Coconut Monkey Cornerclub

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May 11, 2022
Cats are bastards regardless of gender. I'm kidding I like most animals, just happened to grow up with dogs in the family.

In other doggy news, my sister is really into dog psychology and training, so make of this what you will but she believes it.

Obviously doesnt apply to mogs, I'll keep an apple handy in that case.
Interesting theory and I suppose there are many variables. I like cats just because they seem intelligent and independant. But that also could be because my father showed more interest in our dog than us.

I think if you treat any animal with respect, it reciprocates. Animals act very calmly around me. Like I sit on a bench in the park down by the lake and soon I'm Francis of Assisi, all these ducks, pidgeons and squirrels just act like I'm not there walking and feeding within a foot away.

I did hear about some scientists who tried to carry out some experiments to determine the intelligence of different animals. The cats refused to engage. Maybe they didn't consider the scientists to be very intelligent.
May 11, 2022
Also I do think that generally animals are a lot more intelligent than humans give them credit for.

Did anyone see that documentary, 'My Octopus Teacher'? for example.

Also they often have an intelligence that is specific to them, like the Orcas who coordinate and create a wave which knocks seals off ice sheets. I've also heard stories of Orcas helping other animals, there was a story of a stag that got into trouble taking a short cut across a fjord and the orcas guided it to shore.
I don't like dogs or cats.

I think we're having a slight nomenclature issue. I would call that a controller and I do have a Steam controller for certain games.

What I use for general gaming seems to be called a keypad, although I find that slightly confusing as well and call it a gamepad. It's just basically a mini programmable ergonomic keyboard and there are some interestingly designed ones available.
Well, bummer. I guess I am the only one who likes controllers here.

Up until the Wii U came out, it was pretty common to call controllers "gamepads." Then the Wii U came out with it's officially named "Wii U Gamepad," and everyone else kind of started moving away from that name and exclusively called them "controllers."

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I prefer cats myself, they take a lot less work and are nicer to pet
And quieter. Please, can someone invent an unhearing aid for neighborhood dogs—oh, and screaming kids too, that'd be great, thanks!

But cats are so judgmental, aren't they? Sitting there all superior, glancing disdainfully, glaring accusingly. I'm never gonna play Stray with one around, imagine the meows of anguish as I do one non-cat-approved thing after another :D

Henri the Cat very short videos are worth a watch if you haven't seen, capture the true philosophical nature of the cat being.

Orangutan who could sign to an impressive level
Eg "Food wanted"?

[Edit: Game is called Stray dummy, not Prey :D.]
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I suppose the cat side should channel some T. S. Eliot now?

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Well, bummer. I guess I am the only one who likes controllers here.

Nah, I got you. Using a DS4 here for 7 or 8 years at this point with my PC. I play most 3d action games aside from shooters on a controller. Playing Uncharted 4 right now and using a combo, when there's a shooting encounter I'm using one hand on the controller to pop out of cover and the other hand on the mouse to aim and shoot. No idea how well that works in other games, never tried before.

I'd take a cat, they are less work than a dog and my kid loves kittens. Weird thing for me in Finland as an immigrant, you see a people in the city walking their cats on a lead (thats a leash in American I think). Its actually illegal to let your cat outside in the towns and cities. Most cats are house cats and some of them are never let outside ever on their own, except for the balcony.

I guess in the winter they'd freeze pretty quick anyway.
Eg "Food wanted"?

Koko was reported to understand approximately 1,000 ASL signs and 2,000 English words. Her results were similar to the Gardners' results with chimpanzees; although the gorilla learned a large number of signs, she never understood grammar or symbolic speech, and did not display any cognition beyond that of a 2–3 year old human child.



Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Dog person here. Grew up with both a king/giant poodle and two Dobermans. The poodle was spoiled (first dog) and it became quite territorial to the point of showing its teeth and growling but never biting. The two Dobermans got a very good upbringing with a lot of play and discipline and were both intelligent and confident.

They never started any fight with other dogs, but occasionally other dogs would come to visit the house looking for a fight and both of my dogs would always use the least amount of force possible. This meant they would take the other dogs down quickly to the ground and hold them there until they submitted. If the other dog attacked again which happened on rare occasions with dogs having bad upbringing/control, they would do the same strategy again with a bit more force until the other dog finally submitted. Dobermans are well known for their intelligence, strength, and confidence and it really shines if they are raised properly.

Some breeds are more aggressive than others and some breeds are just a horrible mix of races making them live shorter or have for example difficulty of breathing because of how they look. Saying that the most important thing is how the owner is. If you are an owner not capable of bringing up a larger dog (or small for that sake), then that dog will try to seek out dominance. They might be domesticated animals, but they are still animals and every breed has its own personality/mood that needs to be held in control.
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May 11, 2022
I'm sure there was an Orangutan who could sign to an impressive level. And crows are very smart too.
I know we all remember Clint Eastwood's great films but he did make a few stinkers. Your post reminded me of one. Is the Orangutan commenting on the film.
May 11, 2022
And quieter. Please, can someone invent an unhearing aid for neighborhood dogs—oh, and screaming kids too, that'd be great, thanks!
Yes, noise cancelling headphones. After lockdown this city erupted with construction work. They have ripped the roof off(hammer drills and sledge hammers), parts of the walls, etc etc, all around me. Totally oblivious I sit here gaming.
Nah, I got you. Using a DS4 here for 7 or 8 years at this point with my PC. I play most 3d action games aside from shooters on a controller. Playing Uncharted 4 right now and using a combo, when there's a shooting encounter I'm using one hand on the controller to pop out of cover and the other hand on the mouse to aim and shoot. No idea how well that works in other games, never tried before.
Cool. I knew I liked you for some reason! :D

I actually prefer controller for shooters, too. I never play multiplayer, though, or I'd be in trouble.

A while back, I tried using a DS4 controller with my PC. I ended up going back to a 360 controller, though, because the DS4 was such a pain in the backside. Seems like I had to jump through hoops to manually connect it every time I wanted to use it. The 360 controller was just plug-n-play. I'm sure things are working a lot better now than they were back then, though. I really liked the feel of the DS4, and I loved being able to use the touchpad on it for my mouse. But it was just too much of a hassle.
May 11, 2022
I'd take a cat, they are less work than a dog and my kid loves kittens. Weird thing for me in Finland as an immigrant, you see a people in the city walking their cats on a lead (thats a leash in American I think). Its actually illegal to let your cat outside in the towns and cities. Most cats are house cats and some of them are never let outside ever on their own, except for the balcony.

I guess in the winter they'd freeze pretty quick anyway.
I was thinking, imagine if in some scenario ZedClampet had unloaded at the dog, could have been tricky to explain.

I don't think it's dogs I really have a problem with, it's some dog owners. I saw this one guy in the park, he had a rottweiler. A swan was out in the open eating grass and he was trying to set the dog on it, the dog ignored him. So dumb owners.

Yes we had an inside cat, it was my girlfriend's treasured Russian Blue which she hoped to breed from at some point.
It obviously saw me as a threat and would do things like leap off the top of the wardrobe in the middle of the night and land on me.

It also had this annoying habit of sitting on my shoulder and trying to steal my food as I put it in my mouth.
So one day fed up, I put it out on the window ledge, and well it fell off, three floors up. Thankfully it was okay or that could have been tricky for my relationship. After it escaped one night it gave birth later to a litter of black and white kittens.

But the British have a weird relationship with their pets, I'm sure many prefer them to humans.
Lived in the countryside until I was 16 or so, so the idea of an indoor cat is very weird to me. Cats are for scaring off mice and rats, as well as playing with.

We used to let our cats go outside, until one of them was (probably) hit by a car and dragged himself home with a broken hip. They fixed him up at the pet hospital, but they've been inside cats since, though not without protest. They'll still try to escape whenever they see an opportunity and one of them (the one that wasn't hit by a car) goes out on the balcony multiple times a day even when it's freezing or raining.

I'm hoping we can eventually move to a house with a yard that we can make into a cat-safe area, with a cat flap in the door so they can go out whenever they want.
May 11, 2022
Yes It's horrible when a cat gets injured or killed. One of our cats got hit by a car, probably a crazed dog owner hit it on purpose, it dragged itself about forty metres and died. Another cat, one of my favourite had it's tail cut off by another crazed dog owner. I had to go and find it hiding behind some garages, but after having stitches it was okay.
I remember when it took it's first jump, it had to get used to not having a tail for balance.

There is definitely an antipathy from some men towards cats.

I see many dogs as similar to needy four year old children, whereas cats are calm Zen masters with soothing purrrs.

(and I thought we were about to polarise between KB's and controllers, or was it laptops vs desktops?)


Community Contributor
Had a cat once that someone found on the side of the road in a trash bag with other kittens. She was pitch black, and when I got her she could easily fit in the palm of my hand. She couldn't stand very well, but she was ready to play and would swat at my fingers.

She was the most loving pet I have ever had and would jump up and sit in a complete stranger's lap and fall asleep. In fact, she seemed to target people she'd never met before for affection.

She was completely different from the black cat I had before her. That cat was a male who endlessly harassed and attacked the neighborhood dogs. He was a hell of a fighter despite being small for a housecat. One time I was out in the yard (this was before leash laws) and I saw a medium sized blue healer (dog) chase my cat behind the garden and out of sight. I started to walk in that direction when I heard a loud welp, and the dog came flying from behind the garden with my cat (not very creatively called Panther) right on his heels. Apparently he had cornered Panther and Panther had fought back.

I had two people in the neighborhood complain to me that my cat was beating up their dogs lol.

Pound for pound, nothing beats a cat.

And, practically on topic, one of my favorite animal videos that I haven't watched in years:


Edit: It's very possible I already told these two cat stories before on here. If so, apologies....
May 11, 2022
Hey we don't care. Now that's the pet you should have got yourself, honey badger beats german shepherd.

Yes you got to love an animal with spirit, like cats harassing dogs. I think the cats have won round one on this thread as well:)

(I wonder if anyone randomly coming across this forum would have a clue what's going on!)

All this talk of cats makes me want to get another one, but it's not fair where I live, also not keen on poop trays.

Did anyone play that Stray game? I just found the idea intriguing.

I do ride around on a big cat in SofW, can climb anything and on command bites orcs faces off. That game is even insaner on Brutal.
probably a crazed dog owner hit it on purpose,

Sensing some hostility here. I heard Hitler liked German Shepherds. :p

Dogs are way smarter than cats, fact! Cats are just aloof, but its actually because they are dumb as rocks and you anthropormorphize that aloofness as intelligence.

(and I thought we were about to polarise between KB's and controllers, or was it laptops vs desktops?)

Everyone knows laptops suck ;)
May 11, 2022

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I knew I liked you for some reason
Yeah, difficult to pin down, isn't it?

Lived in the countryside until I was 16 or so, so the idea of an indoor cat is very weird to me. Cats are for scaring off mice and rats, as well as playing with
Same here, dragged up on a small farm. Good relationship with our cat(s)—we'd feed it, it would regularly drop a mouse on the back doorstep. Dog(s), small farm animals & birds, etc. I don't think I experienced an indoor dog or cat until my 20s.

Whatever about cats, I don't like to see indoor big dogs. They're made to run around outside, not lie on the floor all day.

I thought we were about to polarise between KB's and controllers
No, it's between KBs and cats, isn't it? Or have you never experienced your moggy walking gracefully across your keyboard and pressing the Send key on that email or post where you expressed your true feelings, but were going to delete in favor of a more diplomatic version?

Stray game
Oh idiot, I called it Prey earlier—goes edit :D

Dogs are way smarter than cats, fact!
Fact, huh?


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