably, a couple of these paired.
I've had problems with fingerprint and facial recognition, and I've used typing rhythm before and it's a very sketchy way to identify someone. Right now, if any of these things fail, what do you do? You type in your password. So we have a long way to go before these will be viable. I finally just turned off both the fingerprint and the facial recognition on my last two iphones.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
TGIF everyone! Soon time to go bananas in Warzone 2.0 and lick the salty tears of super chads screaming in the mic. Then I'll ease down the mouse/keyboard clicking and enjoy some Deus Ex: Human Revolution gameplay and dev commentary. Finish the day with some Gabriel Knight: Sin of the Father as I am trying my best to get to the next day because that is when you'll get to hear Mark Hamilies voice as the police detective Frank Moosely.

Any gaming planned for today?


Community Contributor
On the 28th, I'm meeting with doctors who may/may not decide to try an experimental therapy on me some time in May. It would involve sending acoustic shockwaves and electrical jolts into my brain and spinal cord. I don't care what they say the potential dangers are. I have moderate cognitive and neuro decline that is only getting worse. My brain functions so badly it's embarrassing, not to mention frightening. As of a month ago, I didn't think there was any chance of reversing it. They've told me not to get my hopes up, but it's hard not to. I just want to be able to think again outside of the constant fog.

Personally, I think this therapy sounds like something from the 19th century that would make you snicker and roll your eyes, but the FDA has approved it for a couple of things, including stimulating new nerve and capillary growth, and it seems to clean up existing systems as well, possibly just due to the vibrations. I don't know. It seems ridiculous, but it's what I've got.


Community Contributor
Strange, you're one of the most eloquent posters here. Maybe it's those farming sims, all that mush and mulch…

Obviously, wishing you the very best :)
Thanks. It gets better/worse depending on a variety of factors, but you wouldn't believe how long it takes me to make some of my posts, and then I frequently have to edit them over and over.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire


Community Contributor
Guido and my wife left to run an errand, and right after they left there was a knock at the door. I figured they had forgotten something, so I didn't even look through the peep hole. I opened it up to find two Jehovah's Witnesses staring at me. They immediately asked me a question about the Bible, and I said, "Yeah, I'm not discussing religion with you," and shut the door. I can't even begin to imagine how that conversation would have gone.


Community Contributor
What's one thing you missed out on in this life that you want to change for the next one?

For me, it might be singing. Not that I don't get to sing, but I've been restricted by the courts not to sing within 100 ft of another person (kidding). I'm singing sea shanties right now because I'm alone in the house, but it would be amazing if I were actually good at it.
I'd like to have been good at singing too. I was in the senior choir at school and got the senior choir prize in 6th form. Though the choir master called me in and told me that it wasn't because I was good at singing but because I was the only one who hadn't won anything and he felt sorry for me.

I didn't really sing much after that. I wasn't amazing, granted.

I wasted a long time in life worrying about other people's opinions, I feel like I'm just discovering myself now.


Community Contributor
I'd like to have been good at singing too. I was in the senior choir at school and got the senior choir prize in 6th form. Though the choir master called me in and told me that it wasn't because I was good at singing but because I was the only one who hadn't won anything and he felt sorry for me.

I didn't really sing much after that. I wasn't amazing, granted.

I wasted a long time in life worrying about other people's opinions, I feel like I'm just discovering myself now.
What a rude choir master!
One thing I missed out on which in retrospect would've probably been a good idea is to live on my own for a while. I moved from my parents' house directly to an apartment with my wife.

I'd like to have been good at singing too. I was in the senior choir at school and got the senior choir prize in 6th form. Though the choir master called me in and told me that it wasn't because I was good at singing but because I was the only one who hadn't won anything and he felt sorry for me.

I wonder what he was thinking... "let's give this kid who hasn't won anything an award to make him feel better, then tell him he only got it because he sucks so badly." He must have not liked you very much.


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