Beautiful Game Appreciation

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Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun & games



I thought we were over this whole "no coat" thing!?


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Question: So I'm a bit older than most gamers, so this thing of uploading screenshots/photos to an image hosting site, to have a URL for the image to post here, is rather new to me.

As I understand it, I need to upload photos/screenshots to a site like Imgur or Flickr, copy the image's URL, then paste that in my post? Is that the correct procedure? If it isn't let me know, if it is, which image hosting site would you recommend?
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Community Contributor
@mainer - I use a newish upstart website that caters to PC Gamers: :) (Don't worry about giving a file any key words. There's no way to search on them.)

I love waterfalls - especially ones with rainbows and/or treasure chests behind them. Shadow of the Tomb Raider has a LOT of waterfalls!


Three, plus a tiny bit of rainbow

Just two, but they're nice

Same two but more sun

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Jan 14, 2020
I hope over the next gen developers start experimenting with better anti-aliasing solutions that don't simply boil down to 'slap some TAA on it and call it a day'. Now that foliage is so richly detailed and dense and sharply defined edges are becoming less and less prevalent, we really need the industry to make strides in this department.
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Jan 14, 2020
Quite possibly! It's not a jab at Tomb Raider specifically, of course, but at AAA games in general. Games like Dark Souls 3 and Destiny 2 suffer terribly from the same effect. They're completely let down by their terrible or non-existent AA implementations and I think it's mildly distracting. It's a blemish on what's otherwise often a fairly perfect presentation, SotTR in particular.
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Community Contributor
Yeah, I've noticed it as well - especially in Jedi: Fallen Order. TR3 might have ways to deal with it that I just didn't bother with, though, because of the 3D thing going on.

Speaking of - this game actually has a special place for me because I played it as NVIDIA was ending their support for 3D Vision. The end game of TR3 ended up gelling nicely with those feelings so I've got a little series of screenshots for them. It is the end game, though, so I'll keep them hidden in a spoiler section.

It was the End Times. NVIDIA's interest in 3D Vision had been waning ever more and, 10 years after it's introduction, they announced that the next driver update would not support 3D Vision at all. Worse yet, the next major Windows update would not work without the driver update. One doesn't need to update drivers or Windows immediately but eventually.... The signs in the heavens were unmistakable. These were the end times for The Vision.

Tomb Raider, a great champion of 3D Vision, and Lara Croft, the goddess of popout, didn't take the news well. "Don't take my 3D Vision away!! I'll do anything!!"

A strange woman appeared. "Anything? Would you do anything to keep stereoscopic gaming alive?"


"Very well. Then put this headdress on and sleep on this stone bed. The price will be high, though. Higher even than that of the fabled Pixel Collider. You are sure?"

Lara answered by putting on the headdress and lying down. After a few seconds, the price was revealed!

"NNNO...." But it was too late. The willing-except-for-the-last-second-or-so sacrifice had been made. The age of Virtual Reality had begun!
(Actually, the Shader Gods cast a spell of Hackum Muche upon the drivers to let us keep going for a few more years but, once you go to the 3000+ series, your 3D glasses are just souvenirs.)
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