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May 11, 2022
Only very vaguely, but it gets brought up at family gatherings every few years.
So basically they don't let you forget it. I wonder if most people have a slightly embarassing story that their family never let them forget? To laugh about at family gatherings.

It is weird isn't, and your reaction was healthy, but when you are young this whole world that the adults know about; sex and human bodies especially those of the opposite sex are a complete mystery to children.

But look at the world now, not much is a mystery, on the Web or in games.


Community Contributor
You can actually remember back when you were 3 years old? I have difficulty remembering anything before my grade school years, though there are early bits & pieces floating around in my mind that I can't put a timeline to.
I probably have a dozen or so memories from ages 2 to 4. My earliest memory was when I was 2 and my mother and I were walking to a community swimming pool. I'm not 100 percent sure I was 2, but I think that's when we lived there. I also had a big Styrofoam T-Rex model I remember playing with. And, humorously, I remember telling my dad that the neighbor kid had punched me, and he told me to punch him back, and the next day the kid came to the door and I immediately slugged him. That wasn't quite the "fight back" spirit of Dad's advice.
May 11, 2022
"A" story? Heavens, we've got lots of them! And I'm the one to bring up the ones about me the most.
Obviously we are all different, but I never think about the past. I just think that it doesn't exist anymore.
I just concentrate on now and the next few weeks. Maybe that's why I have no memory of my early life.
May 11, 2022
No I haven't. I used to watch tv and a lot of films, but gaming sort of took over. The whole passive observer switched to active protagonist idea. I think RD2 for example is cinematically as good as westerns.

Random> when I stop for a coffee, or whatever I like to switch RD2 to cinematic mode(I think it's called) where you can watch Authur riding through landscape like he's in a western film, plus change the camera angles.

Course all hell breaks out if Authur runs into a rogue gang, and I have to spit my coffee out and grab the gamepad.

Or in WD's Legion, get in a car, set it to auto and choose a location, then sit back and watch it like a film.

The living in the moment is probably another Zen influence.


Community Contributor
I don't know what was wrong with me the other day. Naturally these board and finance meetings are virtual. I don't mind this at all. I just don't want to leave the house.

Several people on the board are questioning the letters idea given the cost of printing and mailing thousands of letters each month. I'd already come up with the perfect, gender neutral idea....

edit: I may have been one of the members questioning the letters lol

Things are not going the way the Director thought. We may not being doing the letters, and I told her that, no, I would not be Events Director and suggested that was probably best done by her, herself.

edit: That's not me being lazy. That's one of her primary responsibilities. She's getting paid to do this and to write grants.
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May 11, 2022
Can I just say how great the Web is. It is it's 32nd birthday this year for release into the world outside CERN. Released to research institutions in Jan 1991 and to general use in Aug 1991.

But just having access to so much information instantly, access to all media incl games, educational in that you can study online or just watch a TED talk, communicate freely, shop with access to a massive selection, etc etc I think it must be classed high among Humans greatest achievements.

Just being online expands our minds and what we are capable of. I actually wonder if being connected our neural networks almost mirror it's content across the interface.

We can travel virtually to other countries, art galleries, etc and organise our whole lives with ease.

Just recently I've had some bother from the local council. They have a legal team and took me to court. But I got access to a free solicitor online, took his advice and actually the judge agreed with me. I even found a source that offered to pay any costs I might have incurred. This week again the council were trying to impose on me, a few minutes online and I know my rights and stopped them quoting several laws and acts. It's just so empowering.

Happy 32nd Birthday.:)


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Casey Hudson, Mark Darrah, Christian Dailey, and now Mac Hudson resigns from Bioware; it seems like the only news that we've gotten out of Bioware these past couple years is about veteran developers resigning.
Dragon Age 4 just lost its veteran production director | PC Gamer

I have serious doubts now about ever seeing/playing another single player Dragon Age or Mass Effect game. I just don't see how game development on DA4 can continue cohesively after losing a production director of Mac Walters experience. It's a sad state of affairs over at EA/Bioware (which we've discussed in several posts), and it doesn't appear to be getting any better.
Casey Hudson, Mark Darrah, Christian Dailey, and now Mac Hudson resigns from Bioware; it seems like the only news that we've gotten out of Bioware these past couple years is about veteran developers resigning.
Dragon Age 4 just lost its veteran production director | PC Gamer

I have serious doubts now about ever seeing/playing another single player Dragon Age or Mass Effect game. I just don't see how game development on DA4 can continue cohesively after losing a production director of Mac Walters experience. It's a sad state of affairs over at EA/Bioware (which we've discussed in several posts), and it doesn't appear to be getting any better.

Honestly, I won't be sad if I never get to play another Mass Effect game, as long as a new IP eventually comes to do something similar. The Mass Effect universe is great, don't get me wrong, but I don't need it to be milked for content, I'm happy with what we already got out of it.

The fact I haven't even gotten around to playing Mass Effect: Andromeda only proves that point.
May 11, 2022
Glad to see I'm not the only one who likes playing with a gamepad.
Which do you prefer? I had a G13 Logitech until the keys started giving up one by one. But this Razer Tartarus V2 is good, sharp on the controls and easy on the hand.

I even do some exercises using some 1.5 kg weights so I don't get the carpal tunnel blues.


Community Contributor
As long as Bioware is an EA company it's going to do nothing but go downhill until it is finally shut down by EA.

You stupid apes. This is an off-topic thread. Please move random game talk to the random game talk thread :ROFLMAO:

Oops, sorry. I just watched a video talking about Planet of the Apes.

I'm being such a nice and normal person right now. My mother-in-laws psychopath German shepherd died, and I'm being compassionate and all that stuff when what I really want to do is rip my shirt off and dance around the house.
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May 11, 2022
I'm being such a nice and normal person right now. My mother-in-laws psychopath German shepherd died, and I'm being compassionate and all that stuff when what I really want to do is rip my shirt off and dance around the house.
Lovely Image. Remember to wipe that invoice for rodenticide.

Just hope she doesn't get a male hating tiger next.

That's something I find strange. The amount of previously wild animals that Americans seem to keep as pets or in private zoos.
Which do you prefer? I had a G13 Logitech until the keys started giving up one by one. But this Razer Tartarus V2 is good, sharp on the controls and easy on the hand.

I even do some exercises using some 1.5 kg weights so I don't get the carpal tunnel blues.
The latest Xbox controllers are my favorite. But I don't have them hooked up to PC. For PC, I use this one here. It feels about as good as an Xbox controller, and it comes with the wireless dongle. Plus, it's rechargeable with USB-C, which is one upgrade from the Xbox controllers that still use AAA.

[Mod edit: shortened link.]
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Community Contributor
I don't believe that a tiger raised as a pet would be any more vicious than this German shepherd. When we went to her house for Christmas, I was carrying a gun. I had to keep facing the dog and eventually back into the house as it growled, barked and frothed at the mouth. It didn't do this to everyone, just me and one other son-in-law. That son-in-law refused to go to her house anymore after being chased back into his car.


So the charity's board isn't exactly an all-star board, as you may have expected since I was on it. Heck, I didn't even know the meetings were on Teams until this morning when I checked my email. But the board is made up of the small pool of volunteers, as is the Finance Committee. We ended up leaving the notes idea to her to decide, but they hardly have any money in the budget, so unless we get better at fund raising or grant writing, it's going to be hard to justify. I feel guilty not accepting the Events Chair. She ended up giving it to someone else, anyway, but that seems like more stress than I'm wanting to endure right now. For the last event they had to change caterers 3 times and practically begged the last one to help on short notice.
I don't believe that a tiger raised as a pet would be any more vicious than this German shepherd. When we went to her house for Christmas, I was carrying a gun. I had to keep facing the dog and eventually back into the house as it growled, barked and frothed at the mouth. It didn't do this to everyone, just me and one other son-in-law. That son-in-law refused to go to her house anymore after being chased back into his car.
I used to have a friend who had a German shepherd that would rip the arm off of anyone, except the owner. They can be pretty scary.
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May 11, 2022
The latest Xbox controllers are my favorite. But I don't have them hooked up to PC. For PC, I use this one here. It feels about as good as an Xbox controller, and it comes with the wireless dongle. Plus, it's rechargeable with USB-C, which is one upgrade from the Xbox controllers that still use AAA.

[Mod edit: shortened link.]
I think we're having a slight nomenclature issue. I would call that a controller and I do have a Steam controller for certain games.

What I use for general gaming seems to be called a keypad, although I find that slightly confusing as well and call it a gamepad. It's just basically a mini programmable ergonomic keyboard and there are some interestingly designed ones available.
May 11, 2022
I don't believe that a tiger raised as a pet would be any more vicious than this German shepherd. When we went to her house for Christmas, I was carrying a gun. I had to keep facing the dog and eventually back into the house as it growled, barked and frothed at the mouth. It didn't do this to everyone, just me and one other son-in-law. That son-in-law refused to go to her house anymore after being chased back into his car.

Yes it's obvious what the issue was there. That was the psychodrama of Hitchcock's The Birds, only in that case the mother was jealous and anxious about losing her son to Tippi Hedren's character and that manifested itself as angry aggressive birds.

You would have probably have had to apply some canine psychology, get down on all fours and in wolf pack style show it who was boss. Another lovely image:)
May 11, 2022
My cousin had a German shepherd many years ago called Alf, because he was A Little.. Friendly guy. He used to be a dog handler in the army though, so it was well trained. I love dogs me, much better than cats :p.

I was thinking this forum often seems like a general advice forum, so you(with advice from your cousin) could have steered ZedClampet right.

It's strange you do sometimes hear people say, 'this dog/cat doesn't like a certain gender' and of course that could be because of the animal's previous owner, or it could be an extension of the present owners feelings.

I visited my sister one time and she was looking after this stroppy cat, and warned me it didn't like men. It was pissing in strange places and just weird.

So I did show it who was boss. I simply in front of it ate an apple, but with my teeth showing and forcefully like a dominant animal. My sister couldn't believe it, when the cat next entered the room it came and sat on my lap. Another myth busted.
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Cats are bastards regardless of gender. I'm kidding I like most animals, just happened to grow up with dogs in the family.

In other doggy news, my sister is really into dog psychology and training, so make of this what you will but she believes it.

Obviously doesnt apply to mogs, I'll keep an apple handy in that case.
It's strange you do sometimes hear people say, 'this dog/cat doesn't like a certain gender' and of course that could be because of the animal's previous owner, or it could be an extension of the present owners feelings.

We have a rescue dog from Spain and it's pretty obvious he was probably hit with a stick by a large Spanish man, as he reacts quite strongly to both sticks and large men with dark hair.

I prefer cats myself, they take a lot less work and are nicer to pet.


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