Behind the Horizon - new RPG / Farming / Nature Simulation

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Jun 19, 2020

Hello Community,

the time has come: The new DLC - Behind the Horizon "The Sky Fortress" is available for everyone today!

In addition to a large patch, which is accessible to all players for free and adds new exciting content such as jumping, the DLC will tell the main story to the end in another 4 chapters (50++ game hours). This completes the epic triology.

In addition, as always, there are many new mechnanics, new NPCs, two combat companions that can also be trained and used in the main game, new recipes, new plants and much more.

Click here to go to the shop page, where you can see all the new features in detail and of course also buy the DLC :) ! Even if you haven't finished the DLC "The Desert" yet, or are still at the very beginning, "The Sky Fortress" is worthwhile, as there is also a lot of additional content for the main game.

You can also watch the trailer for the DLC here:


Enjoy the game and if you like it, please write a review on Steam :) ! For suggestions and problems there is the community area!

Jun 19, 2020

Hello Community,

Behind the Horizon now has 2 big story DLCs and also in terms of optimisation and simplification a lot has happened in the last few months.

As the big autumn sales are currently taking place, I wanted to draw your attention to my game once again :) !

- If you want a farm game that doesn't do all the thinking for you and is instead based on a world-spanning nature simulation that challenges you..
- If you are tired of the fact that playing games today often means pressing buttons that are displayed in the right order on the screen..
- If you enjoy designing a farm completely freely and utilising the diverse mechanisms offered by the nature simulation...
- If you like games that offer you an interesting story instead of grinding...
- If you like role-playing games in which you can develop in a wide variety of ways..
- If you love exciting battles in the style of the old Diablos games...
- If you would rather play in a large, 100% hand-crafted world than in an infinite number of worlds created by algorithms that are meaningless and boring..
- If the scope of the story in the game of around 100 hours of gameplay excites you..
- And finally: If you want to support a real 100% solo developer, without any publisher :) ..

...then Behind the Horizon is the game for you!

You can find out more here:
Jun 19, 2020

Update V3.2 - "Seasons Events" is now online!

Thanks to a significant extension of my scripting language for cutscenes, it is now possible to interact with the game within the cutscenes.

The update adds 4 thematically different auctions to the game, which are organised by different NPCs and where you can bid on different items every year. So you can get yourself a bargain :) !

In the next content updates, further events will follow that utilise the new possibilities.
Jun 19, 2020

Behind the Horizon LIVE

On the occasion of the Steam Festival for farming games, I have decided to broadcast some live streams for you, in which I play my game and thus give you a better overall impression of the gameplay.

There will be at least five live stream events in total and each one will be about an hour long. Some will have a bit of commentary, but the main point is to show the game as it is.

Here is the overview of the times (Central Europe Time) and the topic:

Monday 29.4: ---
Tuesday 30.4 -> 8pm Farm life and questing in the early game (after the tutorial)
Wednesday 1.5 -> 7 pm Excursions to the mines with everything that goes with it
Thursday 2.5 ---
Friday 3.5 -> 7 pm Farm life and quests in the middle game (chapter 3)
Saturday 4.5 -> 8 pm Excursions to the caves in the late game with boss fight (chapter 4)
Sunday 5.5 -> 7 pm start New Game (tutorial) in survival mode with German commentary

You can either watch the broadcast on the game's store page:
or in the community area:
Jun 19, 2020

Update V3.4 - The Monster Hell


In this update, the game gets a new quest line including an extensive cave system called "The Monster Hell", which is suited for players in the last third of the main game. The fights in it are and should be very challenging and the whole area is for players who love such challenges. I have created 6 new unique bosses for the Monster Hell.
There are exciting rewards for those who make it through, but everything is optional and not required for the main story. You have to try different strategies for the battles and each of the caves is different. There is no option to save or teleport in the caves. Above all, you should ensure that you always have high resistance values and other buffs active.

You don´t have Behind the Horizon yet? Here you can buy it:
Jun 19, 2020

Spring update for Behind the Horizon

It's almost time again! In a few weeks the new version V3.6 will be released on Steam and it will be a big update. Actually almost a DLC in terms of content ... and completely free for you :) !

Besides the usual balancing and small changes in the gameplay, there will be new NPCs, new quests, new buildings in Woodhome, new plants and a new spell.

I'm already looking forward to presenting the update to you.
The release will be between the end of February and the beginning of March, just before the next Steam Sale event. If you don't have the game or the DLCs yet, you can buy everything together with a discount :) !
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Jun 19, 2020

The new update V3.6 is finally online and it has become really extensive !

Here you can have a look at everything:


There are two new questlines and new cutscenes centred around the construction of two new buildings in Woodhome. The new buildings are two museums one for gems and one for farming for the community in Woodhome. There are numerous great rewards for completing the collections. Contact person is Eugenia after the initial cutscene with Nira and Tom after the Museum of Agriculture was opened.

A gypsy family regularly visits Woodhome and sets up their stand in front of Tiffany's café. They offer goods that cannot be bought anywhere else. However, the selection and quantity is limited and varies with each visit. The contact person for the introductory quest is Tiffany after you have had breakfast with her.

Introduction of two new crafting stations. The first is the cheese press and the second is the loom. Both are used to process animal products. There are also numerous new recipes and plans. The construction plans for the crafting stations are available from Till the carpenter and Alfed and Magda.

Algae are making their way into Behind the Horizon. Algae can be planted and harvested, but they also grow wild and share the ponds with the fish. Recipes for food with algae have also been added.

The beehive has been added to the game. Placed near blooming flowers, it collects honey on its own, which only needs to be harvested.

3 new harvesting tools have been added. The magic harvesting basket, the magic harvesting sickle and the seaweed net. The first two are rewards in the museums, while the seaweed net can be bought from Alfred and Magda.

Salt has been added as a raw material for some new recipes. Salt can be found from time to time in stone deposits. There is also a crystal salt mine somewhere north of Woodhome that is waiting to be discovered.

The textures of all paths in the game have been greatly improved and now blend in much better with the landscape. Some plant growth cycles have also been embellished.
When building paths, only paths that can be laid and that harmonize with each other in terms of colour are now built next to each other. Otherwise, they have an border between them, which makes the transition visually more beautiful.

Farm plants and ground cover plants that consistently grow without a deficiency now have the chance to produce more or return seeds more often. It is therefore worth making sure that all plants lack nothing!

The player chests now have 10 instead of 5 different colours, which can be selected in the chests menu. In addition, the appearance of the chest has been changed.
All existing hardwood chests in the game score are converted to normal wooden chests when the update is started and the colour is reset.
The former hardwood chest becomes a transparent chest, which is considerably larger and, in addition to the 10 different colours, displays the first item in the chest on the chest. The blueprint for this chest is given to the player directly by Wilfried in the tutorial for a new game. For current games, the blueprint is in the kitchen of the farm.
I hope that these measures will lead to a really organised storage system for all items in the game.
The farm overview (CTRL) has been completely redesigned and, like the plant info on the farm, can now also be activated and deactivated directly in the quick bar using two new buttons.

A new element spell called Fire Magnet has been added. You can buy the formulas from Niall in his shop. The fire magnet draws all monsters in the environment that have no shock resistance to a point and burns them.

All changes are listed below in the patch notes. Additionally in the ‘Updates 3.xx’ section of the in game manual you will find all the information about the Update.

Have fun!

I'm impressed by how much you've improved and added to this game since you first started posting here.

I saw that you used to have a demo for this game, whatever happened to that?

Also, for your information, the term Gypsy is considered an ethnic slur by most Romani communities.


Community Contributor
I'm impressed by how much you've improved and added to this game since you first started posting here.

I saw that you used to have a demo for this game, whatever happened to that?

Also, for your information, the term Gypsy is considered an ethnic slur by most Romani communities.
The small part of America I live in now doesn't consider ethnicity when they talk about Gypsies. Basically anyone who lives in a nomadic community is a Gypsy, which includes a lot of Hispanic migrant worker groups who work the large farms around here.

It's not that they don't know better. It's just how the language evolved here. I've even heard one person describe a caravan of Romani people as "real Gypsies" to separate them from all the other people being called Gypsies.

As it's used here, I would describe it as more of a romantic word than an ethnic slur, but it's not the same in other places and definitely not in the northeast and west coast where it would absolutely be an ethnic slur, or at least come with serious negative connotations.
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Jun 19, 2020
Behind the Horizon has really come a long way by now and who knows where it will take me :) !?
I had created the demo for, but as I realised that it's hardly worth marketing such an extensive game there, I gave up the demo. On Steam you can also return a game if you play it for less than 2 hours and that's almost like a demo, isn't it!

About the gypsies: I didn't know that and since English is not my native language, it's sometimes difficult to find the right words ;-) ! However, the term also seems to be understood differently as I see. I don't think anyone in my game will think I mean it in a derogatory way!?
Behind the Horizon has really come a long way by now and who knows where it will take me :) !?
I had created the demo for, but as I realised that it's hardly worth marketing such an extensive game there, I gave up the demo. On Steam you can also return a game if you play it for less than 2 hours and that's almost like a demo, isn't it!

Do you think that playing the game for 1.5 hours is enough time to get a good impression of the game?

About the gypsies: I didn't know that and since English is not my native language, it's sometimes difficult to find the right words ;-) ! However, the term also seems to be understood differently as I see. I don't think anyone in my game will think I mean it in a derogatory way!?

Do note that the same counts for the German word Zigeuner as well.
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Community Contributor
Bought the game.

I highly suggest making a trailer in English. I would go so far as to put it first in the row of videos and screenshots so that it plays automatically when you go to the page. There are just so many people who speak English.

It's so hard to get noticed on Steam these days, you don't want to give all those people a reason to just immediately go to the next game.
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