Can I just say how great the Web is. It is it's 32nd birthday this year for release into the world outside CERN. Released to research institutions in Jan 1991 and to general use in Aug 1991.
But just having access to so much information instantly, access to all media incl games, educational in that you can study online or just watch a TED talk, communicate freely, shop with access to a massive selection, etc etc I think it must be classed high among Humans greatest achievements.
Just being online expands our minds and what we are capable of. I actually wonder if being connected our neural networks almost mirror it's content across the interface.
We can travel virtually to other countries, art galleries, etc and organise our whole lives with ease.
Just recently I've had some bother from the local council. They have a legal team and took me to court. But I got access to a free solicitor online, took his advice and actually the judge agreed with me. I even found a source that offered to pay any costs I might have incurred. This week again the council were trying to impose on me, a few minutes online and I know my rights and stopped them quoting several laws and acts. It's just so empowering.
Happy 32nd Birthday.