Coconut Monkey Cornerclub

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Sport—seeing how far I might've got. I got married young and chucked in serious sport—my choice.
I had two friends get drafted out of high school for baseball, which was kind of cool. One of them went straight off to the minor leagues and the other one went with me to UT to play college baseball. Me? Best you could say was that I was above average.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend (Friday 5/26 - Monday 5/29)! I know it's only a US holiday, but I don't want to exclude anyone living elsewhere. It's just one of those American traditions here that generally heralds the beginning of summer, and the first 3-day weekend (if you're a M-F worker) since the start of the year.

But like most US holidays, that wasn't its original purpose. It was a Remembrance Day for those who lived/fought/died in various wars, dating back to the civil war of the 1800s in the US. For better or worse, I just think it's human nature.

In Maine it also heralds the start of "tourist season" where millions of people flock to the state. For a state that only has a population of roughly 1.372 million (2021 census), this weekend's population will more than double. The Maine Tourist Board (gods, there's a freaking board of directors for everything now) estimates that 1.04 million vehicles will travel to Maine this weekend (how they arrive at that figure I have no idea).

But most of those vehicles will have at least 2 people, and the majority probably 3-4 (since most people vacation in groups). Being conservative, that's 1-4 million people converging on an area that only supports roughly 1.3 million. Economically, it's good for the state of Maine, but on a local level, it's a pain.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend (Friday 5/26 - Monday 5/29)! I know it's only a US holiday, but I don't want to exclude anyone living elsewhere. It's just one of those American traditions here that generally heralds the beginning of summer, and the first 3-day weekend (if you're a M-F worker) since the start of the year.

But like most US holidays, that wasn't its original purpose. It was a Remembrance Day for those who lived/fought/died in various wars, dating back to the civil war of the 1800s in the US. For better or worse, I just think it's human nature.

In Maine it also heralds the start of "tourist season" where millions of people flock to the state. For a state that only has a population of roughly 1.372 million (2021 census), this weekend's population will more than double. The Maine Tourist Board (gods, there's a freaking board of directors for everything now) estimates that 1.04 million vehicles will travel to Maine this weekend (how they arrive at that figure I have no idea).

But most of those vehicles will have at least 2 people, and the majority probably 3-4 (since most people vacation in groups). Being conservative, that's 1-4 million people converging on an area that only supports roughly 1.3 million. Economically, it's good for the state of Maine, but on a local level, it's a pain.

We have a three day weekend here as well, but it's because of Pentecost instead. We already did our memorial day at the start of the month.


Community Contributor
if only the sun would stay down until around 9am...
Hey, if the planet slows down, can I recalculate my age?


Guido's graduation was this morning. I was thankful all the speeches were short and that it was only about 70 degrees (they do the ceremony at the football field).

We had our little party afterward and had a surprise guest. Laura was getting a picture of Guido with the mayor and said, off-hand, that the mayor (the former wrestler known as Kane) should come to the party, and he actually showed up. He didn't stay to eat. He just walked around like a huge politician meeting everyone and then left after some pictures.

Guido and my wife had actually met him before and road on a float with him during the Christmas parade. The float was something to do with Knox County Schools.

Anyway, the food was good. Best part was the ice cream bar. Kind of like a salad bar without anything healthy on it.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
P.S. Jeez, not many sales this weekend, at least on my wish list.
Not for me either, though I did purchase the Palace of Ice DLC for Solastra for $15 because I'm a big fan of the game and a IG (impatient gamer) in this instance.

There is somewhat of a sale on the Lightbringers Edition (all content) for %58 off ($39.76), although if you're a PG {patient gamer), as @Brian Boru coined it, the price will eventually drop. Base game itself is %70 off ($11.99).


Community Contributor
After talking to my wife this morning, we realized that Mayor "Kane" was on his way to an afternoon graduation ceremony about a block away from our party. He went to every high school graduation in Knox County. He must have just decided to stop in to pass a little time. Was pretty cool, though. I don't often meet people who could lift me over their head lol


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Do you ever make up words to songs when you can't understand the lyrics? There's a song in Big Ambitions that I sing:
No, but I suck at remembering lyrics, so I just sing the line that is most easy to remember, like: "Take me hooooome, country roads, west Virgiiiiiiinia, hum hum hum, hum hum." Sometimes I will hum when I forget even the easy ones.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
make up words to songs when you can't understand the lyrics
You are not alone!

'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' by The Beatles has a phrase "The girl with kaleidoscope eyes" which is often misinterpreted as "The girl with colitis goes by".

Creedence Clearwater Revival song "Bad Moon Rising" line "There's a bad moon on the rise" is better known as "There's a bathroom on the right"

Nothing is sacred. Even the venerable 'Twelve Days of Christmas' has a biggie—the modern line "four calling birds" is a mishearing of the original "four colly birds"… colly meant dark in Shakespeare's time, it's in one of his works.

Then there's 'A Monk Swimming', the title of a book by a guy reared in my home town—and a founder of Manhattan Rugby Football Club—based on mishearing part of the Hail Mary prayer, 'amongst women'.

I used to wonder why American journalists wanted a raised but smelly statuette:
Poo lifts her prize
Maybe because they suffered from Old-timers' Disease?


Community Contributor
Wait a minute, I've seen that joke before!

AH HA!!! Brian has been playing RPGs behind our backs!


Community Contributor
Since I got to the point where I couldn't do yard work, my wife has broken both of our lawnmowers (rider and push). She just breezed by a few minutes ago and said as she walked out the door, "I'm going to go buy another lawnmower." She is a breaker of things. She has broken so much stuff, including the screen to every laptop she's had for the last 10 years.


@Brian Boru those are all examples of accidental lyric switches. The only one like that that I can remember I did was the Wellerman sea shanty. I changed Wellerman to weatherman. I did have a friend who sang the classic rock song "Revved up like a deuce" as "Wrapped up like a douche". I also had a friend named Keith who changed the lyrics of every song to put his name in them.


Community Contributor
Yes, everyone stopped playing. I think people started to lose interest once we ran out of popular games. You either knew the game because you played it or you hadn't heard of it at all.
Should start a fresh one. No reason why you can't repeat games. Just because someone recognizes a single screenshot doesn't mean they would recognize one from a different part of the game.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Instead of playing Diablo 4, I decided on a rather expensive investment, but one I have thought about for some time. I bought Nintendo Switch OLED so I could play Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I have been looking for a long time for the perfect exploration game, a game similar to Minecraft, Cubeworld, Starbound, and Tchia but only better. I actually thought Tchia would be THE one for me, but unfortunately, it was not. So, I started looking elsewhere.

I have only played a little of the first Zelda game and it has been years since I used a controller regularly. I'm halfway through the tutorial mission and I'm not lying when I say this is looking to be one of the best games I have ever played.

It is hard to explain, but everything so far just clicks. Music, characters, environment, small stuff you can do like hit a tree to make the apples fall down or just cook them for food, the combat and how you can throw items at enemies, how the water falls off your body after you swim, or how the water makes a wonderful splash sound after you dive into it. How you can use something called the "Gloop" system to stick different objects together the way you want, how the animations on some of the birds are hilarious when they try to run away from you, or how the fog slowly creeps into the environment covering it in a thick blanket.

Again, I'm not finished with the tutorial and I'm basically running around being super impressed. I'm really excited for what is coming next and I am going to take this in baby steps, especially since I have to get used to the controller/aiming and because I do not want to rush it!:)

And for the people who think I have turned to the dark side: I play the game using my computer screen, my PC controller, and my PC gaming wireless headset.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I read up on the Breath of the Wild lore, so now I know that I am the green guy and I am supposed to find the princess that is hidden in another castle. Oh, and something about the triforce, evil guy Ganon and I may or may not be in love with Zelda. Oh, and I am the spirit of Zelda, but not it's soul. Something like that. I'm also smaller than Zelda, so hopefully she is wearing high heels.


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