Venatus semper
For any of those interested in the upcoming Palace of Ice DLC for Solasta, Tactical Adventures posted new information on some of the features, including high level spells. It's quite lengthy, but might be of interest.

Solasta: Crown of the Magister - Solasta: Palace of Ice - Taking a look at Level 13+ - Steam News
Hiya folks! How is everyone doing? We're getting ever closer to the release of our next DLC Palace of Ice, for which we'll be announcing the release date pretty soon! While we wait a little more, what say you to some additional information on what's to come? But before that... A cat?! It's been...
The reason Prey jumped out at me from my back log, was because of a recent extra life article in PCG magazine (May 2023, US Edition) by Rick Lane: Prey By Proxy (Surviving Talos 1 without killing any Typhon). It really sparked my interest in playing. It's been sitting in my backlog for years after having picked it up on some sale, don't really know why I haven't tried it yet.If you care about achievements, ME3, before it becomes impossible to get achievements. Otherwise, Prey - that game was so fun! Grossest way to upgrade powers ever devised, but being able to transform into a coffee cup is really fun. It's a shame Arkane decided to go a different direction after it finished.