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..the average price of a lobster roll in Maine is $30-40, way too expensive for me to eat with any frequency.
Can't you get them for more like $25-$35? Have you checked Cousins Maine Lobster? I know, still a high price, but every bit helps when you can't resist the craving.

I mainly eat turkey on whole grain bread with romaine, honey mustard, and olive oil mayo lately. The tryptophan greatly helps combat the noisy neighbor situation that's been going on above me for well over 3 years now. A slight caveat is I often doze off while watching movies or even gaming sometimes, especially if I'm up too late.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
noisy neighbor situation that's been going on above me

1. Pastrami on whatever
2. Arby's Double Beef 'N Cheddar
3. Domino's Philly Cheese Steak


Community Contributor

Internet died on Friday morning. Tech came out the next day, did a LOT of fiddling around, then declared it was an outage - should be back in a few hours. And it was... but not all the way. Some sites worked, some didn't. PC Gamer, Steam, and my workplace were among the many that didn't. Called in again. "OK, I'll escalate up. Should be no more than 3 calendar days."

Still nothing Tuesday morning. Called in again. "Still escalated. Should be no more than 3-5 business days." I tried using public DNS sites, but it didn't help.

Called again just recently. This tech had more of a clue and had me try using the Google Nest they had sent a few years ago but I elected not to use because it just has one ethernet port instead of 5 with the old network box. That fixed it.

So nearly a full week with 0 internet. I completely missed the Steam sale.

1) Grilled Cheese
2) Reuben
3) BLT
Well, we're pretty sandwich compatible. I'll only fight you for the grilled cheese.

1. BBQ Brisket
2. BBQ Sausage
3. Spicey chicken sandwich. Best is from Planet Sub, but Wendys has a good one, too. Chic-fil-a's is essentially the same as Wendy's. Popey's is supposed to be great, but I always get the proper chicken there.
(4. BBQ Ham)
1. Back bacon (important), fried egg, English sausage, fried mushrooms on a buttered soft baguette with ketchup, or HP sauce depending on the day.
2. Back bacon and egg
3. Sausage and egg

The holy trinity of English sandwiches IMO. Miss them so much. You'll find random food trucks in laybys everywhere selling all of the above and variations.

Always wanted to get some of those crazy double thick deli sandwiches you have in the U.S.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Can't you get them for more like $25-$35? Have you checked Cousins Maine Lobster? I know, still a high price, but every bit helps when you can't resist the craving.
There are times, or at least there were, where you can find a lobster roll in the $25-35 range, but the current average price is between $30-40, though it does fluctuate. Lobster prices have skyrocketed in the past 18 months or so with a change in the Federal Fishing Regulations concerning a change in equipment required to protect Right Whales.

Also, all lobster rolls are not created equal, and vary in size, weight, and quality. The best lobster roll in Maine is from Red's Eats, a small family owned lobster shack on Route 1 in Wiscasset. Reds Eats (

There are times, or at least there were, where you can find a lobster roll in the $25-35 range, but the current average price is between $30-40, though it does fluctuate. Lobster prices have skyrocketed in the past 18 months or so with a change in the Federal Fishing Regulations concerning a change in equipment required to protect Right Whales.

Also, all lobster rolls are not created equal, and vary in size, weight, and quality. The best lobster roll in Maine is from Red's Eats, a small family owned lobster shack on Route 1 in Wiscasset. Reds Eats (

Those people look like they're eager and willing to spend their last dime on that prime lobster. We used to have a tradition in my family after my mom and only sis died in a car accident. The new wife my dad took had a tradition in her family of opening one present on Christmas eve, and celebrating with fresh shrimp and King Crab. She'd go to the local farmer's market where they had gigantic King Crabs.

I've also had lobster before, but what we get here on the NW coast is far from ideal like you have there. It's mostly tiny previously frozen stuff that is not worth what you pay for it.

On a related subject, I once saw a two part video series a guy did about a lobster he saved from a local grocery store lobster tank, and raised at home in an aquarium. The thing couldn't even use one of it's claws at first due to being motionless for so long from the big rubber band around it, but the thing got back it's health and it's color improved dramatically. It didn't get along with the other fish the guy tried putting in the tank though, so he gave him a tank of his own.

Meet Leon, the pet lobster saved from a grocery store!
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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
and celebrating with fresh shrimp and King Crab. She'd go to the local farmer's market where they had gigantic King Crabs.
King Crab is awesome! I've only had it fresh once, back when I was about 10 years old (roughly 1964) when my parents, sister & I took a two week vacation to visit the Western US National Parks, and ended up in Seattle, Washington so my dad could visit an old army buddy (they were stationed in France towards the end of WWII).

Both families went out to eat one evening and feasted on King Crab. I think that's when I fell in love with seafood. Those crabs must be huge in the wild, as I swear that some of those crab legs were almost as long as my 10-year-old arms.

I've also had lobster before, but what we get here on the NW coast is far from ideal like you have there. It's mostly tiny previously frozen stuff that is not worth what you pay for it.
The same is true here when trying to get King Crab legs on the East Coast. The legs are smaller, don't have the same taste, and are grossly expensive, and definitely not worth the money.


Community Contributor
Went to the East Tennessee Writer's Hall of Fame induction ceremony, which lasted 5 hours, and I wasn't even inducted! (This will come as a shock to everyone here)

It doubles as a fund raiser for the literacy charity I do work with.

As for seafood (see above), I absolutely love it, but my wife doesn't like it at all, so I rarely get to eat it. Being landlocked, it's not great here anyway. We do have a seafood grocer next to the airport that gets presumably fresh catch flown in from wherever, but it's crazy expensive.
King Crab is awesome! I've only had it fresh once, back when I was about 10 years old (roughly 1964) when my parents, sister & I took a two week vacation to visit the Western US National Parks, and ended up in Seattle, Washington so my dad could visit an old army buddy (they were stationed in France towards the end of WWII).

Both families went out to eat one evening and feasted on King Crab. I think that's when I fell in love with seafood. Those crabs must be huge in the wild, as I swear that some of those crab legs were almost as long as my 10-year-old arms.

The same is true here when trying to get King Crab legs on the East Coast. The legs are smaller, don't have the same taste, and are grossly expensive, and definitely not worth the money.
Some other excellent seafoods we have here in the NW are King and especially Copper River Salmon. Very pricey stuff, but very healthy too. I usually suffice with Sockeye salmon that's quick frozen and vacuum packed, about $12 - $16 for 2 portions.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Always wanted to get some of those crazy double thick deli sandwiches you have in the U.S.
Nah, skip it—then you'd need one of those double big mouths we have in the US!

Aw man, so unfair. Put me in charge and I'll make sure you're deducted—promise!

What's all the fuss about? You never hear such hype about lakefood or riverfood or fieldfood or coopfood—hey look, my spell check doesn't think those are even words!

I mean, $40 for a sandwich o_O
C'mon you guys, been inhaling exhaust fumes a bit too much, eh. Let me send y'all a nice KFC Bucket, with enough left over for a nice tip for the Death Stranding person.


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Why go there when I can go to Kentacohut??
(Because they all seem to have closed at least the Pizza Hut part)
KFC is great. Taco Bell got rid of my favorite, the taco salad, but they are still decent. But the only thing decent at Pizza Hut is the creamy Italian dressing at the salad bar. I'm a bit of a pizza snob, though.
KFC is great. Taco Bell got rid of my favorite, the taco salad, but they are still decent. But the only thing decent at Pizza Hut is the creamy Italian dressing at the salad bar. I'm a bit of a pizza snob, though.
Any of you guys remember Pizza Haven? When I was in high school I used to go to the all you can eat night on Tuesdays. They made a killer Hawaiian pizza, and no, I don't feel a bit guilty about eating a pizza with pineapple on it, so don't even ask. :p

Godfathers was pretty good too. They used to have an all you can eat day too. A gal I was dating once and I went there after a bike ride, and to my surprise they put out a calzone, which is not something they normally do, so I grabbed it, and it was pretty good.


Community Contributor
Well yeah, to cut a pizza in the first place. How else? People aren't actually using those funny, round things the grocery stores sell, do they??
The "in" thing to do here at the better pizza restaurants is to cut your slices with the pizza scissors. They bring them to you at the tables. I've never used them, though. Takes too much time when I can just fold the slice lengthways and cram it in my mouth.


Community Contributor
What's the point of following the news? People keep saying I should stay informed. I went to the news the other day, and the first story was about a 4 year old being shot by a lunatic during a road rage incident. I needed to know that for what reason?
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