recreating my dream house, which happens to be the home my aunt and uncle owned
Oh that's pretty neat

Fallingwater to mind—there's a future project for you.
Far Cry 6
In the middle of an occasional work project at the moment, so sticking with a no-learn option… and I'm curious how play on Hard—known in-game as Guerrilla if I recall correctly—will go, as in will it be more enjoyable, or differently enjoyable. If it's not, I'll drop it.
I mentioned 1-2 weeks ago I couldn't start a new game. Issue was the 3 save slots were occupied, once I deleted one of 'em all was well. I still have the annoying KB problems I detailed before, where game minimizes to Taskbar when using certain keys in certain ways.
Still had to go thru the annoying intro sequence, which is basically just running around the city for ~15 minutes. Good news is almost all cut scenes are skippable, thanks for that Ubi.
Tactics changes for Hard
Got shredded a couple of times on the opening island, so can't just dance around as freely as in Normal. The tactic of sending Guapo—my croc Amigo—to attack someone on the W side while I sneak in on the E side is proving successful. Baddies are easier to pick off when they've all been decoyed to the same direction—much reduced flanking danger.
I may just stick with Guapo and ignore the other Amigos. Guapo has the huge trait of reviving himself back to 90% health a couple of minutes after being killed. The Wicked Chicken is the most fun Amigo, but has an annoying Space Invaders melee to get him… so I'll probably let him RIP—roost in peace.
One thing I don't like is now there are no enemy indicators on the mini map, that's making things slower as more thorough scouting and more defensible positions are now essential.
Putting the Basics in place
This time when landing on the main island, I didn't follow the mission guide to meet Philly because that takes quite a while and doesn't give any FT—Fast Travel—point early on, which is a pain if I need to quit the game. Instead I used my pre-knowledge of the map and landed near the closest enemy base and captured it, and then worked up to Philly.
That got me to Meet the Monteros, which allowed me to build my first 2 camps—the essential Hideout Network and the desirable Guerrilla Garrison. So now I have the wingsuit, the first bunch of FTs, and I was able to buy the KSG—Kill Soldado Guys?—which is the best shotgun. I have the MS 16S AR for now, and saving up for the best MS 16L which is also available to buy. That'll leave only the RAT4 purchase to complete my ideal loadout.
Priority objectives for now are to kill the anti-aircraft sites—so I can use wingsuit over more of the map—and capture road checkpoints, which also provide FTs. That should provide a good base for going after enemy bases and whatever story missions I feel like doing.